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Vital Signs

What is the normal core temperature? 99 degrees F or 37.2 degrees C
What is the normal oral temperature? Range? 98.6 F or 37 C. 35.8-37.3 C or 96.4-99.1 F.
How much higher is the rectal temperature than the oral? .4-.5 C higher or .7-1 F higher
There is a diurnal cycle of__________ 1 to 1.5 F. Trough early morning, peak late afternoon.
Progesterone secretion (at ovulation) causes a ___________. 0.5-1 F rise in temp.
There is normally wider variations of temperature in kids and infants because_____________. They have less effective heat control mechanisms.
Blue tips are for__________. Oral route.
Red tips are for __________. Rectal route.
What is the most accurate route to take temperature? Rectal route.
Temporal route in kids misses fever in _______ of kids 6-36 months old. 30%
Insert rectal tip only ________ directed towards ___________. 2-3 cm/1 in; umbilicus
Tympanic membrane temperature shares vascular supply with ________. Read for ___________. It has ___________ with many settings. hypothalamus; 2-3 seconds; fallen out of favor
Temporal artery temperature is taken______________. It is __________ than TMTs. by sliding across the forehead and behind ear for 6 seconds; more accurate
104 F=_________ 98.6 F=________ 95 F=__________ 40 C 37 C 35 C
You count the pulse for _____________. 30 seconds and multiply by 2 when rhythms are normal.
Normal rate= 60-100 bpm
More rapid HR in ______ and slower in ________. Females are ______ after puberty. childrens; elderly. faster HR than males
Bradycardia <50 bpm
Tachycardia >95 or 100 bpm; occurs with fever,sepsis,pneumonia, MI, and pancreatitis
Sinus arrhythmia heart rate varies with respiratory cycle: speeds ups with inspiration and slows with exhalation
Force of pulse is recorded on a __________. 3 point scale
Count respirations for ________________. Don't mention you are counting respirations. 30 seconds and multiply by 2, count full minute if abnormal.
Pulse rate to respiratory rate 4:1
Kids and infants have _____________ respirations. More rapid
Systolic pressure= maximum pressure felt during left ventricular contraction
Diastolic pressure= pressure of elastic recoil /resting pressure between contractions
Mean arterial pressure (MAP)= pressure forcing blood into the tissues averaged over the cardiac cycle
After puberty, females have a ________________ BP than males, and a __________ BP than males after menopause. Lower, higher
African-Americans BP is normally _____________than Caucasians. higher
Obese people have a _____________ BP. higher
Verify BP in both arms when ___________, but only one arm when ______________. admitting or is first complete physical exam; screening/monitoring
You need to take BP with a _____________ and at _______________. Bare arm; heart level
Over heart level causes __________ BP, and under heart level causes _____________ BP. lower; higher
Center BP cuff _______ above brachial artery. 1 in
A difference above 10-15 mm Hg between BP of each arm can indicate_____________. an arterial obstruction on the side with a lower reading
Auscultatory gap Silence for 30-40 mm Hg during deflation, common with hypertension
Add _______________ mm Hg after artery pulsation has stopped. Helps to miss ____________. 20-30 mm Hg; auscultatory gap
Korotkoff Sounds 1,2,3,4,5 *survive before you die 1- tapping; soft clear tapping increasing w/ intensity (systolic) 2- swooshing; softer murmur follows tapping 3- knocking; crisp high pitched sounds 4- abrupt muffling; sound mutes to a low-pitched, cushioned murmur 5-silence (diastolic)
Take serial measurements of BP and pulse when ______________. 1- suspect volume depletion 2- known hypertension 3- person reports fainting
When BP excessively high on arm, compare with ____________ to check for ______________. Normally ___________ is higher than ___________. If not then _____________. thigh BP; coarctation of the aorta. thigh pressure; arm pressure. blood supply to the thigh is below constriction
Infant vital sign order Adult vital sign order respiration, pulse temp temp, pulse, respirations
Created by: kylie.bain99
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