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Lindsey Jones 3A1
Lindsey Jones 3A1 Therapeutics : Improving Ventilation
Question | Answer |
What is improving Ventilation refers to? | It is helping pts. To improve their breathing in general. |
What is Optimal Breathing Pattern & they are used on what kind of patients? | They used on consious pts. It is to inspires slowly &deeply. Pause @ the top of inspiration for 1-3secs. Exhales slowly & passively 4.Totally relaxes b/w breaths. This pattern is suitable for all breathing situations-IPPB, SMI,Mech. Ventilation etc. |
IPPB used on what patients? | It is used for unconsious patients. |
What are the 6 reasons(Indications) to use IPPB? | 1. Decrease WOB. 2.Correct/Prevent ATELECTASIS 3. Mobilize secretions & Improve cough effectiveness. 4.Provide Bronchodilation 5.Deliver Medications 6. Treat/Prevent Pulmonary Edema |
What are the 3 reasons NOT to use(Contra Indications) of IPPB? | 1. Untreated Pneumothorax 2. Active TB 3. Current Pulmonary hemorrhage |
What are the hazards of IPPB? | 1. Pneumothorax 2. Gastric Distensions 3. Increased Air trapping(COPD & Severe asthma pts.) 4.Excessive elimination of CO2 which causes dizziness. 5.Decrease Venous return & decreased Cardiac output. |
What is the other name of Incentive Spirometry (IS)? | Sustained Maximal Inspiration (SMI) |
What is the procedure for incentive Spirometry? | 1. The IS is to motivate a pt. to effectively perform the procedure Maneuver. It is done hourly 8-10breaths each time. Pt. is instructed to inhale not exhale. Document date, time & volume not duration of treatment. |
What are the 3 reasons(indications) to Use Incentive Spirometry? | 1. Prevent ATELECTASIS (only in consious pts.) 2. help post-operative pts. Achieve their pre-operative values. 3. Helpful in preventing post-operative pulmonary complications. |
When should a pt. do Incentive Spirometry? | to obtain a baseline-value Before surgery. Baseline value is used as a goal after surgery. Initial post operation goal should be around 1/2 of Pre-operative Baseline Value. If pt. not close to goal -lower to something achievable. Once achieved raise goal. |
What are the 2 types of Spirometers? | 1. Flow-oriented 2. volume-Oriented |
What is one disadvantage of an electrical SMI device? | It requires new batteries if not functioning properly. |