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Lindsey Jones 3C4
Lindsey Jones 3C4 - Therapeutics- Sleeping Test
Question | Answer |
What is Cardio Pulmonary Stress Testing? | Tests the function of the heart & the lungs when a stress is placed on them. Also known as Exercise Tolerance testing. It involves walking on a tread mill while heart and ventilation is monitored. |
What are the Measurements associated with the Cardio Pulmonary Stress Testing? | 1. ABG- measured before&after to assess ventilation& Oxygenation pH should decrease 2.ECG -check HR, Rhythm & signs of stress 3. Pulmonary function- FVC,FEV1 4.Lactic acid & BP - go up w/ exercise 5. Vd/Vt ratio should decrease as ventilation increases |
What is the maximum heart rate identified in a Cardio Pulmonary Stress Testing? | It can be used to identify appropriate exercise and cardiac stress level for home exercise program. Target HR-max. of 75%. |
What is Sleep Testing for Sleep Apnea? | It measures various indicators during sleep to identify the presence of sleep apnea and determined it is nature, if nature is obstructive or central. |
What is the other name for Sleep Apnea Testing? | Polysomnography |
What are the sypmtoms of sleep Apnea? | 1. Pt. Snores @ night. 2. Able to sleep @ any time day or night. 3. Pt. describes own sleep patterns as good. 4. Pt. feel sleepy during the day. 5. Multiple urination times during the night. |
How do you monitor Sleep Apnea? | 1.Ventilation- thru Nasal air flow device.2. ECG 3.Pulse oximeter -measure SaO2 4. Inductive Plethysmography -bands around chest to detect chest movement. 5. time table- all above monitors are recorded on same time-associated graph so correlations is seen |
How do you interpret sleep apnea from the data monitored? | 1. if decrease in nasal airflow & decrease in respiratory effort(chest movement) is observed, then problem is CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA. 2. if decrease in nasal airflow & increase in respiratory effort is observed, then problem is Obstructive SLEEP APNEA. |
What are the treatments for the sleep Apnea? | 1. Continous positive Airway pressure (CPAP) during sleep- Nasal/full-face CPAP/BIPAP. 2.Be sure to send pt. home w/ treatment.- machine, mask &educational materials. |
What are Some of the supportive therapy that includes Sleep Apnea | 1. Obstructive Apnea- Weight Loss, Surgical resection of soft tissue in the upper airway & Bypass upper airway w/ Tracheostomy. 2. Central Apnea- Administer respiratory stimulants (Dorpram for adults, Aminophylline for infants). |