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What is Pulmonary Rehabilitation? What are the 6 types that helps the patient in a Pulmonary Rehab.?
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What are the 2 types in Pulmonary Rehabilitation that improves ventilation?
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Lindsey Jones 3C5

Lindsey Jones 3C5 - Therapeutics- Pulmonary Rehabilitation

What is Pulmonary Rehabilitation? What are the 6 types that helps the patient in a Pulmonary Rehab.? 1. Increase quality of life thru altering(not omitting) the daily activities of their daily living(ADL). 2. Minimizes symptoms 3. 6 types are 1. Improve Ventilation 2. Improve Airway Clearance. 3. Nutrition 4. Medication 5. Exercise 6. Patient Education.
What are the 2 types in Pulmonary Rehabilitation that improves ventilation? 1. Diaphragmatic breathing technique. 2. Pursed-lip breathing technique.
In Pulmonary Rehab. How does diaphragmatic breathing technique improves ventilation? 1. Most efficient way of breathing 2. Low amount of energy & O2 require to perform 3. Abdomen should expand(rise) each inspiration 4. help tone & condition the muscle related to diaphragmatic breathing.
In Pulmonary Rehab. How does Pursed-Lip breathing technique improves ventilation? 1. Exhale thru pursed-lips 2. Creates a back pressure on the airway 3. Open up small airways&prevent air trapping 4.less air trapping leads to increased Vt. 5 Increased Vt leads to better coughing & airway clearance 6.Helps keep alveoli open & expanded.
What are the 4 types in Pulmonary Rehabilitation that improves Airway Clearance? 1. General coughing Technique 2. Huff coughing 3. Serial Coughing 4. Multiple coughing
In Pulmonary Rehab. What are the General Coughing Technique that improves Airway Clearance? 1. Deep inhalation 2. Glottic closure 3. Explosive Exhalation. 4. Relax between efforts 5. Avoid coughing too much - avoid fatigue, etc.
In Pulmonary Rehab. What are the Huff Coughing Technique that improves Airway Clearance? 1.Done without closing the glottis. 2. Rapid succession of forceful exhalations.
In Pulmonary Rehab.What are the Serial Coughing Technique that improves Airway Clearance? Multiple coughs starting with small VT & gradually increasing
In Pulmonary Rehab. What are the Multiple Coughing Technique that improves Airway Clearance? Multiple coughs on a single exhalation.
What is the Nutrition that a Pulmonary Rehab. Patient need? 1. Eat smaller meals 2. Low Carbohydrates intake (increase CO2 production) 3. Increase protein & fat and lipid intake. 4. Adequate fluid intake - Watch weight gain or loss & Monitor sputum thickness.
What are the medication given to Pulmonary Rehab Patient? 1. Pay attention to improvement w/ regards to doses & intervals. 2. Educate on various drugs their importance & nature.
What are the exercises needed for a Pulmonary Rehab Patient? 1. Instruct on limits. 2. TEACH walking, Stair Climbing, Breathing exercise, self monitoring techniques.
How do you educate a pulmonary rehab pt./family? 1.Include family in education. - 2.TEACH family methods of social& emotional support 3.Accomplishing ADLs 4.Determining food nutrition from labels & other resources. 5. Importance of controlling environment-cleanliness.
What are the goals of a pulmonary rehabilitation? 1. Maintain ADLs 2.Decrease frequency of infections & hospitalizations. 3. Improve breathing efficiency. 4. Produce the work of Heart. 5. Maintain appropriate weight & nutritional intake. 6. Generally increase pts. Quality of life from their point of view
What are NOT the goals of pulmonary rehabilitation? 1. Cure /reverse lung disease. 2. Obtain normal ABG. 3. Accomplish normal PFT values. 4. Return pt. to normal life.
What are some of the exercise consideration a pulmonary rehab pt. must take? 1. Testing-Determine patients limits & abilities during walk 2. Monitoring- HR,SaO2,RR,ECG,BP&complaint of joint discomfort 3. General Principles- maintain exercise program for 6 weeks to prove effectiveness 4. Upper &Lower-body exercise.
What is Home care all about? Home Care is mostly related to pulmonary rehab. Since it is the goal of pulmonary rehab. To return the pt. to a state where they can perform many of the ADLs on their own. Home Care is Largely about of Educating.
What are the 2 types to intialize a Home Care Program? 1. Inspect & Evaluate the living environment. 2. Maintain a regimen
How do you inspect & evaluate the living environment in a Home Care planning. 1. Pt. safety -Inspect electrical outlets. 2. Infection control-Adequate Hygeine &Clean resp. equipment 3. Medications- How & when to use. & teach O2 conserving options. 4.Irritants-no smoking,no pets,use whole-house humidifiers.
How do you maintained a regimen in a Home Care Planning? 1. help patient create daily schedule of ADLs 2. Teach pt. how to modify schedule as needed according to daily health. 3. Ensure understanding the importance & expectations of exercise program.
What is a mode of Transport for Respiratory Patient? 1. 0-80 miles use Ambulance. 2. 80-150 miles use Helicopter. 3. Greater than 150 miles-use fixed wing aircraft.
What are the equipments needed for respiratory patients transport? 1. use portable light weight ventilators , pneumatically powered. 2. Ensure adequate gas pressure for entire trip. 3. If volumes & pressure fall, check tank pressure.
Created by: johnfaar
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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