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Digestive System*

Problems of Ingestion,Digestion,Absorption,and Elimination

The Digestive System Is responsible for breaking down food into nutrients.
Mouth chewing & mixing with saliva.
Esophagus Transport food peristalsis (contraction of the muscle).
Stomach further breakdown by gastric juices containing hydrochloric acid.
Small Intestine duodenum(1foot),jejunum(8-10ft)& ileum(12ft) all secreting digestive juices.
Pancreas secrets enzymes & regulates blood sugar.
Liver(RUQ) secretes bile,via the common bile duct,to the duodenum where fats are digested.
Gallbladder (attached to the liver)-where bile is stored.
Large Instestine 5ft including the ascending,transverse,descending & rectum.
Colon absorbs water & electrolytes.
Important Lab values - GI Total Protein,Albumin,Pre-Albumin,Total Bilirubin.
Total Protein Normal Value:6.4-8.3 Low levels may be caused by poor nutrition,liver disease,burns,Crohn's disease,or diabetes.Low Level S/S-can cause swelling in the feet and hands.
Albumin Normal Value:3.5-5 is a component of body proteins.Low levels may indicate that the pt has had malnutrition for a long time and may be caused by a lack of protein in their diet,liver failure,renal disease,or DM.
Pre-Albumin Normal Value:15-36 Used to monitor nutrition in pts scheduled for surgery,pts receiving TPN or PPN,or pts on hemdialysis.Low levels are an early indication of protein deficiency.
Total Bilirubin Normal Value:0.3-1.0 is the breakdown of old red blood cells.High levels may be caused by liver disease,billary obstruction,mononucleosis,low exposure to the sun,or hemolytic anemia.
Liver Function Tests(LFT) ALT(ALanine aminoTransferase),AST(ASpartate aminoTransferase),ALP(Alkaline Phosphate)
ALT(ALanine aminoTransferase) Normal Value:4-36 High levels may be caused by monoucleosis,ETOH abuse,liver damage,kidney infection,MI,or chemical pollutants.
AST(ASpartate aminoTransferase) Normal Value:0-35 Enzyme primarily found in the liver,heart,kidney,pancreas,and muscles.High levels may indicate liver disease or tissue damage to the heart.
ALP(Alkaline Phosphate) Normal Value:30-120 High levels may be caused by liver disease,sepsis,chronic inflammatory activity(bone disease) or thyrotoxicosis.
Anorexia "I don't want to eat". N.Dx-Risk for Imbalanced Nutrition! Tx & N. Interventions-NG Tube Enteral Feedings!
Nausea (Subjective)-"I feel like I'm going to puke".
Emesis "I puked". Tx & N.Interventions-IV fluids,NG Tube to suction!
Flatulence "I have gas".
Constipation "I can't poop".
Diarrhea "I'm pooping water". 3Types:Osmotic,Secretory,Motility
Osmotic H2O is drawn into bowel,large volume diarrhea.
Secretory mucus fluid,large volume {w/E-coli & C-diff following antibiotic therapy}or small volume {w/Crohs's}.
Motility food not mixed properly,increased motility.
Abdominal Pain "My belly hurts".
GI Bleed Lower GI:"My poop is black & tarry"(Melena),CA,polyps or hemorrhoids. Upper GI:"coffee grounds"(stomach acid)or Frank Red Blood{bright red}from varices in esophagus or ulcers.
Ascites "My bell is full of fluid".
Jaundice "I'm yellow".
Altered GI Function Inflammation,Mal-absortption:Failure of the chemical processes of digestion.Nutritional Excess or Deficit-Obesity or Starvation.Neoplasm:Cancers,polyps or obsturctions.Ascites:Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
Altered GI Function Cont'd Jaundice:Deposit of Bilirubin in skin.
Stomatitis inflammation of the mouth.Causes:ulcers,infection,chemo or thrush.Assessment:pain,redness,ulcers& inflammation.N.Dx:Acute Pain,Potential for Altered Nutrition,Altered Mucus Membranes.
The Esophagus Swallowed food is moved into the stomach via paristalsis.LES:Lower Esophageal Sphincter(also called Cardiac Sphincter).A rind of smooth muscle fibers at the junction of the esophagus and stomach.
Disorders of the Esophagus Dysphagia:Difficulty Swallowing.Causes:obstruction,impaired mobility,diverrticular herniations,CVA or Parkinson's Disease.Esophageal Diverticulum:Outpunching of esophagus which becomes inflamed & infected.
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Regulation of chyme{Kim}(stomach or intestinal contents)may occur anytime after eating.S/S:HEARTBURN,acid regurgitation,dysphagia,chronic cough,UPPER ABDOMINAL PAIN W/IN 1 HOUR AFTER EATING!May be a trigger for asthma.
GERD cont'd Symptoms worsen if lying down or wearing tight clothes around abdomen.Esophagus may become eroded or fibrosed.Lower Esophageal Sphincter usually keeps the gate closed.GERD pts have weak gate.Reflux occurs with bending & moving.Esophagitis develops.
GERD Cont'd Delayed Emptying:Longer time for reflux to occur.Acid production increased.DX:EGD & UGI barium swallow.Post-op EGD:Assess for the return of the Gag Reflex!
GERD Cont'd TX:antacids,weight reduction,medications to improve emptying & coat ulcers,teach pt to sleep w/HOB elevated 6-8 inches!
Hernias the muscle weakens & the intestine protrudes through the muscle wall.Types of Hernias:Umbilical:in the abdomen.Inguinal:usually from lifting heavy objects.Hiatal:when the stomach protrudes into the diaphragm causing indigestion & heartburn.
Hernias Cont'd Sometimes hernias can be pushed back in but,it is out of a nurses scope of practice.
Hiatal Hernia Is due to a Protrusion of the upper part of the stomach above the diaphragm.Hiatal hernias may contribute to GERD.The upper stomach actually protrudes onto the thorax.S/S:pain caused by a reflux,eating high fat diet.
Hiatal Hernia Cont'd S/S:laying flat(recumbent position)after eating,indigestion from irritating foods!DX:UGI(x-rays w/contrast).TX:teach pt to eat small frequent bland meals,antacids & histamine receptor antagonist medications,elevate HOB after meals and when sleeping.
Hiatal Hernia Cont'd Tx:similar to GERD & surgery as a last resort!
"SIR" Hernia Strangulated:blood suply is cut off,emergency surgery situation. Incarcerated:hernia is trapped outside peritoneal cavity. Reducible:hernia moves back into peritoneal cavity.
Hemorrhoids swollen vascular tissue in the rectal area.Cause:strainging with chronic constipation.TX:increase fiber in diet,increase fluids and surgery.
Constipation can cause intestinal obstruction.Common cause:narcotics.TX:Stool softeners,short term laxative use,increase fiber in diet,increase fluid & increase activity level.Chronic use of laxatives impairs natural bowel tone.
Cancer of the Esophagus Associated with chronic reflux,smoking & ETOH. S/S:First sign:pt c/o of dysphagia!Late sign:pt c/o chest pain,pain on swallowing,fatigue,& weight loss.TX:surgical resection & chemotherapy.
The Stomach stores food,secretes digestive juices,mixes it up & moves it along.Pyloric Sphincter:relaxes as food exits stomach.Gastrin:stimulates secretion of HCl acid & Pepsinogen(pepsin).Mucosal Barrier protects the stomach lining.
Gastritis Acute Gastritis:inflammation of the gastric mucosa of the stomach.Cause:H-Pylori bacteria,drugs,ETOH,or the stomach is not secreting enough mucus to protect stomach lining.Diagnostic Test:UGI,EGD with biopsy to assess for H-Pylori.
Gastritis Cont'd Chronic Gastritis:seen more often in the elderly contributing to pernicious anemia due to the lack of intrinsic factor necessary for absorption of vitamin B12.
Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) Ulceration in the protective mucosal lining of the lower ESOPHAGUS,STOMACH OR DUODENUM!Risk factors:H-Pylori infection,smoking,ETOH & NSAID's(Asprin)use.S/S:pain,burning,bleeding,sometimes frequent eating will decrease symptoms.
Peptic Ulcer Disease Cont'd Dx Tests:EGD,Stool may test positive for blood.Stress Ulcers:Ulcers develop due to physiological stress.Ex:Severe illness,trauma & burns. Causing ischemia & tissue acidosis.S/S:painless GI bleeding.
Peptic Ulcer Disease Cont'd Gastric Ulcers(stomach):seen more often in middle age,affects men & women equally,NSAID use,H-Pulori common cause,acid production is not increased.
Peptic Ulcer Disease Cont'd Duodenal Ulcers(duodenum):more common type,seen more often in men,H-Pylori common cause,acid production is increased.Pain 2-3hrs after eating & Pain is relieved by food or antacids.Hemorrhage may be first symptom.
Gastric Vs. Duodenal Duodenal S/S:When I eat food I feel better. Gastric S/S:When I eat food it hurts more. Duodenal S/S:I always hurt at night. Gastric S/S:Constant problem(no remissions). Duodenal S/S:Over secretion of acid Heartburn!
Peptic Ulcers Cont'd TX:Medications-sulcrafate(coats),H2 receptor blockers,proton pump inhibitors{Prilosec},vagal suppression with anticholinergic drugs(Atropine),Antacids-Tums(Calcium Carbonate)!Triple therapy for H-Pylori:antibiotic,Pepto Bismal & H2 antagonists.
Peptic Ulcers Cont'd TX:Possible surgery(Gastrectomy):to remove portion of the stomach if bleeding continues.
Dumping Syndrome Complication of Gastrectomy:(rapid emptying),after eating there is not enough time to absorb nutrients.N.Interventions:No fluids w/meals!AVOID HIGH CARBS & FIBER.Ex:potatoes,sugars,bread,and other starches!
Dumping Syndrome Cont'd N.Interventions:Avoid ibuprofen(Motrin),instruct pt to use Tylenol for pain.
Dumping Syndrome Cont'd Occurs 15-30 min. after eating,Epigastric Fullness,Weakness,Dizziness,vertigo,Diaphoresis,Tachycardia,Abdominal Cramping,Self-Limiting
CA of the Stomach Associated w/genetics,carcinogenic foods(smoked,nitrates),gastritis,polyps,H-pylori & low fiber diets.S/S:often asymptomatic until late in course,then non-specific,indigestion,anorexia,weight loss,vomiting& abdominal mass.
CA of the Stomach Cont'd TX:Surgery,radiation & chemo,palliative care only.
The Small Intestines (5 meters long>20ft).3 parts(duodenum,jejunum,ileum).Chyme enters duodenum,hormones are secreted & pancreatic & biliary juices are added.Absorption of nutrients!
The Large Intestines (1.5 meters long). Cecum,appendix & colon(ascending,transverse,descending,&sigmoid).Reabsorption of water & the formation of stool!
"Irritable" Bowel Disease (IBD) Dx Criteria:Variable combination of chronic & CONSTIPATION for more that 3 months,more than 25% of the time.
"Irritable" Bowel Disease (IBD) cont'd TX:stress mgmt,increase fiber in diet,antispasmodics & avoid caffeine.
Crohn's Disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease:lesions can occur anywhere in the colon or small intestine & usually involves more of the GI tract.Dx:H & P,colonoscopy w/biopsy,barium enema,stool cultures & CT scans.
Crohn's Disease cont'd S/S:abdominal pain,fever,depression,STEATORREA(FATTY STOOL),NOT USUALLY MORE THEN 4-5 STOOLS A DAY OF NON-BLOODY DIARRHEA!TX: NO CURE!,anti-inflammatory drugs,steroid,antibitics & surgery,teach fiber-controlled diet.
Crohn's Disease cont'd IF HOSPITALIZED: TPN,treat complications such as anemia & infection.Monitor for development of Colon Cancer.
Ulcerative Colitis (Inflammatory Bowel Disease):Ulcerations of the colon.S/S:15-20 BLOODY STOOLS A DAY.TX:COLON RESECTION,temporary ILEOSTOMY(to allow rectum & colon rest UNTIL CURED)CORTICOSTEROIDS,ANTIBIOTICS,ELECTROLYTE REPLACEMENT,TPN&high fiber calorie/low residue diet
Ulcerative Colitis cont'd Risk for Colon CA. N. Interventions:APPLY NG TUBE TO SUCTION-to prevent/decrease abdominal distention!ASSESS STOMA:stoma should be Rose to brick red in color! N.Dx: Imbalanced Nutrition,Powerlessness.
Infectious Colitis Causes:bacteria or viral. Clostridium difficile(c-diff):Associated with antibiotic therapy,allows overgrowth of C-diff.S/S:diarrhea & abdominal cramping.DX:stool specimen + for C-difficile toxin.Tx:antibiotics(oral Flagyl or IV Vancomycin).
Infectious Colitis cont'd E.Coli(fast food epidemics):Contaminated dairy or cattle or foods that have come in contact w/them.S/S:Abdominal cramping,bloody diarrhea 3-7days.
Infectious Colitis cont'd Toxins Cause Complications:Acute Renal Failure in Children,5-10%Mortality Rate.Antibiotics do not help & may worsen diarrhea.TX:Symptomatic management.
Diverticular Disease Outpunching of colon wall,which becomes inflamed & infected,more common in sigmoid colon.Seen in elderly & tose with refined diets.S/S:pain,change in bowel elimination,possible perforation->may become inflammed->diverticulitis.Dx:colonoscopy
Diverticular Disease Cont'd Tx:increase dietary fiber,antibiotics & surgical resection.
Diverticulosis a condition of the colon in which pouches are formed & stool gets stuck in these pouches.Causes:low residue(fiber)diet.
Diverticulitis inflammation of the colon.Dx:colonoscopy.TX:stool softeners & antibiotics,if perforation colostomy is perforned. N.Interventions:post-op-NPO,increase to bland low residue(fiber)diet.
Diverticulitis Preventive Interventions:high residue(fiber)diet(oatmeal,spinach,whole grains,plant fiber,apricots,asparagus & beans).
Appendicitis Most common abdominal surgical emergency.Inflammation of the appendix which may proceed to rupture.Cause:may be blocked with feces.Dx tests:ultrasound,x-ray,CT or laparotomy.
Appendicitis Cont'd. S/S:ACUTE PAIN RLQ,rebound tenderness nausea,low grade fever,bowel sounds are absent & WBC (LEUKOCYTES)ELEVATED! TX:appendectomy,usually an emergency.
Appendicitis Cont'd. N.Interventions:NPO,ice packs to abdomen,(NEVER apply heat!),no narcotics,start IV 18-20gage!Complication:rupture and feces spills out into the abdominal cavity CAUSING PERITONITIS which can be fatal!
Appendicitis Cont'd. Peak incidence 10-12 years.Begins as dull,steady pain in periumbilical area.Progresses over 4-6hrs & localizes to RLQ.Low grade fever,nausea,anorexia,sudden pain relief may indicate rupture of appenix(Leads to peritonitis).
Appendicitis Cont'd. Diagnosis:clinical signs and symptoms,Increased WBC Abdominal Sonogram,Exploratory Lap,Rebound pain or tenderness(RLQ)at McBurney's Point.
Peritonitis INFLAMMATION OF THE PERITONEUM(membrane that lines the abdominal cavity & covers the organs). Leading cause of death post-abdomina surgery.CAUSES:RUPTURED APPENDIX,perforated bowel or Crohn's Disease.
Peritonitis Cont'd. TX:surgical intervention,NPO,NG to suction,fluid & electrolyte replacement,antibiotics & narcotics.
Peritonitis Cont'd. Tx: irrigation drains,if BS become absent,very dangerous!
Peritonitis "HOT BELLY" S/S:fever,N/V,Anorexia,"Board-Like"Abdomen,Abd distention & rigidity.Increased WBC,Increased pulse,Increased BP,dehydration,pain,decreased bowel sounds,rebound tenderness.Dx:x-ray,cbc.
Peritonitis "HOT BELLY" Risk Factors:Abdominal Surgery,Ectopic Pregnancy,Perforation:Trauma,Ulcer,Appendix Rupture,Diverticulum.Nursing Care:IVs&Electrolyte Balance & GI Distention,decrease infection process,prevent complications:Immobility,pulmonary,fluid balance.
Intestinal Obstructions Intussusception,Hernia,Volvulus,Tumor.
Intussusception telescoping of bowel in childern(currant-jelly stools)accounts for 80-90% of intestinal obstruction in infants.
Hernia intestine protrudes through weak abdominal muscle.
Volvulus twisting of bowel happens in 5-10% of obstructions.
Tumor adenocarcinoma is most common.
Paralytic Illeus Intestinal Obstruction:a neurogenic or muscular impairment.Post-op pts:can occur in small or large intestine.CAUSES:tumor,fecal impaction,hernias,adhesions or Hx of Crohs's disease.Anything that impedes flow causes serious systemic consequences.
Paralytic Illeus Cont'd. Dx: barium enema or UGI.S/S:pain,abdominal distention,vomiting,sweating,N/V(sometimes stool is in the vomit),hypotension,acid-base disturbances.
Paralytic Illeus Cont'd. Tx:identify site & cause of obstruction,replace fluids & electrolytes,NG tube to suction,non-narcotics(narcotics slow down the digestive system),surgery for strangulation(volvulus)&complete obstruction!
Bowel Obstruction Mechanical Blockage or Paralytic Illeus,Higher the obstruction the quicker the symptoms.May turm malodorous w/fecal smell.Vomiting,Hypovolemia,Electrolytes,abd distention,Constipation w/failure to pass flatus.
Bowel Obstruction Cont'd. Bowel Sounds: Increased to silent,high pitched at first,then go silent.
Malabsorption Syndrome INTERFERENCE WITH NUTRIENT ABSORPTION:PANCREATIC INSUFFICIENCY-caused by pancreatits & pancreatic CA.Most common symptom:steatorrhea.
Malabsorption Syndrome Cont'd. Lactase Deficiency:congenital defect,but may not be evident until adulthood.S/S:bloating &cramping on intake of milk products.TX:lactose free diet.
Malabsorption Syndrome Cont'd. Bile Deficiency:deficient absorption of fat soluble vitamins,decreased motility as manifested by steatorrhea.Surical removal of portions of stomach or intestine may also lead to malabsorption.
The Liver Blood flow:hepatic artery & portal vein. LIVER JOB DESCRIPTION:Glcucose metabolism&regulation,Ammonia conversion,protein &fat metabolism,vitamin & iron storage,medication metabolism&detoxification,bile formation&bilirubin excretion.
The Liver Cont'd. Produce heparin,prothrombin or fibrogen!
Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver. CAUSES:a virus,Hep A,B,or C,bacteria,drugs or alcohol.All can cause permant damage to the liver.
Hepatitis of the Liver Hepatitis A(fecal-oral) Hepatitis B(blood-borne) Hepatitis C(blood-borne) Regeneration of tissue possible.
Hep A caused by fecal contaminatin of food& water.
Hep B&C transmitted through blood.
Hep B frequently spread through sexual contact & from mother to infant at birth.Hep B vaccine recommended at birth & to sexually active teens.
Hep C rarely spread through sexual contact. No vaccine for Hep C.
Viral Hepatitis S/S:depend on stage,abnormal Liver Functoin Tests(LFT's)AST&ALT,pt may be asymptomatic,fatigue,N/V,ANOREXIA,fever,liver enlargement & tenderness(stage1),jaundice & hyperbilirubinemia(stage2).Tx:symptomatic,rest,low fat,high carb diet & antivirals.
Viral Hepatitis Cont'd. N. Interventions:Teach pt to prevent transmission,Monitor for fluid & Electrolytes!Teach Vaccinations-three shots over several months!
Hep A Transmission mode:Food & water.Incubation:2-6wks.Carrier Status:no.Vaccine:yes.
Hep B Transmission mode:Blood & body fluids.Incubation:2-6months.Carrier Status:yes.Vaccine:yes.
Hep C Transmission mode:Blood & body fluids.Incubation:6-12wks.Carrier Status:yes.Vaccine:no.
Cirrhosis changes in the liver,a thickening of the tissue.Patho:irreversible destruction of the liver,a cascade of fatty infiltation & necrosis,liver fibrosis,scarring & loss of function.
Cirrhosis Cont'd. CAUSES:alcoholism accounts for most of the cases,chronic hepatits,CA & obstruction.Women are more prone to ETOH abuse related cirrhosis.
Cirrhosis Cont'd. Dx:Needle liver biopsy. N. Interventions:Assess platelet count,Pt & INR prior to procedure! Monitor for S/S of bleeding after proceducre,q15 min*2,then q30min *4 then qhr*4!
Cirrhosis Cont'd. DANGER: Increased pulse,Increased BP & Increased Respirations!
Cirrhosis Cont'd. S/S:enlarged liver,abnormal Liver Function Tests(LFT's),fatigue,wt loss,jaundice,ascites,malnutrition,hypoglycemia,ascites,clotting disorders(because the liver is not able to produce prothrombin or fibrogen).
Cirrhosis Cont'd. No cure for Cirrhosis.TX:Aldactone(potssium sparing diuretic)to decreaese ascites & Lactose to increase BM's to decrease Ammonia level in blood.N.Dx:Fluid volume Excess.Complications:HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY,PORTAL HYPERTENSION.
HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY (brain),confusion,lethargy and coma.
PORTAL HYPERTENSION distention of the esophageal veins resulting in ESOPHAGEAL VARICES!
PORTAL HYPERTENSION Abnormally High Blood Pressuce in the portal venous system caused by obstruction of blood flow.Complications:Esophageal Varicies:varices can rupture causing hemorrhage,death.Splenomegaly & Ascites,Hepatic Encephalopathy:toxins circulate to the brain.
PORTAL HYPERTENSION Poor prognosis.TX:vasopressors,surgical shunts & liver transplant.
Esophageal Varicies When a vein or artery in the sophagus becomes weak,or ulcerated & bleeds.Can be Fatal!Common in pts w/Cirrhosis of the Liver.TX:EGD(Esophagogastroduo-denoscopu)(emergency)use balloon pressure to stop bleeding,shunt placement.
Esophageal Varicies Cont'd. Medication:(Sandostation),or Carafate liquid to coat esophagus,avoid aspirin,Motrin & anticoagulants.
Esophageal Varicies Cont'd. Assessment:Hx of liver disease,alcohol use,nausea,vomiting blood,occult blood in stool,Melena(black tarry stools)&jaundice.N.Dx:(think bleeding)Fluid Volume Deficit r/t bleeding or vomiting.Anxiety r/t possible death.
Oral CA Cuase:chewing tobacco.S/S:sore throat,a sore in mouth that wont heal.TX:removal of CA w/surrounding lymph nodes,possible trach &GT feeding. N.DX:Fear
Colorectal Cancer More than 61,000 deaths per year in the U.S..Third most common site of fatal CA.Risk Factors:family Hx of colon CA,Ulcerative Colitis,polyps & over 50 years of age.
Colorectal Cancer S/S:pain,palpable mass in LRQ,anemia,bloody stool & changes in bowel habits.Symptoms often do not occur until disease is advanced.
Colorectal Cancer Dx:barium enema,colonoscopy w/biopsy,elevations of CEA(Carcinoembryonic Antigen),stool + for blood.TX:surgery,NPO until BS return,then high residue(fiber) low fat diet,radiation & chemo.High fibe diet helps in prevention.
Colorectal Cancer American Cancer Society:Recommends men and women over 40 to have digital rectal exam annually.Pts over 50 to have annual stool test for occult blood & a colonoscopy every 3 to 5years.
Liver Cancer very rare.Risks:Hx of cirrhosis and/or Hep B. Uncommon Primary site,rare in U.S. Common site of metastasis.Far advanced at detection.TX:surgical resection & chemo.Survival time from DX 3-4months.5year survival only 1%.
The Gallbladder pear shaped organ.Stores and concentrates bile! Cholecystitis:inflammation of the cases gallstones are present.
Cholelithiasis Gallstones(lime Stones),in the gallbladder or common bile duct causing cholecystitis.S/S:THE 5F'S:Female,Fat,Forty,Family Hx,&Flatulence,clay colored stools,N/V,RUQ abdominal pain,fever,leukocytosis(increased WBC)&fat intolerance.
Appendix is in the: Gallbladder is in the: RLQ RUQ
Cholelithiasis Dx:ultrasound,H&P,oral cholecystogram to outline stones,IV cholangiography,endoscopic,or percutaneous cholangiography.TX:surgical removal of gallbladder(cholecystectomy),but usually done w/laparoscopic surgery(four small incisions endoscope used).
Cholelithiasis If a cholecystectomy is needed the surgeon may use large incision.T-tube or JP(Jackson Pratt)may be left in place after surgery to allow bile to drain from the common bile duct!
Cancer of the Gallbladder found in 2% of people with biliary tract diagnosis.S/S:resemble cholecystitis.Highly associated with gallstone irritation.5year survival rate 3% Tx:Surgery.
Disorders of the Pancreas PANCREAS-EXOCRINE RESPONSIBILITIES:AMYLASE:breaks down carbs.LIPASE:breaks down fats.TRYPSIN:breaks down proteins.Disorders are often associated w/ETOH,bilary obstructon,peptic ulcers,trauma,hyperlipidemia &drugs.
Acute Pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas.S/S:abdominal pain-->may become severe,fever,leukocytosis,& N&V.
Acute Pancreatitis Exact patho unknown but thought to be leakage of enzymes causing autodigestion & pancreatic inflammation or toxic substance absorbed into the systemic circulation,can cause ARDS & SHOCK.Hypovolemia & Hypotension may result in Life Threatening Emergency.
Acute Pancreatitis DX:Elevate Amylase & Lipase,abdominal pain & distentsion,fever,leukocytosis,N/V & increased blood sugar.TX:fluid & blood administration,bowel rest(NPO),pain relief,meds to reduce acid production in gut & antibiotics.
Chronic Pancreatitis Highly associated with ETOH abuse.Fibrosis,strictures,inflammation of pancreas & loss of function are common.
Chronic Pancreatitis S/S:abdominal pain,pain intensifies after meals,steatorrhea,elevated amylase & lipase.Increased risk of pancreatic CA & IDDM. TX:stop ETOH use,surgery for symptomatic TX.
Cancer of the Pancreas 4th highest cause of cancer deaths.Mortality nearly 100%.Symptoms develop late in disease,hypoglycemia,vague back pain,jaundice,malabsorption, & weight loss. TX: Whipple procedure or total pancreatectomy.
Healthy Lifestyles Diet:moderate levels of protein & fat & High fiber!Reduce processed foods.Exercise,Plenty of fluids,Complete screening exams,follow-up on symptoms.
The Abdomen Largest cavity in the body.
Major Organs of the Abdomen Esophagus,RUQ:Liver,gallbladder,duodenum,head of the pancreas,R kidney,transvers/ascending colon.RLQ:cecum,appendix,R ovary,R urter.LUQ:Stomach,spleen,body of pancreas,L kidney,descending colon.LLQ:Large Intestine,Small Intestine.
Assessment of The GI System Medical HX,Nutritional HX:"Are you able to chew & swallow food?"Diet?Wt loss or gain?Psychological HX:depression,alcohol or drug use.Physical Exam:bowel sounds,palpate for tenderness or firmness.Bowel Elimination HX:diarrhea or constipation.
Assessment of The GI System Lab Values:H&H,albumin & electrolytes.
Abdominal Assessment-Auscultation Active:Heard about q 5-20sec.Hyperactive:heard very frequently-diarrhea/dehydrated.Hypoactive:heard less frequently.Post-operative abdominal sx.Colon may take 3-5days to resume functioning after sx.
Abdominal Assessment-Auscultation Absent-EMERGENCY:listen for 3-5 minutes each quad. Peritonitis,Paralytic Ileus.Vascular Sounds:bruits(blowing,swooshing sound).Use firmer pressure,assess aorta,renal arteries,iliac & femoral arteries,especially in pts w/HTN.May indiate restricted flow.
Abdominal Assessment-Auscultation Vascular Sounds:Pronounced sound might indicate aneurysm.
Special Procedures Ascites:assess for fluid wave(ETOH abuse).Appendicitis-asses for rebound tenderness.Signs of inflammation and/or Infection:Guarding-tensing of abdominal muscle.Rebound tenderness-pain experienced on release of palpation.
Created by: LauraHall
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