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MT7 Words&Pic US

MedTemcp7 Words &Pic Urinary System

Nitrogen Waste products that are realsed into the bloodstream.
Nitrogenous waste Containe urea, creatinine, and uric acid, which the urinary system removes from the blood so that they do not accumulate and becp,e harmful.
Urine Composed of water, salts, and acids.
Electrolytes Contain small molecules that comduct electrical charge.
Sodium An electrolyte regulated in the blood and urine by the kidneys.
Potassium An elecolyte important to body processes.
Ertyhropoietin A hormone that simulates red blood cell production in bone marrow.
Cortex Bark or the outside of the kidney.
Hilum A depression on the and an inner medulla region.
Medulla Marrow or inside the kidneys.
Urter one of two muscukar tubes that are 16 to 18 inhes long that are lined with mucous membrane that carry urine in peristaltic waves from the kineys to the urinary bladder.
Urinary bladder A hooloe, muscular sac in the pelvic cavity, that temporary reservoir for urine.
Trigone A trainagular region at the base of the bladder where the ureters enter and urethra exits.
Urethra A membranoous tube that carries urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body.
Voiding Expelling.
Urination or micturition The process of voiding urine through the urethra
Urinary meatus The external opening of the urethra. Female uretha:1 1/2 in. Male urethra: 8 in.
Renal arteries Blood vessel that carries blood to the kidney.
Arterioles the smallest arteries that are located thoroughout the cortex of the kidney.
Renin An enzymatic hormone sythesized, stored, and secrted by the kidney that raises blood pressure by influencing vasoconstriction.
Vasoconstriction Narrowing of blood vessels.
Capillaries Each areriole leads into a mass of very tiny, coliled, and interwined small blood vessles.
Glomerulus The collectotion of capillaries, shaped to from of a tinny ball.
Filtaration The blood passes through the many glomeruli, into the glomerulus that permit water, salts, sugar and urea to leave the bloodstream.
Urea Major nitrogenous waste product excerted in urine.
Creatinine Waste produc of muscle meatabolism that is a nitrogenous waste excreted in the urine.
Uric acid A nitrogenous waste excreted in the urine.
Creatinine clearance A measure of the efficency of the kidney in removing creatinine form the blood.
Bowman capsule Surrounds each glomerulus that prevent large substances form filltering into the bowman capsule.
Renal tubulue Attached to each Bowman capsule, that is long a twisted tubule that exities urine.
Remal reabsorption The return of the sugar, water and salts.
Secretion The final process of fromation of urine and secretes acids, protassium and drugs explled in the urine.
Nephron The combination of a glomerulus and renal tubule is a unit.
Renal pelvis A basin-like area in the centrak part of the kidney.
Calyces or calices(singular:calyx or calix0 Small cup-like regions of the renal pelvis.
Urter Carries urine to the urinary bladder.
Urteha Are muclular rings do not permit urine to leave the bladder until the bladder fills up and pressure increases at the base of the bladder, then it relaxes and urinates.
Cortical Pertaing to the cortex
Erythropoietin A hormone secreted by the kidiney to stimulate the production of red blood cells by bone marrow.
Medullary Pretaing to the medulla.
Micturition Urination; the act of voiding.
Renal tubule A micoscopic tube in the kiney in which urine is fromed after filtration and reabsorbed.
Renal vein Blood vessels that carries blood away from the kidney and toward the heart.
Created by: Yugipie
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