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MedTemCp7 Diseases/Tests/Conditions

Diseases/*Test/+Contditon Meaning
Acute cysitis Mucosa of the bladder is red and swollen. Can happen in sexual intercourse known as hineymoon cystitis or after surgical procedures and urinary catherization.
Hydronephrosis A stone or obstruction in the proximal part of urter causeing excess gluid in the kidney.
Hydroureter A stone in distal part of the urter causeing hydronephrosis but smaller flow of urine.
`Ideal condult After cystectomy, the urologic surgeon forms a pouch from a segment of the ileum, used in pace of the bladder to carry urine from the ureters out of the body
Stricture An abnormal narrowing of an opening or passageway.
Urinary tract infection A bacteria in the urine are cultured and then tested with antibotics to determjne which antibotic will inhibit growth.
Stress incontinence Occurs with strain on the bladder opening during coughing or sneezing
Urgency incontinence Occurs with inability to hold back urination when felling the urge to void.
*Urinalysis (*UL) An examination of urine to determine the presence of abdormal elements that may indicate various pathologic condtions. They test for color, apperance, pH, protein, glucose, specific gravity, ketone bodies, Sedimen & casts, Phenylketonuria, and billrubin
*UL: Color Normal urine color should be yellow. If it colorless and pale=large amount of water in urine. If it smokey-red or brown color=large armounts of blood in urine.
*UL: Apperance Normal urine should be clear. If it turbid=urinary tract infection with pyuria and bacteriuria in urine.
Tubid cloudy
Pyuria pus
Bacteriuria bacteria in urine
*UL: pH Revels the chemical nature of urine, normaly its slightly acdic of 6.5.
Acidic or alkaline basic
*UL: Protein Nomanly urine will have small amounts of protein.
Albuim Major protein in blood plasma.
*Albuminuria The detection of albuim
Microalbuminuria The earlist sign of renal involvement in diabetes mellitus.
*UL: Gluose Sugar is not normally found in urine.
Glycosuria Sugar that is found in urine.
Diabetes mellitus Exessive sugar in bloodstream which leads to the spilling over of sugar into the urine.
*UL:Specific gravity The gravity of urine that has the amounts of wastes, minerals, and solids in the urine.
*UL:Ketone bodies Ketone or acetone are breakdown products resulting from increased delivary of free fatty acids to the liver, and from catabolish of fatty acids.
Acidosis acidity of the blood.
*UL:Phenylketonuria Substances that accumulate in the urine of infants born lacking of important enzyme pheneylalanine to another amino acids. This caues phenlketonuria. To provent the disease the infent is fed a low protien diet that remains until adulthood.
*UL: Bilirubin The pigment substance, which results from hemoglobin breakdown that produce a darker appearance in urine.
+Glpmerulonephritis Inflammation of the kidney glomerulus.
+Interstitial nephritis Inflamation of the renal interstitium.
~Renal intersitium Connective tissue that lies between the renal tubules.
+Nephrolithiasis Kiney stones also known as renal calculi
Hyperuricemia High levels of uric acid in the blood.
`lithotripsy To crush stones.
Polycystic kidney disease Multiple fluid-filled cysts within and on the kidney.
~Cysts Sacs.
~Asymptomatic Wirhout symptoms.
+Pyelonephritis Inflammation of the renal pelvis and renal medulla
+abscesses Collections of pus.
+Renal cell carcinoma or hypernephroma Cancerous tumor of the kidey in adulthood
+Renal failure Failure of the kidney to excrete wastes and maintain its filtration function
Chronic kidney disease Stages patients according to the level of creatinine clearance, raging from normal stage 1 to end-stage renal fialure; stage 5.
+Renal hypertension High blood pressure resulting from kidney disease.
+Secondary hypertension High blood pressure caused by abnormal condition.
+Essential hypertension Unknown cause of high blood pressure.
+Willms tumor Maligant tumor of the kodneu ocurring in childhood.
+Bladder cancer Mailgnant tumor of the urinary bladder.
+Diabetes insipidus Inadequate secretion or resistance of the kidney to the action of antidiurttic hormomne.
Diabetes To pass thriugh.
+Diabetes mellitus Inadequate secretion or improper utilization of insulin
*Blood urea nitrogen Measurement of urea levels in blood.
+Creatinine clearance Measures the rate at whic creatone is cleared from the blood by the kidney.
X-CT scam X-ray images showing a detaoled cross-sectional view of organs and tissures.
X-Kiddeneys, urters, and bladder scam X-ray wxamination without contrast of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
X-Remal angiogra[hy X-ray examination with contrast of the vascular system of kideny.
~Vasvular system blood vessels.
X-Retro pyelogram X-ray imaging of the kidney, ureters, and bladder after injection of contrast through a urinary catheter into the ureters.
X-Voiding cystourethrogram X-ray record with contrast of the urinary bladder and urethra ovtaoned while the pateint is voiding urine.
X-Ultrasonography Process pf imaging urinary tract structures using high-frequency sound waves.
X-Radioisotope scan Image of kidney after injecting into the bloodstream a radioactive suvstance called radioisotope that concentrates in the kidney.
X-Magientic resonance A magnetic field and radio waves produce images of the kidney and surrounding structures in all three planes of the body.
X-Cystoscopy Direct visual examination of the urinary bladder with an endoscope called cystoscope.
X-Panenndoscope Gives a wide-angle view of the bladder.
X-Dialysis Process of sperating nitogenous waste materials from the bloodstream when the kineys no longer function.
X-Hemodialysis A artifical kidney machine that recieves waste filled blood from the patient's bloodstream, filters it, and returns the dialyzed blood to the patoent's body.
`Arterlovenous fistula Communication between an artery and vein to use in hemidialysis. `
X-Peritoneal dialysis Uses a peritoneal catheter to introdyce flid into the peritoneal cavity.
X-Extracorporeal Uses shock waves directed toward the stone form the outside of the body.
X-Endoscopic method of lithotripsy Uses an endoscope in the ureter and a laser to crush the stone under direct vision.
X-Renal anioplasty Dilation of narrowed areas in renal arteries.
X-Renal biopsy Removal of kidney tissue for microscopic examination by a pathologist.
X-Renal transplantation Surgical transfer of a complete kidney from a donor to a recipient.
X-Urinary catheterization Passage of a flexible, tubular instrument through the urethra into the urinary bladder.
~Foley Catheter An indwelling that is left in the bladder catheter held in place by a balloon inflated with air or liquid.
Created by: Yugipie
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