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MedTemCp7 Diseases/Tests/Conditions
Diseases/*Test/+Contditon | Meaning |
Acute cysitis | Mucosa of the bladder is red and swollen. Can happen in sexual intercourse known as hineymoon cystitis or after surgical procedures and urinary catherization. |
Hydronephrosis | A stone or obstruction in the proximal part of urter causeing excess gluid in the kidney. |
Hydroureter | A stone in distal part of the urter causeing hydronephrosis but smaller flow of urine. |
`Ideal condult | After cystectomy, the urologic surgeon forms a pouch from a segment of the ileum, used in pace of the bladder to carry urine from the ureters out of the body |
Stricture | An abnormal narrowing of an opening or passageway. |
Urinary tract infection | A bacteria in the urine are cultured and then tested with antibotics to determjne which antibotic will inhibit growth. |
Stress incontinence | Occurs with strain on the bladder opening during coughing or sneezing |
Urgency incontinence | Occurs with inability to hold back urination when felling the urge to void. |
*Urinalysis (*UL) | An examination of urine to determine the presence of abdormal elements that may indicate various pathologic condtions. They test for color, apperance, pH, protein, glucose, specific gravity, ketone bodies, Sedimen & casts, Phenylketonuria, and billrubin |
*UL: Color | Normal urine color should be yellow. If it colorless and pale=large amount of water in urine. If it smokey-red or brown color=large armounts of blood in urine. |
*UL: Apperance | Normal urine should be clear. If it turbid=urinary tract infection with pyuria and bacteriuria in urine. |
Tubid | cloudy |
Pyuria | pus |
Bacteriuria | bacteria in urine |
*UL: pH | Revels the chemical nature of urine, normaly its slightly acdic of 6.5. |
Acidic or alkaline | basic |
*UL: Protein | Nomanly urine will have small amounts of protein. |
Albuim | Major protein in blood plasma. |
*Albuminuria | The detection of albuim |
Microalbuminuria | The earlist sign of renal involvement in diabetes mellitus. |
*UL: Gluose | Sugar is not normally found in urine. |
Glycosuria | Sugar that is found in urine. |
Diabetes mellitus | Exessive sugar in bloodstream which leads to the spilling over of sugar into the urine. |
*UL:Specific gravity | The gravity of urine that has the amounts of wastes, minerals, and solids in the urine. |
*UL:Ketone bodies | Ketone or acetone are breakdown products resulting from increased delivary of free fatty acids to the liver, and from catabolish of fatty acids. |
Acidosis | acidity of the blood. |
*UL:Phenylketonuria | Substances that accumulate in the urine of infants born lacking of important enzyme pheneylalanine to another amino acids. This caues phenlketonuria. To provent the disease the infent is fed a low protien diet that remains until adulthood. |
*UL: Bilirubin | The pigment substance, which results from hemoglobin breakdown that produce a darker appearance in urine. |
+Glpmerulonephritis | Inflammation of the kidney glomerulus. |
+Interstitial nephritis | Inflamation of the renal interstitium. |
~Renal intersitium | Connective tissue that lies between the renal tubules. |
+Nephrolithiasis | Kiney stones also known as renal calculi |
Hyperuricemia | High levels of uric acid in the blood. |
`lithotripsy | To crush stones. |
Polycystic kidney disease | Multiple fluid-filled cysts within and on the kidney. |
~Cysts | Sacs. |
~Asymptomatic | Wirhout symptoms. |
+Pyelonephritis | Inflammation of the renal pelvis and renal medulla |
+abscesses | Collections of pus. |
+Renal cell carcinoma or hypernephroma | Cancerous tumor of the kidey in adulthood |
+Renal failure | Failure of the kidney to excrete wastes and maintain its filtration function |
Chronic kidney disease | Stages patients according to the level of creatinine clearance, raging from normal stage 1 to end-stage renal fialure; stage 5. |
+Renal hypertension | High blood pressure resulting from kidney disease. |
+Secondary hypertension | High blood pressure caused by abnormal condition. |
+Essential hypertension | Unknown cause of high blood pressure. |
+Willms tumor | Maligant tumor of the kodneu ocurring in childhood. |
+Bladder cancer | Mailgnant tumor of the urinary bladder. |
+Diabetes insipidus | Inadequate secretion or resistance of the kidney to the action of antidiurttic hormomne. |
Diabetes | To pass thriugh. |
+Diabetes mellitus | Inadequate secretion or improper utilization of insulin |
*Blood urea nitrogen | Measurement of urea levels in blood. |
+Creatinine clearance | Measures the rate at whic creatone is cleared from the blood by the kidney. |
X-CT scam | X-ray images showing a detaoled cross-sectional view of organs and tissures. |
X-Kiddeneys, urters, and bladder scam | X-ray wxamination without contrast of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. |
X-Remal angiogra[hy | X-ray examination with contrast of the vascular system of kideny. |
~Vasvular system | blood vessels. |
X-Retro pyelogram | X-ray imaging of the kidney, ureters, and bladder after injection of contrast through a urinary catheter into the ureters. |
X-Voiding cystourethrogram | X-ray record with contrast of the urinary bladder and urethra ovtaoned while the pateint is voiding urine. |
X-Ultrasonography | Process pf imaging urinary tract structures using high-frequency sound waves. |
X-Radioisotope scan | Image of kidney after injecting into the bloodstream a radioactive suvstance called radioisotope that concentrates in the kidney. |
X-Magientic resonance | A magnetic field and radio waves produce images of the kidney and surrounding structures in all three planes of the body. |
X-Cystoscopy | Direct visual examination of the urinary bladder with an endoscope called cystoscope. |
X-Panenndoscope | Gives a wide-angle view of the bladder. |
X-Dialysis | Process of sperating nitogenous waste materials from the bloodstream when the kineys no longer function. |
X-Hemodialysis | A artifical kidney machine that recieves waste filled blood from the patient's bloodstream, filters it, and returns the dialyzed blood to the patoent's body. |
`Arterlovenous fistula | Communication between an artery and vein to use in hemidialysis. ` |
X-Peritoneal dialysis | Uses a peritoneal catheter to introdyce flid into the peritoneal cavity. |
X-Extracorporeal | Uses shock waves directed toward the stone form the outside of the body. |
X-Endoscopic method of lithotripsy | Uses an endoscope in the ureter and a laser to crush the stone under direct vision. |
X-Renal anioplasty | Dilation of narrowed areas in renal arteries. |
X-Renal biopsy | Removal of kidney tissue for microscopic examination by a pathologist. |
X-Renal transplantation | Surgical transfer of a complete kidney from a donor to a recipient. |
X-Urinary catheterization | Passage of a flexible, tubular instrument through the urethra into the urinary bladder. |
~Foley Catheter | An indwelling that is left in the bladder catheter held in place by a balloon inflated with air or liquid. |