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When did Israel declare its statehood?
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What two groups of people both claim that the land of Isael is rightfully theirs?
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Unit 2B SS7H2a-c

Connally's Unit 2B

When did Israel declare its statehood? 1948
What two groups of people both claim that the land of Isael is rightfully theirs? Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs
What organization first drew the dividing lines of a Palestinian State and Israeli State in 1947? The United Nations
Jewish people experienced a lot of prejudice in both Europe and the Middle East. What is that called? anti-Semitism
The most horrific example of anti-Semitism in Europe is probably the ______________. The Holocaust
What two territories in Israel are now Palestinian territories? West Bank and Gaza Strip
The break up of what empire led to the many of the problems that exist today in the Middle East? Ottoman Empire
When the Jews started a movement for their own homeland in the Middle East, what was it called? Zionism
Why do the Jewish people believe they are entitled to the land of Israel? They believe the land was promised to them by God
After the Ottoman Empire fell, what two European countries divided up the Middle East? Great Britain and France
When the British and French divided the Middle East, they didn't have any regard to _______ and ________ differences of the people who were then forced to live in the same country. ethnic and religious
When war broke out between Palestinians and Israelis after the state of Israel was established, who supported the Israelis? The United States
When war broke out between the Palestinians and Israelis, who supported the Palestinians? All of the other Arab countries in the Middle East
What happened in the 1948 war between Israel and Palestine? Israel gained even more land than they originally had
The break up of what empire led to the many of the problems that exist today in the Middle East? Ottoman Empire
When the Jews started a movement for their own homeland in the Middle East, what was it called? Zionism
Why do the Jewish people believe they are entitled to the land of Israel? They believe the land was promised to them by God
After the Ottoman Empire fell, what two European countries divided up the Middle East? Great Britain and France
When the British and French divided the Middle East, they didn't have any regard to _______ and ________ differences of the people who were then forced to live in the same country. ethnic and religious
When war broke out between Palestinians and Israelis after the state of Israel was established, who supported the Israelis? The United States
When war broke out between the Palestinians and Israelis, who supported the Palestinians? All of the other Arab countries in the Middle East
What happened in the 1948 war between Israel and Palestine? Israel gained even more land than they originally had
Created by: AConnally
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