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Tier 1
Updated Tier 1 Questions
Question | Answer |
What is the FIRST C for job applications? | Concentrated: Fill out applications concentrated to employer directions |
What is the SECOND C for job applications? | Concise: Tailor the applications to the needs of the concise job you are applying for. (Ex: transferable and job specific skills) |
What is the THIRD C for job applications? | Completely: Fill in applications completely; use N/A on non-applicable questions. |
What is the FOURTH C for job applications? | Correct: Use correct grammar to show you can "communicate using written forms" 87% of employers throw out applications with incorrect grammar. |
What is the FIFTH C for job applications? | Conscientious: Don't lie, do what is right; But show that you are capable of producing tangible results for the employer. |
Explain the 1st (of 4) component of a Successful Job Search. | Getting Organized: Organize your Space, Time, and Effort. Useful tools: phone, calendars, info sheets, file organizers. |
Explain the 2nd (of 4)component of a Successful Job Search. | Getting Recognized: through the application process; Use the 5 C's when completing applications to get recognized by employers |
Explain the 3rd (of 4) component of a Successful Job Search. | Getting Heard: through the interview process. Successful interviews have four phases so you can get heard. |
Explain the 4th (of 4) component of a Successful Job Search. | Getting Hired: Stand out by sending a thank you letter to the interviewer after the interview. |
First phase of Interview Process is... | Preparation. Longest phase, Practice Questions, Know travel destination and travel time, Prepare your outfit, don't forget documents. |
Second phase of Interview Process is... | Start. Begins when you leave the house. (Arrive 15 min early to interview) On arrival, turn off phone. 90% of interviewers have a problem with late candidates. 33% make decision NOT TO HIRE within 5 min. |
Third phase of Interview Process is... | Body. This is the actual interview. Relax, Listen, Be Professional, Demonstrate a "Can do" attitude |
Fourth (and last) phase of Interview Process is... | Conclusion (of the interview and after) Ask questions, shake hands, thank the interviewer(s). Send a thank you letter w/in 2 business days |
What is the definition of Assessment? | The act of appraising or getting information. Assessments are the basis of a career plan; these can be formal or informal. Assessments are done all throughout the relationship with customer |
Career Aptitude Tests... | find the best-suited employment based on the candidates' measured interests and actual abilities |
What do the letters for "SMART" Goals stand for? | Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-specific |
Career Development Process: | 1)Assessments 2)Exploring career decisions 3)Establishing a Plan of Action |
In order to change customers have to be: | Wiling to change, Flexible to move outside their comfort zone Creative in their approach Logical in their analysis |
What counts as INformal Assessments? | Observations and casual questions with job seeker (first impressions, communication skills, etc) |
What counts as FORMAL Assessments? | Tests- Computerized or paper-based |
Two major developments in the last quarter of the 20th century that have changed employment are _________ and the __________. | Globalization of commerce and industry AND the expansive growth of technological |
In Retaining a Job, what is the FIRST Principle? | Be prepared. Outfits. Travel time. Schedules. Supplies. Childcare. Note: Arriving late/leaving early are top reasons why employees are terminated. |
In Retaining a Job, what is the SECOND Principle? | Be present at work: Get work done! Have a plan in place for emergencies. |
In Retaining a Job, what is the THIRD Principle? | Like your job. Refrain from complaining, keep a positive attitude. |
In Retaining a Job, what is the FOURTH Principle? | Get along with your Boss. Take constructive criticism: Don't be argumentative. |
In Retaining a Job, what is the FIFTH Principle? | Get along with your co-workers. Be ready for positive and negative experiences. |
What are the types of resumés used with job applications? | Chronological: Puts work history from most recent to first. Functional: Lists skills and abilites before the work history. Combination: Combines chronological and functional resumés. |
In advancing in a career, the First principle... | Be at work: Reliable, dependable, on time. |
In advancing in a career, the Second principle... | RESPECT others: Reverance Encourage ideas Share praise Peace-keeping Examine behaviors Criticizing leads to nothing positive Treat others how you want to be treated |
In advancing in a career, the Third principle... | become an Expert in what you do |
In advancing in a career, the Fourth principle... | Grow. Build and Learn new skills, even those outside your current position. |
In advancing in a career, the Fifth principle... | Remain Employed. It's easier to get another job if you currently have one. |
Why is important to have a resumé in Employ Florida? | Resumés have critical job seeker skills. Resumés help to match/refer job seekers to jobs Resumés enable employers to search for candidates via specific skills/abilites Resumés provide written form of communication to employers |
Job openings are ______________ while job referrals are ______________. | Job openings: open positions that employers need to fill Job referrals: opportunities to connect qualified job seekers to employers |
What are job orders? | Structured record of employer requirements for an open position: Required characteristics Hiring requirements Job information Info on how to apply |
What are the 3 types of job orders? | Unsuppressed: visible to everyone; job seekers "refer themselves" Suppressed: visible to everyone, limited info. Requires staff to prescreen prior to referrals Staff View Only: visible only to LWDB staff- also requires staff prescreen/referral |
Types and definitions of unemployed? | Job losers: on layoff/termination, seeking work Job leavers: left job, looking for new job New entrants: never been employed before, now seeking job Re-entrants: left labor force for a while, now seeking to rejoin labor force |
How is the Unemployment Rate calculated? | Number of unemployed workforce divided by the total number in the labor force. |
Unemployment includes all those who... | are 16+ w/o a job, but WITHIN past 4 weeks, are available and actively seeking work |
Employment includes all those who... | are 16+ that : work 1+ paid hours (during survey reference week) AND those who work 15+ unpaid hours in a family enterprise |
Labor force is defined as: | those who are employed and unemployed |
What is Labor Market Information (LMI)? | date on conditions in the labor market. |
Why is Labor Market Information important? | It is Florida's most important economic indicator. |
LMI data can be compared by state, county, Metropolitan Statistical Areas, and by cities of a population of ________________ | 25,000 |
Labor Market Statistics Center is also known as the ___________ (for the State of Florida) | Census Data Center for the State of Florida |
Customer Service is defined as... | the assistance a company provides to individuals who buy products or use the company's services |
Good customer service is described as "engaging each customer in a manner that..." | Meets the customer's needs to the best of the company's abilites |
#1 Positive Customer Service Principle: "Customers are the__________ of our business" | Focus |
#2 Positive Customer Service Principle: "__________ your customers" | Know |
#3 Positive Customer Service Principle: "Appear___________" | Friendly |
#4 Positive Customer Service Principle: "_________ everyone you meet will ______ your services" | Not.... want |
#5 Positive Customer Service Principle: "Be ______________" | Respectful |
#6 Positive Customer Service Principle: "Use ____________________" | Communication Skills |
#7 Positive Customer Service Principle: "______________ Approaching Customers" | Notice |
#8 Positive Customer Service Principle: "Pay _________ to customer needs" | Attention |
#9 Positive Customer Service Principle: "Be_________ and _________________________" | Reliable Don't make promises you can't keep |
#10 Positive Customer Service Principle: "Look for ways to __________" | Improve |
Who are the customers referred to in #2 Positive Customer Service Principle? | Job seekers (First-time, starting careers, Changing careers, advancing careers) Employers Mandatory Program Participants |
When leaving messages, Positive Customer Service Principle #6 states that you must leave the message thinking: | What will happen if someone else reads this message? |
When leaving a voicemail, make sure the message is: | emotion-free concise clear dated short |
Know that difficult customers are expressing _________ | emotions |
Know that difficult situations are _______________ in nature | difficult |
When dealing with Difficult customers, step #1 is to | IDENTIFY when the customer is being difficult "If angry, use small talk" |
When dealing with Difficult customers, step #2 is to | UNDERSTAND why the customer is being difficult "Recognize your own emotions; UNDERSTAND that you want to react defensively, but don't!" |
When dealing with Difficult customers, step #3 is to | REMAIN CALM "Depersonalize emotions" |
When dealing with Difficult customers, step #4 is to | SEEK CLARIFICATION "Avoid hot words" |
When dealing with Difficult customers, step #5 is to | RESOLVE the issue "If customer won't stop, be still, quiet, speak softly, remove audience, slow down responses" |
Active Listening can be used by F.E.C.Eb.... What do these stand so we can "hear to understand"? | Focus- Ask questions to clarify Eye contact- Show you are listening Concentrate- Summarize the information Effective Body Language- to also show you are listening |
Passive people are difficult people who ________________ while aggressive people are _________________ | passive people: do not express emotions out load, show it through their body language, are closed off and often unresponsive aggressive people: openly show emotions, have physical behaviors, usually use sarcasm |
Taking our our frusration out on someone else is a _______ response to a __________ situation | primal negative |
Difficult customers will try to _____________ | bait you |
Florida's one-stop singular umbrella structure enabled it to reduce | the duplication of services and reduce overhead costs by $1 million in just the first year. |
Florida operates a ___________________ organization structure that enables it to focus efforts at the _______ level | Decentralized, local |
Laws enacted before 2000 were in response to civil unrest and economic recessions/depressions. This resulted in what kind of system? | Fragmented |
FL's Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) is in charge of: | administering workforce programs ensuring agreements for business operations are established supervises distribution of funds and program operations |
What is CareerSource FLorida's role in regards to the LWDBs plans? | 5 yr strategic plan, and operational plans. Negotiates, reviews, & finalizes LWDBs performance measures and quality assurance reports Grants charters to LWDBs and holds them accountable Provides oversight and policy direction |
How many years does CareerSource Florida's operational plan (that outlines how the strategic planwill be implemented) last for? | One year |
CareerSource Florida is charged with creating a ____year strategic plan. | Five |
True or False: Employ Florida is the comprehensive online labor exchange tool the job seekers and employers can use 24 hours a day. | True |
Governor roles regarding the LWDBs include... | 1. determining # of CareerSource Florida (CSF) board members 2. removing CSF board members with cause 3. approving (or not) CSF's strategic and operational plans |
This written grant defines respective rights and priviledges a LWDB has, thereby creating initially creating it. It is a "description of organizations function." What is this written grant called? | A charter |
What tool provides round-the-clock access to employers and job seekers to search jobs and send resumes and to search for candidates, respectively? | Employ Florida |
Who conducts fiscal programmatic quality assurance reviews of the LWDBs? | Department of Economic Opportunity |
What should you have when you meet with HR on the first day of work? | Proof you can work in the US |