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Human Geo. Ch.10

AP Human Geography Chapter 10

what does paleolithic mean old stone age
what are hunter and gathers called nomads
what kind of tools and weapons did they use during the paleolithic era simple and made out of stone
during the paleolithic era, they had __________________ space and _________________ people much; few
what job did the men have during the paleolithic era hunting
what job did the women have during the paleolithic era gathering
about how many people were a part of a family group during the paleolithic era 50 or less
world population 9000 BC 5-10 million
what is the 1st agricultural revolution called neolithic
the emergence of ________________________ agriculture develops ___________________________ in several crop ______________________ subsistence; independently; hearths
taming animals and plants, changes their genetics domesticaiton
did they domesticate plants or animals first animals
what animals did they start domesticating pigs, goats, sheep, cattle
when did they start domesticating plants and animals 8000 BC (10,000 years ago)
Southwest Asia is also known as what region Mesopotamia/ Fertile Crescent
What 2 rivers is Mesopotamia located between Tigris and Euphrates
what plants did they domesticate in Mesopotamia barley and wheat
what animals did they domesticate in Mesopotamia pigs, cattle, sheep, and dogs
East Asia is also known as what region Yellow River Valley
what plants and animals did they domesticate in the Yellow River Valley rice and chickens
Latin America is also know as what region Yucatan and Incan Peninsula
what crops did they domesticate in Latin America corn, potatoes, squash and beans
Sub- Saharan Africa is also know as what region West Africa
what crops were domesticated in West Africa sorghums, yams, millet, and rice
1st real cultural exchange between the new world and the old world Colombian Exchange
when did the 2nd agricultural revolution approximately take place 1875
what caused the 2nd agricultural revolution technology from the Industrial Revolution
during the 2nd agricultural revolution, fields were much ____________________, but still used the same amount of _______________ larger; labor
many LDCs are still in the ____________________ 2nd agricultural revolution
what is another name for the 3rd agricultural revolution green revolution
when does the green revolution take place latter half of the 20th century
what 4 things are a result of the green revolution GMOs, fertilizers, irrigation techniques, pesticides
is there a correlation between a country's development level and their spatial patterns of access/ isolation? why? yes, because if a country is more developed then they have other ways of reaching different places so they are less isolated
what trend is occurring in developing countries regarding percentage of total employment in agriculture it is decreasing
what factors might be contributing to this trend people are becoming more dependent on technology in agriculture so they no longer need to depend on other people
producing food needed to survive on a daily basis subsistence agriculture
what are the 2 types of subsistence agriculture extensive and intensive
what regions do we find nomadic herding regions were there is no fertile land
what regions do we find shifting cultivation regions with tropical rainforests
yields a large amount of output per acre through less intensive farming (uses a large amount of land) extensive subsistence agriculture
does extensive subsistence agriculture represent a large or small percent of world population small
what are the 2 groups of extensive subsistence agriculture nomadic herding and shifting cultivation
what is another name for nomadic herding pastoral nomadism
nomadic herding involves wandering but controlled movement of ____________ livestock
what is nomadic herding solely dependent upon natural foliage
what kind of climates does nomadic herding take place in cold and dry regions
does nomadic herding require large or small expanses of land large
movement of animals transhumance
what does nomadic herding prevent desertification
slash and burn farming nomadic farming
where is shifting cultivation located warm moist lowlands
how much of the world's population does shifting cultivation involve 5%
shifting cultivation is a renewable strategy if population is _______________ low
cons of shifting cultivation growing population, deforestation, greenhouse gases
yields a large amount of output per acre through concentrated farming (uses small amount of land) intensive subsistence agriculture
what method do 3/4 of people in LDCs use to feed themselves intensive subsistence agriculture
where does intensive subsistence agriculture take place warm, moist climates (east Asia, southeast Asia, south Asia)
characteristics of intensive subsistence agriculture labor-intensive, simple tools, small plots of land, often doubled cropped
what kind of farming is an increasing phenomenon worldwide that converts waste products to fertilizers urban subsistence farming/ garden plots
what are 4 impacts of the green revolution on subsistence farming irrigation problems, seed genetics, displaced traditional farmers, population growth uncontrolled
agriculture undertaken primarily to generate products for sale off of the farm commercial agriculture
refers to the relationship between businesses and agricultural producers agribusiness
there is no difference in the product regardless of which company you buy from ex: milk commodity
what are 6 characteristics of intensive commercial agriculture high yields, high market value, highly perishable, limited field size, repeat plantings, close to the market
what are 6 characteristics of extensive commercial agriculture farther from market, cheaper land, large land size required, dry farming/livestock ranching, low labor requirements, marginal land quality
what are 4 characteristics of mixed crop and livestock extensive, crops and animals raised together, crops are used to feed animals, crop rotation
what kind of crop rotation did they use in the 400s 2 field rotation ( 1 planted, 1 fallow)
what kind of crop rotation did they use in the 800s 3 field rotation (1 summer, 1 winter, 1 fallow)
what kind of crop rotation did they use in the 1800s after the 2nd agricultural revolution 4 field rotation (1 summer, 1 winter, 1 root, 1 clover)
is dairy farming intensive or extensive can be both
the size of the ____________________ has grown due to advancements in transportation milkshed
is grain intensive or extensive often extensive
what is the most common crop cereal grains
what is the most common grain wheat
what is the most commonly ___________________ crop with 1/2 coming from the United States and Canada exported; grain
is livestock ranching intensive or extensive extensive
livestock ranching has a low start up _______________ and low ____________________ cost; profit
where are animals fattened before being slaughtered feedlots
has popularity in livestock ranching increased or decreased since the 1860s declined
what does AFO stand for animal feeding operation
is Mediterranean farming intensive or extensive intensive
what 7 countries are Mediterranean farming present in Greece, Italy, France, North Africa, California, Chile, Australia
what kind of agriculture is also common with Mediterranean farming horticulture
what 2 crops are associated with Mediterranean farming olives and grapes
is commercial gardening and fruit farming intensive or extensive intensive
where is commercial gardening and fruit farming most common southeast united states
are the crops grown through commercial gardening and fruit farming highly perishable yes
who does all the work for commercial gardening and fruit farming migrant workers
why do migrant workers do all the work for commercial gardening and fruit farming to reduce cost
is plantation farming intensive or extensive extensive
what kind of climates does plantation farming take place tropical climates
plantation farming takes place in ________________ locations, and they import __________________ labor isolated; cheap
what kind of crops do plantation farmers grow and give examples luxury crops; cotton, tea, sugar cane, rubber
what is the only kind of commercial agriculture in LDCs and who are they owned by plantation; owned by MDCs
what kind of farming has the work completed by migrants, the farmer doesn't live at the farm, and no one is at the farm unless it is growing or harvesting season suitcase farms
Von Thunen's model suggested that agricultural activities are oriented in space due to their ____________________ and the _________________ proximity to an urban city; price of rent
is the Von Thunen model a positive or negative correlation negative
the Von Thunen model says that high-value crops, and intensive land use happens on what kind of land and why land near the market because rent is higher
the Von Thunen model says that low-value crops and extensive land use happens on what kind of land and why land farther from market because rent is lower
what are Von Thunen's 3 assumptions isolation, land characteristic, and transportation
what are 4 factors that affect the Von Thunen model topography, soil fertility, climate, changes in market
what has caused overproduction to be a problem for MDC farmers green revolution: pesticides, fertilizers
what are 3 solutions to overproduction farmers are encouraged to plant less, government pays farmers when crop prices are low, government buys surplus and sells it or donates it to foreign countries
salt in soil salindization
a problem that MDC farmers have it that it is difficult to sustain the land. what are 5 solutions to this problem sustainable agriculture, organic farming, fewer pesticides and chemicals, protecting the soil from erosion through ridge tillage, better integration of crops and livestock
a problem LDC farmers have is rapid population growth. what are 2 solutions to this problem new farming methods with plows and manure, land is left fallow for shorter periods of time
a problem for LDC farmers is that technology is expensive. a solution is grow crops for export. what crops are exported to raise money coffee, sugar, cocaine, opium
increase land by preventing ___________________, which is caused by over cultivation and overgrazing is a way to increase food supply desertification
increase productivity by spreading the ____________________ is a way to increase food supply green revolution
how would more women involved in agriculture help the world's food problem more people working means more food- also working means not time to have kids which means less people to feed
what is a organization to help get more women in the agriculture industry FarmHER
what is a new food source that has helped increase the food supply aquaculture/ aquafarming
according to a 2015 review by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), ___________________percent of the global aquaculture workforce are female 70 percent
occupying roles from fish _____________ and processing to _____________ and support production; retail
another way to increase food supply is to increase _______________ from other countries/ make foods seem _______________ to eat exports; better
parts of the country lacking access to fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthful whole foods food desert
where are food deserts found impoverished areas
in food deserts, there are a lack of _________________________, farmers' markets and healthy food providers grocery stores
in food deserts, they are heavy on local ________________ which provide processed, sugar, and fat laden foods which contributes to the obesity epidemic quickie marts
Created by: dancer2024
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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