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S.S Madison & Monroe

Madison & Monroe's Presidency

War Hawks People who wanted war
Nationalism Pride in your country
Impressment Attacking US ships & kidnapping them
Dolley Madison Saved important papers, silverware, red velvet drapes, and a portrait of George Washington from the White House
Francis Scott Key Wrote "The Defense Of Fort McHenry" which was sung to the tune of a british drinking song "To Anacreon In Heaven" which is now known as The Star Spangled Banner
Mary Pickersgill Made a large American Flag to be put up at Fort McHenry
Andrew Jackson Hero of the Battle of New Orleans
Adams - Onis Treaty 1821 Spain will cede land to the USA ($15 million)
Monroe Doctrine America is closed to colonization
Missouri Compromise 2 new states Missouri & Maine
Sectionalism Devotion to your religion of the country
USS United States Ship
HMS His/Her Magesty Ship
Created by: KaylaCha
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