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MedTemCp 8 Words & Pics
Word | Meaning |
Ovum, plural: Ova | Femeale sex cell, egg cell, or female gamete. |
Sprem Cell | Male sex cell, male gonald, or seed. |
Gamete | Male or female sexual reproductive cell; sperm cell or ovum. |
Gonads | Female or male reproduive organ that produces sex cells and hormones; ovary or testis. |
Ovaries or Ovary | One of pair of female organs or gonads on each side of the pelvis. They are almond shaped, and size of large walnuts and produce egg cells or ova and hormones. |
Menopause | Gradual ending of menstruation. |
Placenta | Vasculsr organ that develops in the uterine wall during pregnancy. It serves as a communication between maternal and fetal bloodstreams. |
Menstruation | Mothly shedding of the uterine linning. |
Menses | The flow of blood and tissue normally discharged during menstruation. |
Estrogen | Hormone produced by the ovaries; promotes female secondary sex characteristics. |
Progesterone | Hormone produced by the corpus luteum in the ovary and the placenta of pregnant women. |
Obsterics or obstetrix | Midwide that concerned with pregnancy and delivary of the fetus. |
Neonatology | Branch of medicine that studies the disorders and care of the newborn. |
Falopian tubes | One of a piar of ducts through which the ocum travels to the uterus. |
Uterus | Hollow, pear shaped muscular female organ in which the embryo and fetus develop, and from which menstruation occurs. |
Cul-de-sac | Region in the lower abdomen, midway betwwem the rectum and the uterus. |
Vagina | Muscular, mucosa-lined canal extending from the uterus to the exterior of the body. |
Bartholin glands | Small mucus-secretting exocrine glands at the vaginal office. |
Vaginal orfice | Opening to outside of the body. |
Perineum | In females, the area between the anus and the vagina. |
Vulva | External female genitalia; includes the labia, hymen, clitoris and vaginal orifice. |
Labia Majora | The outer lips of the vagina. |
Labia Minora | Surrounding the labia majora, are small inner-lips of the vagina. |
Hymen | A thin membrane partially covering the entrance to the vagina, is broken apart durinf the first episode of intercourse. |
Vulva | Female external genitalia or the mons pubis. |
Monos pubis | monos= mountain, is a pad of tissue overlyin the pubic symphsis, after puberty it is covered with pubic hair. |
Utero-ovarian ligment | Each ovary is hed in place on either side of the uterus by a connective tissue. |
Ovarian follicles | Developing sac enclosing each ovum withing the ovary. |
Ovulation | Realse of the ovum from the ovary. |
Corpus luteum | Empty ovarian follicle that secretes progesterone after release of the egg. Luteum=yellow & Corpus=body. |
Adnexa | Acessory structures. |
Fimbriae | Fimger-or fringe-like projections at the end of the fallopian tubes. |
Funus | Rounded upper portion of the uterus |
Corpus | body of the organ |
Endometrium | Inner, mucous membrane lining of the uterus. |
Myometrium | Muscle layer of the uterus. |
Uterine serosa | Outermost layer surrounding the uterus. |
Cervix | Neck pf the uterus. |
Mammary glands | Located in the upper anterior region of the che |
Glandular tissue | Contain milk glands or lobules that develop in response to hormones from the ovaries during puberty. |
Lactiferous ducts | Milk carrying ducts in breast. |
Sinuses | Cavites that carry milk to the nipple, which has small openings for the ducts to release their milk. |
Areola | Dark-pigmented scar suroounding developing fetus. |
Parturiton | Giving birth |
Lactation | Normal secretion of milk. |
Menarche | The fist menstrual cycle occurs at the onset of puberty. |
Menstrual period | Days 1 to 5 of disharge of blood fluid containing disintegrated endometrial cells, glandular secretions, and blood cells. |
Estrogen | Aids the repair after days 6 to 12 in Menstraual period stops bleading and repairs. Also the ovums grows in the follicle. |
Ovulatory period | Day 13 and 14 ovulation ocurs and the egg leaves the ocary, passing through the fallopian tube. |
Corpus lectum | Days 15 to 28 emptys the follicle fills with a yellow material. |
Progesterone | Hormone prouduced by the corpus luteum in the ovary and the placenta of pregnat womwn. |
Premenstural syndrome | Women symptoms of depression, breast tenderness, and irritabillity bedore menstrution. |
Chorion | Outmost layer of the two membranes surrounding the embryo; it forms the fetal part of the placenta. |
Amnion | Inntermost membranous sac surrounding the delveloping fetus. |
Amniotic fluid | Fetus suspended in an amniotic cavity surrounded by a fluid. Also known as bag of waters or amniotic sac, which ruptures or breaks during labor. |
Human chorionic gonadotropin | Hormone produced by the placenta to sustain pregnancy by simulsting the mothers ovaries to produce estogen and progesterone. |
Afterbirth | The explled placenta. |
Cephalic presentation | crowning of the fetus during delivery form the vaginal or birth canal. |
Follicle-stimulating hormone | Secreted by the pituitary gland to stimulate maturation of the egg cell or ovum. |
Luteinizing hormone | Hormone produced by the pituitary gland, promotes ovulation. |
Negative feedback | Hormonal interaction wherein a high level of gormones estrogen and progesterone shuts off production of another set of hormones of FSH and LH. |
Intrauterine device | A small device designed to remain inside the uterus. |
Estrogen Replacement therapy | Realieves the symptoms of menopause and delays the development of week bones. It does have risk of breast cancer, storke, or heart attack. |
Adnexa uteri | Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and supporting ligaments. |
Clitoris | Organ of sensitive erectile tiisue anterior to the opening of the female urethra. |
Coitus | Sexual intercourse, copulation. |
Gestation | Period from fertilization of the ovum to birth. |
Genitalia | Reproductive organs, also called genitals. |
Mammary pipilla | Nipple of the breast. A pippla is any small nipple-shaped projection/ |
Ovulation | Realease of the the ovum from the ovary. |
Fetus | Stage in development from 8 weeks of birth. |
Fertillization | Union of the sprem cell and ovum travels to the uterus. |
Embryo | State in prenatal development from 2 to 8 weeks. |
Pregnancy | Conditon in a female of having a developing embryo and fetus in her uterus for about 40 weeks. |
Puberty | Point in lide cycle at which the ability to reproduce begins; secondary sex characteristics apper amd gametes are produce |