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EDUC140- History II

American History of Education

Theme of Church and State separation in the 19th century -started separating-Protestant-1800s, 1850s- private, 1900s
name of boyfriend greatest person ever my name is tom, my name is TOM!!!!!
Theme of Church and State separation in the 20th century 1970s- separation of church and state by laws
Theme: Free public education for all in the 19th century 1840s- common schools1870s- kalamazoo schools
Theme: Free public education for all in the 20th century compulsory education for all1954- Brown v. Board of educationTitle 9
Theme: Teacher Training--- 19th century- who teachers, what qualifications, professional associations 1880s- males only1840s- women enter normal schools
Teacher training 20th century 1930s- require college to teach high school1990s- require graduate degreeshighly qualified
Compulsory education- 19th century didnt exist
Compulsory education- 20th century 1910- age 12 (Depression)1940s- age 14-16
Local/State/Federal control- 19th century local control
Local/State/Federal control- 20th century 40s &50s- federal control80s- state control over curriculum and local control over policy
common school free public education for all supplied by by govt; standardized curriculum-Horace Mann
American (Franklin) Academy vocational knowledge-Ben Franklin
Monitorial School someone moniters materialstructure- desks in a row, no corporal punishment, place students by grade-Joseph Lancaster
Public High School classical education to prepare students for college, creates school administration-Henry Barnard
Lyceum advance of education of children and adults, paying to go hear a speaker-Josiah Holbrook
Dame School gir girls, learn basic literacy, nursery school
Kindergarten children learning through playing-Froebel Peabody and Margaretta
Sewing Schools African American hidden schools- reading and writing
Women's seminary college prep for women, wide range of curricullum-Emma Willard, Mary Lyon
Normal Schools training teachers and college
Indian Boarding Schools Americanize native american students, job of the federal government-Dawes Act
Junior High Schools Prep. for High School, 1-6 elementary 7-8 middle 9-12 high school, change to high school
Middle Schools 1980s, adolescent development
Alternative Schools 1970s, create schools for education other than what public schools offer
Charter Schools privately owned public schools that use public funds
Magnet schools governors schools, one discipline, contain certain curriculum
voucher parents can decide to send their child to a better school, worth of a child, violates local control issues
Roberts v. Boston segregation is illegal, girl was denied admittance to a white common school based on race
Plessy v. Ferguson sperate but equal, Homer Plessy was arrested because of seating on train. Only 1/8 black
Brown v. Board of Education segregation is illegal, overuturned Plessy v. Ferguson
Lau v. Nichols Bilingual education is law
Tinker v. Des moines freedom of speech allowed in schools,students protested Vietnam war by wearing black arm bands and were expelled
Lemon v. Kurtzman lemon test concerning funds for religious content- can't be done
Olde Deluder Act Build schools in own town
Northwest Ordinance Act every 1/16 acre of land must have a schools
Morrill Acts 1. land grants for 3 types of colleges (liberal arts, normal (teacher training), vocational 2. established schools for ex-slaves
National Defense Act $ for education of science and maths, provided federal loan for colleges
Elementary and Secondary Education Act put $ into elementary school for literacy and secondary education in science math and foreign language
1964 Civil Rights Act equal education for all
Title 1 provided funding for education and low income families, free and reduced lunches
Title 2 libraries, purchase of textbooks and reading materials, US cannot have a national curriculum
Title 9 Banned discrimination of gender in school athletics and expanded to all areas of school and the workplace
No child Left Behind Annual yearly Performance, teachers must pass praxis, standardize testing and high test scores
Noah Webster Blue-Book Speller, standardized textbooks
Thomas Jefferson general Diffusemen tof Knowledge- at least 3 years of education
Benjamin Franklin vocational schools
Henry Barnard School administration
Joseph Lancaster monitorial schools, grade levels,
Catherine Beecher women as teachers, sent them out west
Elizabth Peabody first english speaking kindergarten
Mary Lyons women seminery schools
Bishop John hughes catholic education, private schools with public funds
Booker T Washington Industrial education for African Americans
WEB DuBois Intelluctual equal education for A.A
Ella Flagg Young changed teaching methods, education as a profession
Edward Thorndike IQ of children, Standardized testing
John Dewey Progressive
George Counts training kids to change the world, social reconstruction
William Bagley schools need to emphasize Latin Grammar Schools. essentialism
20th century reform:Who educated? Who will fund? What is curriculum? How long should students be in school? what model is best? everyone educated,Federal and State govt funded, Science, math, reading and writing curriculum, age 16
1-3 region 1.Puritans- Latin Grammar Schools, calvinist approach2. Vernacular- German/quaker, multicultural diversity, private/community schools3.Agrarian Society-plantation schooling, homeschooling/tutor, town schools- only for those who can afford
4-5 region 4. Monastic/Augustian schools- taught by priests5. Jesuit schools, catholic private education
Common Schools- Who, when, where, what Horace Mann, 1830s-1840s, Massachusetts- Northern States- Civil war SS, equal education for all, funded by tax $
Massive Immigration large influx of child labor laws and compulsory education, vernacular schools
Sputnik National defense act, federal programs and guidelines that impact schools
Civil Rights equitable education by race, gender, and ability
Nation at Risk NCLB, greater accountability, more federal guidelines with no funding
School Choice vouchers and charter schools, greater accountability
NCLB in order to keep $, forces schools to be accountable
Future of Schools standardization, greater federal control, less $, more measurement and accountability
Created by: 654256497
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