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MedTem Cp 8 Pathology, Test, Procedues, Words

*Total Hysterectomy Removal of the entire uterus including the cervix through an abdominal incision.
*Total Vaginal Hysterectomy Removal through the vagina for those who have cervical cancer.
#Oxytocin Stimulates the pregnant uterus to contract or labor begins. Also simulates milk secretion form mammary glands.
#Fetal Presentation The mannaer in which the fetus appears to the examiner during delivery.
#Breech Presentation Buttocks of fetus delivers fist.
#Footling Breach Feet fist of fetus delviers fist alos called Breech Presentation.
#Cephalic presentation Head of fetus is delviers first, normaly way.
`Carcinoma of the Cervix Malignant cells within the cervix also called cervical cancer.
#Nulliparous Oppening, perfectly round.
#Parous Wide and irregular.
#Human Papillomavirus Sexually transmitted infection cause genital warts.
#Dysplasia Abnormal cell growth.
#Carcinoma in situ Localized cancer growth.
#Conizationn Biopsy and resection
#Cervical interaepithelial neoplasia Perinvasive neoplastic lesions.
`Cervicittis Inflamation of the cervix.
#Chalamydia trachomatis or Nesseria gonorrhoeae Cause cervicittis.
#Cervical erosions Ulcers, appears as raw, red pactches, on ther cervical mucosa.
#Leukorrhea Clear white or yellow pus-filled vaginal discharge
#Cryocauterization Destorying tissue by freezing.
`Carinoma of the endometrium or Endometrial cancer Maligant tumor of the uters also called adenocaromoma.
#Dilation Opening the cervical canal
*Curettage Scraping the inner lining of the uterus.
`Endometriosis Endometrial tissue located outside the uterus.
#Lumen Opening.
`Fibroids Benign tumor in the uterus also called leiomyomata or leimyomas
#Suberosal Mass lies under the serosal or outermost layer of the uterus.
#Sumbmucosal Leiomyoma grows uder the mucosal or inntermost layer.
#Intramual Masses arise within the muscular uterine wall.
`Ovarian carcinoma Malignant tumor of the ovary also called adenocarcinoma.
Ovarian cysts Collection of fluid with a sac in the ovary.
#Cystadenomas or cystadenocarinomas Tumor ceels.
#Dermoid cysts Lined with a varitey of cell types, inculding skin, hair, teeth, and cartillage, and arise from immature egg cells in the ovart
#Teratoma or Mature teratoma Monster tumor.
*Total Hysterectomy Removal of the entire uterus including the cervix through an abdominal incision.
*Total Vaginal Hysterectomy Removal through the vagina for those who have cervical cancer.
#Oxytocin Stimulates the pregnant uterus to contract or labor begins. Also simulates milk secretion form mammary glands.
#Fetal Presentation The mannaer in which the fetus appears to the examiner during delivery.
#Breech Presentation Buttocks of fetus delivers fist.
#Footling Breach Feet fist of fetus delviers fist alos called Breech Presentation.
#Cephalic presentation Head of fetus is delviers first, normaly way.
`Carcinoma of the Cervix Malignant cells within the cervix also called cervical cancer.
#Nulliparous Oppening, perfectly round.
#Parous Wide and irregular.
#Human Papillomavirus Sexually transmitted infection cause genital warts.
#Dysplasia Abnormal cell growth.
#Carcinoma in situ Localized cancer growth.
#Conizationn Biopsy and resection
#Cervical interaepithelial neoplasia Perinvasive neoplastic lesions.
`Cervicittis Inflamation of the cervix.
#Chalamydia trachomatis or Nesseria gonorrhoeae Cause cervicittis.
#Cervical erosions Ulcers, appears as raw, red pactches, on ther cervical mucosa.
#Leukorrhea Clear white or yellow pus-filled vaginal discharge
#Cryocauterization Destorying tissue by freezing.
`Carinoma of the endometrium or Endometrial cancer Maligant tumor of the uters also called adenocaromoma.
#Dilation Opening the cervical canal
*Curettage Scraping the inner lining of the uterus.
`Endometriosis Endometrial tissue located outside the uterus.
#Lumen Opening.
`Fibroids Benign tumor in the uterus also called leiomyomata or leimyomas
#Suberosal Mass lies under the serosal or outermost layer of the uterus.
#Sumbmucosal Leiomyoma grows uder the mucosal or inntermost layer.
#Intramual Masses arise within the muscular uterine wall.
`Ovarian carcinoma Malignant tumor of the ovary also called adenocarcinoma.
Ovarian cysts Collection of fluid with a sac in the ovary.
#Cystadenomas or cystadenocarinomas Tumor ceels.
#Dermoid cysts Lined with a varitey of cell types, inculding skin, hair, teeth, and cartillage, and arise from immature egg cells in the ovart
#Teratoma or Mature teratoma Monster tumor.
`Pelvic inflammatory disease Inflamation and infection of organs in the plevic region; salpingitis, oophorits, endometrits, endocervicits.
#Palpation Examining by touch.
~Carinoma of the breast Malignant tumor of the breast arising from milk gland and ducts.
`Invassive ductal carcinoma Most common type of breast cancer.
*Lumpectomy For any small primary tumors, the lump with immediately surrounding tissue is removed.
#Sentienel node biopsy To determine whether the tumor has spred to the lymp nodes by injection of a radiosotope into the tumor site.
*Mastectomy Removal of the breast.
#Estrogen receptors Indicate that the tumor will repond to hormonal therapy.
#Tamoxifen A drug of the second type to block the production of estrogen by inhibiting the enzyume aromatase.
#Aromatase inhibitors Used for particulary useful in treating post-menopausal women.
#Herceptin A antibody that stops growth when used with chemothreapy.
~Fibrocystic disease Numerous small sacs of fiborous connective tissue and fluid in the breast.
~Abruptio placentae Premature seperation of the implanted placenta.
~Choriocarinoma Malignant tumor of the placenta.
~Ectopic Pregenancy Implantation of the fertilized egg in any site other than the normal uterine location.
#Tubal Pregnancy Fetus attached to the fallopian tubes that lead to massive abdominal bleeding and death.
~Placenta pevia Placental implantation over the cervical os or opening or in the lower region of the uterine wall.
~Preeclampsia Abnormal condition associated with pregnancy, marked by high blood pressure, proteinuria, and edema.
#Proteinuria Loss of protein in urine.
Apgar score A system of scoring an infant physical condtion 1 annd 5 minutes after birth. Measures Pulse, Appearance, Respiration, Activity, and Grimace. Range is 0 to 2, infent must have maximum of 10 for total score any lower require medical attention.
#Pulse Heat rate. ON SCALE: 0-Absent, 1- Below 100, 2-Over 100.
#Appearance Color. ON SCALE: 0-Blue, pale, 1-Body pink, extermites blue, 2-Completely pink.
#Respiration Respiratory effort. ON SCALE: 0-Absent, 1-Slow, irregular, 3-Good crying.
#Activity Muscle tone. ON SCALE: 0-Limp, 1-Some flextion of extremities, 2-Active mortion.
#Grimace Response to catheter in nostril or response to stimuli after oropharynx is clear. ON SCALE: 0-No response, 1-Grimace 2-Cough or sneeze.
`Down Syndrome Chromosomal abnormality or trisomy 21 results in mental retradation, retarded rowth, a flat dace with short nose, low-set ears, and slanted eyes.
~Erythroblastosis fetalis Hemolytic disease in newborn caused by a blood group called Rh factor and incompatibility between the mother and the fetus.
~Hylaine membrane disease Acute lung disease commonly seeen in the premature newborn. Also known as respiaratory distress syndorme of the newborn.
#Surfactant A protien necessary for proper lung funtion.
`Hydrocephalus Accumalation of the fluid in the spaces of the brain.
#Fontanelle The soft sport of the cranial bones of the fetus.
`Meconium aspiration syndrome Adnormal inhalation of meconium produced by a fetus or newborn.
#Meconium Fist stools of newborn.
#Meconium ileus Obstruction of the small instestine in the newborn caused by impaction of think, dry meconium near the ileoceal valve.
`Pyloric stenosis Narrowing of the opening of the stomach to the duodenum.
Pap smear test Micoroscopic exmaination of stained cells removed from the vagina nd cervix.
#Speculum Instrument to hold apart the vaginal walls.
Pregnancy test Blood or urine test to detect the pressence of hCG.
*Hysterosalpingography X-ray imaging of the uterus and fallopian tubes after injection of contrast material.
*Mammography X-Ray imaging of the breast.
*Breast ulatrasound imaging and breast MRI Techonologies using sound waves to create images of breast tissue.
*Pelvic Ultasongraphy Recording images of sound waves as they bounce off organs in the pelvic region.
#Transvaginal ultasound Allows the radiologis a closer, sharper look at orfans within the pelvis.
*Aspiration Withdrawal of fluid from a cavity or sac with an instrume using suction.
*Cauterization Destruction of tissue by burning.
*Colposcopy Visual examination of the vagina and cervix using a colposcope.
*Conization Removal of a cone-shaped section or cone biopsy of the cervix.
#Uterine sound A slender instrument to measure the depth of the uterus to prevent perforation during dilation.
#Uterine dilators Hanks or hagor in graduated sizes are used to gradually dilate the cervix.
*Cryosurgery Use of cold temperatures to destory tissue also caled cryocauterization.
*Culdocentesis Needle aspiration of fluid form the cul-de-sac.
*Dilation or dilatation and curettage Widening of the cervix and scraping endometrium of the uterus.
#Curret A metal loop at the end of a long, thin handle.
*Exenteration Removal of internal organs.
*Pelvic exenteration Removal of organs and adjacent structures of the pelvis.
*Laproscopy Visual examination of the abdominal cavity using an endoscope called laparoscope.
*Minimally incasive surgery Small incisions 5 to 10 mm are made near a women's navel fro introduction of the laproscope and other instruments.
*Tubal ligation Blocing of the fallopian tubes to prevent fertilization from occuring.
*Abdortion Spomtameous or induced termination of pregnancy befroe the embryo or fetus can exist on its own.
*Aminocentesis Neddle puntcture of the aminotic sac to withdraw amniotic fluid for analysis.
*Cearsean section Surgical incision of the abdominal wall and uterus to delvier a fetus. Named after Julius Ceaser for a law at that time a baby needed to be removed before a decessed pregent women could be burined.
*Chorionic vilus sampling Sampling of placental tissues or chrionic villi for prenatal dignosis.
*Fetal Monitoring Continous recording of the fetal heat rate and maternal uterine contraction to reduce fetal distress during labor.
*In vitro fertilization Egg and sprem ceels are combined outside the body in a labortory dish or in vitro to facilitate fertilization.
*Pelvimetry Measument of the dimension of the maternal pelvis.
Created by: Yugipie
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