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Neuro 2

Ms B Neuro 2 study set

Not a stroke. Blockage causing brief neuro impairment Transient Ishcemic Attack
Ischemic stroke blockage buildup in artery that stops blood flow to brain
travels through artery until trapped in a smaller vessel Embolic stroke
Embolic stroke created somewhere in body and travels to brain
Hemorrhagic Stroke rupture of cerebral vessel allowing blood into brain tissue
aneuyrism needing surgery to correct, usually fatal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Intracerebral Hemorrhage Occurs in deep brain tissue caused by uncontrolled HTN; can occur w/o detection
S/S of stroke LOC HTN Drifting Drooping Severe HAF
FAST assessment tool for stroke/risk
tPA clotbuster med to dissolve existing clot
medication that must be used within 4.5 hrs contradindicted in Hemorrhagic stroke tPA
aggregate used for clot prevention
blood thinners used to prolong time to form clot
Statins used to reduce cholesterol
special scale used to assess strokes glasgow coma scale
check gag reflex; ROM; ADL's; speech therapist; diet Adverse S/A: what to do for pt. with a stroke
Modifiable risk factors smoking, Diet, Obesity, ETOH,
autoimmune; grave muscle weakness Myasthenia Gravis
Tensilon drug used in IV to test for positive MG
If MG present, ptosis occurs with patient doing this eyelids droop when Pt looks upward for 2-3 mins
There is no cure for Myasthenia Gravis True
Thymus - ectomy will not help decrease symtoms of MG False
ALS progressive, degenerative neuron condition effecting voluntary muscles
keep suction at bedside; prevent aspiration, pneumonia Nursing care for ALS patient
ALS usually occurs in the elderly False
Trigeminal Neuralgia Cranial nerve V affecting face, chewing, scalp sensations
facial nerve VII is inflamed and swollen Bells Palsy
Gullian Barre Syndrome check ABG lab values remember ABC's
Immunoglobulin Sandoglobulin treatment for GBS
condition where myelin sheath of neurons breaks down Multiple Sclerosis
Dysarthria difficulty speaking
Sensory apahsia impaired comprehension of spoken and written word
Motor dysphasia patient understands but can't answer appropriately
Expressive aphasia difficulty or inability to verbally communicate uses wrong words: "The sky is dish.'
Receptive aphasia difficulty receiving or understanding ; uses gestures
Contra-lateral Hemilplegia stroke on one side of brain effects the opposite side of body
Created by: Scoop55
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