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Psychiatric NCP

Crisis and Crisis Intervention/Psychiatric and Psychosocial Therapies

What are the two types of crisis? Developmental and Situational
These types of crises represent events that are built into normal periods of human growth and development. Developmental
Examples of developmental crises are: Birth of a normal baby, graduation from school, marriage, or the timely death of an elderly person.
These crises are usually unanticipated events in the process of everyday life and have external rather than internal sources. Situational Crisis
Examples of situation crises are: Divorce, job change, rape, robbery or other victimization, death of loved one by accident.
An effective short term therapy that focuses only on immediate problems to be resolved. Crisis Intervention
The primary goal of crisis intervention is to Return the individual toeither the precrisis level of function because of new skills that were learned in the process of resolving the crisis.
Crisis intervention is traditionally completed within 6 weeks
Before crisis therapy with a client ends, the therapist does the following: Summarization, Anticipatory planning, and Praise
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the combination of two therapies that are currently used and they are: Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy
Behavioral modifications focus primarily on modiifying or stopping maladaptive behavior.
_______ therapy is based on the concept that emotional and behavioral dysfunction is directly related to the individual's distorted and irrational thinking. distorted and irrational thinking.
In cognitive therapy, emotional and behavioral dysfunction is treated by assisting a client to change patterns of thought.
One reason for CBT popularity is that it Encourages development of specific concrete goals and provides concrete methods for clients to achieve goals and monitor their progress.
This is a cognitive stratdgy used to treat individuals with depression characterized by irrational, anxiety provoking and brood behaviors. Thought Stopping
The goal of Thought Stoppiing is: To inhibit maladaptive thought by instructing the client to shout "stop" after he or she expresses illogical thinking.
Thought Stopping has been reported to be useful in the treatment of OCD
This is a cognitive approach in which the client is instructed to substitute a positive or rational thought for a negative, distorted thought. Thought Substitution
This is a cognitive technique in which the nurse/therapist renames or relabels seemingly dysfunctional behavior as reasonable and understandable behavior to take away the negative motive for the act. Reframing/Relabeling
The goal of reframing/relabeling is to Emphasize the positive aspects of interpersonal feelings and behaviors.
This type of cognitive therapy that is based on the premise that an individual's values and beliefs control his or her behavior. Rational-Emotive Therapy RET
This therapy examines irrational thoughts and behaviors through berbal discussions and written assignments, followed by activities that allow individuals to challenge their faulty beliefs by directly confronting the feared situations. RET
RET is useful in Mild to moderate anxiety
A simple, adaptive therapeutic technique for reducing anxiety in individuals with mild to moderate levels fo anxiety. Deep-Breathing Exercises
___________ reduce the physiologic effects of anxiety by slowing the heart rate, which positively influences the person's emotional state. Deep-Breathing Exercises
Form of relaxation therapy in which the person alternately tenses and relaxes all voluntary muscle groups progressively from toes to head to elicit a response opposite to that of anxiety. Progressive Relaxation Technique
When the patient is instructed to imagine with all senses a mental picture or image of the feared or troubling situation based on past memory of the event. Visualization
________combines positive experiences with actual or perceived negative events or situation in an effort to desensitize the trauma of the negative event and/or correct cognitive distortions surrounding the event. Visual Imagery
This therapy is based on the approach that behavior makes sense in the context in which it occurs and that behavior is continually being shaped and reinforced by the person's support system and vice versa. Strategic Theory
This is a component of CBT and a process by which an individual learns to communicate needs, refuse requests, and express both positive and negative feelings in an open, honest, direct and appropriate manner. Assertiveness Training
Acquisition of power over one's behavior decreases anxiety
Assertiveness training is most often done in small groups
The object of _________is to lessen the negative impact of a frightening or troubling object, thought, or event by exposing the individual to the object, thought or event in a progressive, least to most threatening manner. Systematic Desensitization
Desensitization is best performed after experiencing the ________ response. Relaxation
In this type of therapy, the patients learn to tolerate and accept distressful events that have no immeciate solutions instead of overreacting destructively. Dialectical Behavior Therapy
This therapy focuses on repressed, intrapsychic conflicts that are produced through interactions among three theoretic constructsof the mind: Id, ego, superego. Psychoanbalytic Therapy
The goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to Help the patient clarify the psychologic meaning of events, feelings, and behavior and to gain insight into why one behaves or feels a certain way.
Psychoanalytic therapy could take as long as 10 years
In this therapy the therapist helps the individual become aware of the "total self" and "the world" that surrounds him or her. Gestalt Therapy
The major focus of gestalt therapy is Awareness of feelings.
This is a humanistic approach in which the therapist encourages expression of feelings through reflection and clarification. Client-Centered Therapy
The goals for the individual in client-centered therapy are: Acceptance of own feelings, to gain a positive self-regard, and self-acceptance.
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