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C.M.A Chapter 35
Term | Definition |
Vitamin | An organic compound that is required in small amounts by the body for normal growth & development. |
Unsaturated Fat | A type of fat that is liquid at room temp and comes primarily from plant sources. |
Triglycerides | The chemical form in which most fat exists in food and in the body. |
Saturated Fat | A type of fat that is solid at room temp & comes primarily from animal sources. |
Percent Daily Value (PDV) | The percentage of a nutrient provided by a single serving of food item compared with how much is required for the entire day. |
Obesity | A medical condition where an individual is severely overweight. |
Nutrition Therapy | The application of the science of nutrition to promote optimal health and treat illness. |
Nutrition | The study of nutrients in food including how the body uses them and their relationship to health. |
Nutrient | A chemical substance found in food that is needed in the body for survival and well-being. |
Nonessential Amino Acids | An amino acid required by the body that can be produced by the body in sufficient quantities to meet its needs. |
Monosaccharide | A simple carbohydrate consisting of one sugar unit. |
Mineral | A naturally occurring inorganic substance that essential to the proper functioning of the body. |
Micronutrient | A nutrient required in very small amounts by the body. Includes vitamins and minerals. |
Macronutrient | A nutrient required in relatively large amounts by the body. Includes carbohydrates, fat and protein. |
Lactose | A disaccharide that consists of two sugar units & is found in milk & milk products. |
Kilocalorie | The amount of heat needed to to raise the temp of 1 kilogram of water 1-degree Celsius. |
Incomplete Protein | A protein that lacks one or more of the essential amino acids needed by the body. |
Essential Amino Acids | An amino acid that is required by the body but cannot be produced by the body & and must be obtained by food. |
Empty Calorie Food | A food that provides calories but few or no nutrients. |
Dissacharide | A simple carbohydrate consisting of two sugar units. |
Complete Protein | A protein that contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body. |
Cholesterol | A white, waxy, fat like, substance that is essential for normal functioning of the body. |
Bariatrics | The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment & control of obesity & diseases associated with obesity. |
Atherosclerosis | Buildup of fibrous plaques of fatty deposits & cholesterol on the inner walls of an artery that causes narrowing, obstruction, & hardening of the artery. |
Antioxidant | A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of molecules. |
Glycogen | The form in which carbohydrates is stored in the body. |
Gluten | A type of protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, and barely. |