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Latin Wheelock 1-22

wheelock latin

me me, myself
quid what
nihil, n. nothing
non not
saepe often
si if
amo, amare, amavi, amatum to love, like (amabo te: please (I will love you))
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatum to think, ponder, consider, plan
debeo, debere, debui, debitum to owe; ought, must
do, dare, dedi, datum to give, offer
erro, errare, erravi, erratum to wander, err, go astray, be mistaken
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum to praise
moneo, monere, monui, monitum to remind, advise, warn
salveo, salvere, -, - to be well, be in good health (salve and salvete: hello)
servo, servare, servavi, servatum to preserve, save, keep, guard
conservo, conservare, conservavi, conservatum to preserve, conserve, maintain (stronger than servo)
terreo, terrere, terrui, territum to frighten, terrify
valeo, valere, valui, valiturum to be strong, have power; be well (vale and valete: good-bye, farewell)
video, videre, vidi, visum to see; observe, understand
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum to call, summon
fama, -ae, f. rumour, report; fame, reputation
forma, -ae, f. form, shape; beauty
fortuna, -ae, f. fortune, luck
ira, -ae, f. ire, anger
nauta, -ae, m. sailor
patria, -ae, f. fatherland, native land, (one's) country
pecunia, -ae, f. money
philosophia, -ae, f. philosophy (Greek philosophia: love of wisdom)
poena, -ae, f. penalty, punishment (idiom, poenas dare: to pay the penalty)
poeta, -ae, m. poet
porta, -ae, f. gate, entrance
puella, -ae, f. girl
rosa, -ae, f. rose
sententia, -ae, f. feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence
vita, -ae, f. life; mode of life
antiquus, -a, -um ancient, old-time
magnus, -a, -um large, great, important
meus, -a, -um my
multus, -a, -um much, many
tuus, -a, -um your (used when speaking to one person)
et And ( both...and)
sed But
O O!, Oh! (commonly used with the vocative)
sine without (takes ablative)
ager, agri, m. field, farm
agricola, -ae, m. farmer
amica, -ae, f. friend
amicus, -i, m. friend
femina, -ae, f. woman
filia, -ae, f. daughter (dative and ablative plural, filiabus)
filius, -ii, m. Son
numerus, -i, m. number
populus, -i, m. The people, a people, a nation
puer, pueri, m. boy; boys, children
sapientia, -ae, f. wisdom
vir, viri, m. man, hero
avarus, -a, -um greedy, avaricious
pauci, -ae, -a Few, a few (usually plural)
Romanus, -a, -um Roman
de down from, from; concerning, about (takes ablative)
in (+ abl.) in, on (takes ablative)
hodie today
semper always
habeo, habere, habui, habitum to have, hold, possess, consider, regard
satio, satiare, satiavi, satiatum to satisfy, sate
basium, -ii, n. kiss
bellum, -i, n. war
consilium, -ii, n. plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgement, wisdom
cura, -ae, f. care, attention, caution, anxiety
donum, -i, n. Gift, present
exitium, -ii, n. destruction, ruin
magister, magistri, m. schoolmaster, teacher, master
magistra, -ae, f. school mistress, teacher, mistress
mora, -ae, f. delay
nihil, n. nothing
oculus, -i, m. Eye
officium, -ii, n. duty, service
otium, -ii, n. leisure, peace
periculum, -i, n. danger, risk
remedium, -ii, n. cure, remedy
bellus, -a, -um pretty, handsome, charming
bonus, -a, -um good, kind
humanus, -a, -um pertaining to man, human, humane, kind, refined, cultivated
malus, -a, -um Bad, wicked, evil
parvus, -a, -um small, little
stultus, -a, -um foolish
stultus, -i, m. a fool
verus, -a, -um true, real, proper
iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutum to help, aid, assist; to please
sum, esse, fui, futurum to be, exist
adulescentia, -ae, f. youth, young manhood, youthfulness
animus, -i, m. soul, spirit, mind; (plural) high spirits, pride, courage
caelum, -i, n. sky, heaven
culpa, -ae, f. fault, blame
gloria, -ae, f. glory, fame
verbum, -i, n. word
te you, yourself
liber, libera, liberum free
noster, nostra, nostrum our, ours
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum beautiful, handsome; fine
sanus, -a, -um sound, healthy, sane
igitur therefore, consequently (postpositive)
-ne question (introduces questions the answer to which is uncertain)
propter on account of, because of (takes accusative)
cras tomorrow
heri yesterday
quando when (si quando: if ever)
satis, n. enough, sufficient (-ly)
tum then, at that time; thereupon, in the next place
ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatum to dine
culpo, culpare, culpavi, culpatum to blame, censure
remaneo, remanere, remansi, remansum to remain, stay behind, abide, continue
maneo, manere, mansi, mansum to remain, stay, abide, continue
supero, superare, superavi, superatum to be above, have the upper hand, surpass; overcome, conquer
dea, -ae, f. goddess
deus, -i, m. god
discipula, -ae, f. learner, pupil, student
discipulus, -i, m. learner, pupil, student
insidiae, -arum, f. ambush, plot, treachery (always plural)
liber, libri, m. book
tyrannus, -i, m. absolute ruler, tyrant
vitium, -ii, n. fault, crime, vice
Graecus, -a, -um Greek
Graecus, -i, m. a Greek
perpetuus, -a, -um perpetual, lasting, uninterrupted, continuous
plenus, -a, -um full, abundant, generous
salvus, -a, -um safe, sound
secundus, -a, -um second; favorable
vester, vestra, vestrum your, yours
-que and (enclitic) (appended to the second of two words to be joined)
sed but
ubi where, when
ibi there
nunc now, today, at present
quare because of which thing, therefore, wherefore, why
possum, posse, potui, - to be able, can, could, have power
tolero, tolerare, toleravi, toleratum to bear, endure
amor, amoris, m. love
carmen, carminis, n. song, poem
civitas, civitatis, f. state, citizenship
corpus, corporis, n. body
homo, hominis, m. human being, man
labor, laboris, m. labor, work, toil; a work, production
littera, -ae, f. a letter of the alphabet; (plural) a letter, literature
mos, moris, m. habit, custom, manner; (plural) habits, character
nomen, nominis, n. name
pax, pacis, f. peace
regina, -ae, f. queen
rex, regis, m. king
tempus, temporis, n. time; occasion, opportunity
terra, -ae, f. earth, ground, land, country
uxor, uxoris, f. wife
virgo, virginis, f. maiden, virgin
virtus, virtutis, f. manliness, courage, excellence, character, worth, virtue
novus, -a, -um new; strange
post after, behind (takes accusative)
sub under, up under, close to (takes ablative with verbs of rest, takes accusative with verbs of motion)
audeo, audere, ausus sum, - to dare
neco, necare, necavi, necatum to murder, kill
Cicero, Ciceronis, m. Cicero
copia, -ae, f. abundance, supply; (plural) supplies, troops, forces
frater, fratris, m. brother
laus, laudis, f. praise, glory, fame
libertas, libertatis, f. liberty
ratio, rationis, f. reckoning, account; reason, judgement, consideration; system; manner, method
scriptor, scriptoris, m. writer, author
soror, sororis, f. sister
victoria, -ae, f. victory
dum while
ad to, up to, near to (takes accusative)
ex, e out of, from, from within; by reason of, on account of (takes ablative)
numquam never
tamen nevertheless, still
ago, agere, egi, actum to drive, lead, do, act; pass, spend (gratias agere: to give thanks)
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratum to point out, show, demonstrate
disco, discere, didici, - to learn
doceo, docere, docui, doctum to teach
duco, ducere, duxi, ductum to lead; consider, regard; prolong
gero, gerere, gessi, gestum to carry, carry on, manage, conduct, accomplish, perform
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptum to write, compose
traho, trahere, traxi, tractum to draw, drag, derive
vinco, vincere, vici, victum to conquer, overcome
locus, -i, m. place; passage in literature (loca, -orum, n.: places, regions)
morbus, -i, m. disease, sickness
studium, -ii, n. eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
hic, haec, hoc this; the latter; he, she, it, they
ille, illa, illud that; the former; the famous; he, she, it, they
iste, ista, istud that of yours, that; such (sometimes with contemptuous force)
alius, alia, aliud other, another (alii...alii: some...others)
alter, altera, alterum the other (of two), second
neuter, neutra, neutrum not either, neither
nullus, -a, -um not any, no, none
solus, -a, -um alone, only, the only
totus, -a, -um whole, entire
ullus, -a, -um any
unus, -a, -um one, single, alone
uter, utra, utrum either, which (of two)
enim for, in fact, truly (postpositive)
in (+ acc.) into, toward; against (takes accusative or ablative)
nimis, nimium too, too much, excessively
amicitia, -ae, f. friendship
cupiditas, cupiditatis, f. desire, longing, passion, cupidity, avarice
hora, -ae, f. hour, time
natura, -ae, f. nature
senectus, senectutis, f. old age
timor, timoris, m. fear
veritas, veritatis, f. truth
via, -ae, f. way, road, street
voluptas, voluptatis, f. pleasure
beatus, -a, -um happy, fortunate, blessed
quoniam since, inasmuch as
cum with (takes ablative)
audio, audire, audivi, auditum to hear, listen to
capio, capere, cepi, captum to take, capture, seize, get
dico, dicere, dixi, dictum to say, tell, speak; name, call
facio, facere, feci, factum to make, do, accomplish
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitum to flee, hurry away; go into exile; avoid, shun
venio, venire, veni, ventum to come
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventum to come upon, find
vivo, vivere, vixi, victum to live
caput, capitis, n. head; leader; beginning; life; heading; chapter
consul, consulis, m. consul
nemo, neminis, m. or f. no one, nobody
ego, mei I
tu, tui you
is, ea, id this, that; he, she, it (demonstrative)
idem, eadem, idem the same (demonstrative)
amicus, -a, -um friendly
carus, -a, -um dear
quod because
neque, nec and not, nor (neque...neque (or neither...nor)
autem however; moreover (postpositive)
bene well, satisfactorily, quite
etiam even
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectum to understand
mitto, mittere, misi, missum to send, let go
sentio, sentire, sensi, sensum to feel, perceive, think, experience
adulescens, adulescentis, m. young man
annus, -i, m. year
Asia, -ae, f. Asia
Caesar, Caesaris, m. Caesar
mater, matris, f. mother
medicus, -i, m. doctor, physician
medica, -ae, f. doctor, physician
pater, patris, m. father
patientia, -ae, f. suffering, patience, endurance
principium, -ii, n. beginning
acerbus, -a, -um harsh, bitter, grievous
pro in front of, before, on behalf of, for the sake of, in return for, instead of, for, as (takes ablative)
diu for a long time
nuper recently
amitto, amittere, amisi, amissum to lose, let go
cado, cadere, cecidi, casurum to fall ('casum' is an alternative fourth principal part)
creo, creare, creavi, creatum to create
divitiae, -arum, f. riches, wealth (always plural)
factum, -i, n. deed, act, achievement
signum, -i, n. sign, signal, indication, seal
ipse, ipsa, ipsum myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself (etc.); the very, the actual (intensive)
quisque, quidque each one, each person (indefinite)
sui himself, herself, itself, themselves (reflexive)
doctus, -a, -um taught, learned, skilled
fortunatus, -a, -um lucky, fortunate, happy
suus, -a, -um his own, her own, its own, their own (reflexive possessive)
nam for
ante before, in front of; previously
per through (takes accusative)
olim at that time, once, formerly; in the future
alo, alere, alui, altum to nourish, support, sustain, increase, cherish
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectum to esteem, love
iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctum to join
sto, stare, steti, statum to stand, stand still, stand firm
animal, animalis, n. a living creature, animal
aqua, -ae, f. water
ars, artis, f. art, skill
auris, auris, f. ear
civis, civis, m. and f. citizen
ius, iuris, n. right, justice
mare, maris, n. sea
mors, mortis, f. death
nubes, nubis, f. cloud
os, oris, n. mouth, face
pars, partis, f. part, share
Roma, -ae, f. Rome
turba, -ae, f. uproar, disturbance, mob, crowd, multitude
urbs, urbis, f. city
vis, vis, f. force, power, violence
ab, a away from, from; by (takes ablative)
trans across (takes accusative)
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatum to speak to, address (as), call, name
curro, currere, cucurri, cursum to run, rush, move quickly
muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatum to change, alter; exchange
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentum to hold, keep, possess; restrain
vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatum to avoid, shun
Italia, -ae, f. Italy
memoria, -ae, f. memory, recollection
tempestas, tempestatis, f. period of time, season; weather, storm
centum a hundred
mille thousand; (plural) thousands
miser, misera, miserum wretched, miserable, unfortunate
inter between, among (takes accusative)
itaque and so, therefore
committo, committere, commisi, commissum to entrust, commit
exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatum to look for, expect, await
iacio, iacere, ieci, iectum to throw, hurl
eicio, eicere, eieci, eiectum to throw out, drive out
timeo, timere, timui, - to fear, be afraid of, be afraid
unus, -a, -um one
duo, duae, duo two (always plural)
tres, tria three
quattuor four
quinque five
sex six
septem seven
octo eight
novem nine
decem ten
undecim eleven
duodecim twelve
tredecim thirteen
quattuordecim fourteen
quindecim fifteen
sedecim sixteen
septendecim seventeen
duodeviginti eighteen (literally two from twenty)
undeviginti nineteen (literally one from twenty)
viginti twenty
viginti unus twenty-one (also unus et viginti)
viginti duo twenty-two (also duo et viginti)
viginti tres twenty-three (also tres et viginti)
viginti quattuor twenty-four (also quattuor et viginti)
viginti quinque twenty-five (also quinque et viginti)
triginta thirty
quadraginta forty
quinquaginta fifty
sexaginta sixty
septuaginta seventy
octoginta eighty
nonaginta ninety
primus, -a, -um first
secundus, -a, -um second
tertius, -a, -um third
quartus, -a, -um fourth
quintus, -a, -um fifth
sextus, -a, -um sixth
septimus, -a, -um seventh
octavus, -a, -um eighth
nonus, -a, -um ninth
decimus, -a, -um tenth
undecimus, -a, -um eleventh
duodecimus, -a, -um twelfth
tertius decimus, -a, -um thirteenth
quartus decimus, -a, -um fourteenth
quintus decimus, -a, -um fifteenth
sextus decimus, -a, -um sixteenth
septimus decimus, -a, -um seventeenth
duodevicesimus, -a, -um eighteenth (literally two from twenty)
undevicesimus, -a, -um nineteenth (literally one from twenty)
vicesimus, -a, -um twentieth
vicesimus primus, -a, -um twenty-first
vicesimus secundus, -a, -um twenty-second
vicesimus tertius, -a, -um twenty-third
vicesimus quartus, -a, -um twenty-fourth
vicesimus quintus, -a, -um twenty-fifth
tricesimus thirtieth
quadragesimus fortieth
quinquagesimus fiftieth
sexagesimus sixtieth
septuagesimus seventieth
octogesimus eightieth
nonagesimus ninetieth
aetas, aetatis, f. period of life, life, age, an age, time
auditor, auditoris, m. hearer, listener, member of an audience
clementia, -ae, f. mildness, gentleness, mercy
mens, mentis, f. mind, thought, intention
satura, -ae, f. satire
acer, acris, acre sharp, keen, eager; severe, fierce
brevis, breve short, small, brief
celer, celeris, celere swift, quick, rapid
difficilis, difficile hard, difficult, troublesome
dulcis, dulce sweet; pleasant, agreeable
facilis, facile easy, agreeable
fortis, forte strong, brave
ingens huge (genitive ingentis)
iucundus, -a, -um pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing
longus, -a, -um long
omnis, omne every, all
potens able, powerful, mighty, strong (genitive potentis)
senex, senis, m. old, aged; old man
quam how
rego, regere, rexi, rectum to rule, guide, direct
libellus, -i, m. little book
qui, quae, quod who, which, what, that
caecus, -a, -um blind
levis, leve light, slight, easy, trivial
aut or (aut...aut: either...or)
cito quickly
quoque also, too
admitto, admittere, admisi, admissum to admit, receive, let in
-, coepisse, coepi, coeptum began (only used in the perfect system)
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitum to desire, wish, long for
deleo, delere, delevi, deletum to destroy, wipe out, erase
desidero, desiderare, desideravi, desideratum to desire, long for, miss
incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptum to begin
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatum to sail, navigate
neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectum to neglect, disregard
recito, recitare, recitavi, recitatum to read aloud, recite
flumen, fluminis, n. river
genus, generis, n. origin, kind, sort, class
hostis, hostis, m. an enemy; (plural) the enemy
ludus, -i, m. game, sport; school
probitas, probitatis, f. uprightness, honesty
scientia, -ae, f. knowledge
clarus, -a, -um clear, bright; renowned, famous, illustrious
mortalis, mortale mortal
cur why
deinde thereupon, next, then
fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxum to flow
lego, legere, legi, lectum to pick out, choose; read
misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtum to mix, stir up, disturb
moveo, movere, movi, motum to move; arouse, affect
videor, videri, visus sum, - to be seen, seem, appear
argumentum, -i, n. proof, evidence, argument
auctor, auctoris, m. increaser, author, originator
beneficium, -ii, n. benefit, kindness; favor
familia, -ae, f. household, family
Graecia, -ae, f. Greece
iudex, iudicis, m. judge, juror
iudicium, -ii, n. judgement, decision, opinion; trial
scelus, sceleris, n. evil deed, crime, sin, wickedness
quis?, quid? who?, whose?, whom?, what?, which?
qui?, quae?, quod? what?, which?, what kind of?
certus, -a, -um definite, sure, certain, reliable
gravis, grave heavy, weighty, serious, important, severe, grievous
immortalis, immortale not subject to death, immortal
at but; but, mind you; but, you say
nisi if...not, unless; except
contra against (takes accusative)
iam now; already, soon
delecto, delectare, delectavi, delectatum to delight, charm, please
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatum to free, liberate
paro, parare, paravi, paratum to prepare, provide, get, obtain
coniurati, -orum, m. conspirators (always plural)
cornu, -us, n. horn
fructus, -us, m. fruit, profit, benefit, enjoyment
genu, -us, n. knee
manus, -us, f. hand, band; handwriting
metus, -us, m. fear, dread, anxiety
mons, montis, m. mountain
senatus, -us, m. senate
sensus, -us, m. feeling, sense
servitus, servitutis, f. servitude, slavery
spiritus, -us, m. breath, breathing; spirit, soul
versus, -us, m. line of verse
communis, commune common, general, of the community, for the community
dexter, dextra, dextrum right, right-hand
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum left, left-hand
careo, carere, carui, cariturus to be without, be deprived of, want, lack; be free from (takes ablative of separation)
defendo, defendere, defensi, defensum to ward off; defend, protect
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessum to go away, depart
-, odisse, odi, osurum to hate
prohibeo, prohibere, prohibui, prohibitum to keep (back), prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit
pronuntio, pronuntiare, pronuntiavi, pronuntiatum to proclaim, announce; declaim; pronounce
casa, -ae, f. house, cottage, hut
causa, -ae, f. cause, reason; case, situation; (abl. causa plus a preceding gen.) for the sake of, on account of
fenestra, -ae, f. window
finis, finis, m. end, limit, boundary, purpose; (plural) boundaries, territory
gens, gentis, f. clan, race, nation, people
mundus, -i, m. world, universe
navis, navis, f. ship, boat
salus, salutis, f. health, safety; greeting
Troia, -ae, f. Troy
vicinus, -i, m. neighbor
vicina, -ae, f. neighbor
vulgus, -i, m. the common people, mob, rabble
asper, aspera, asperum rough, harsh
atque, ac and, and also, and even
iterum again, a second time
contineo, continere, continui, contentum to hold together, contain, keep, enclose, restrain
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum to bid, order, command
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratum to labor, be in distress
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptum to seize, snatch, carry away
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictum to leave behind, leave, abandon, desert
scio, scire, scivi, scitum to know
tango, tangere, tetigi, tactum to touch
dies, diei, m. day
ferrum, -i, n. iron; sword
fides, fidei, f. faith, trust, trustworthiness, fidelity, promise, guarantee, protection
ignis, ignis, m. fire
modus, -i, m. measure, bound, limit; manner, method, mode, way
res, rei, f. thing, matter, business, affair
spes, spei, f. hope
aequus, -a, -um level, even; calm; equal, just; favorable
felix, felicis lucky, fortunate, happy
incertus, -a, -um uncertain, unsure, doubtful
Latinus, -a, -um Latin
medius, -a, -um middle
quondam formerly, once
ultra on the other side, beyond (takes accusative)
protinus immediately
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretum to distinguish, discern, perceive
eripio, eripere, eripui, ereptum to snatch away, take away; rescue
inquit, -, -, - he says, he said (defective verb placed after one or more words of direct quotation)
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum to raise, lift up; take away, remove, destroy
Created by: majdabell
Popular Latin sets




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