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AP HuG 1.3 vocab

AP human geography vocab for section 1.3

globalization a force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something world-wide in scope
Transnational corporation conducts research, operates factories, and sells products in many countries, not just where it is located
Distribution the arrangement of a feature in space
Density the frequency with which something occurs in space
Concentration the extent of a features spread across space
Pattern the geometric arrangement of objects in space
Poststructuralist geography- examines how the powerful in a society dominate, or seek to control, less powerful groups, how the dominated groups occupy space, and confrontations that result from the domination
Humanistic geography emphasizes the different ways that individuals form ideas about place and give those places symbolic meanings
Behavioral Geography emphasizes the importance of understanding the psychological basis for individual human actions in space
Uneven Development the increasing gap in economic and conditions between regions in the core and periphery
Diffusion the process by which a feature spreads across space from one place to another over time
Hearth a place from which innovation originates
Relocation diffusion the spread of an idea through physical movement of people from one place to another
Expansion diffusion the spread of an idea from one place to another
Hierarchical diffusion the spread of an idea from persons or nodes of authority or power to other persons or places
Contagious diffusion rapid, widespread diffusion of a characteristic throughout the population
Stimulus diffusion the spread of an underlying principle even though a characteristic itself apparently fails to diffuse
Distance decay contact diminishes with increasing distance and eventually disappears
space-time compression geographers use this term to describe the reduction in the time it takes for something to reach another place
network a chain of communication that connects places, example could be a social media site
assimilation the process of which a group's cultural features are altered to resemble those of another group
acculturation the process of changes in culture that result from the meeting of two groups
syncretism the combining of elements of two groups into a new cultural feature
Created by: kernst23
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