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C.M.A Chapter 12

Agranulocytes White blood cells that lack granules in the cytoplasm.
Antibodies Substances produced by the body that inactivate or destroy other substances that are introduced into the body; immunoglobulins.
Antibody-Mediated Immunity Immunity that is the result of B-cell action and the production of antibodies; also called humoral immunity.
Antigens Substances that trigger immune response when they are introduced in the body.
Atria (singular atrium) Thin-walled chambers of the heart that receive blood from veins.
Atrioventricular Valves Valves between the atria and the ventricles in the heart.
Cardiac Cycle A complete heartbeat consisting of contraction and relaxation of both atria and both ventricles.
Cell-Mediated Immunity Immunity that is the result of T-cell action.
Coagulation The process of blood clotting.
Conduction Myofibers Cardiac muscle cells specialized for conducting action potentials to the myocardium; part of the conduction system of the heart; also called purkinje fibers.
Diapedesis The process by which white blood cells squeeze between the cells in a vessel wall to enter the tissue spaces outside the blood vessel.
Diastole Relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle; opposite of systole.
Endocardium The thin, smooth inner lining of each chamber of the heart.
Epicardium The outer layer of the heart wall; the visceral pericardium.
Erythrocytes Red blood cells.
Erythropoiesis The process of red blood cell formation.
Erythropoietin A hormone released by the kidneys that stimulate red blood cell production.
Granulocytes Granule cells.
Hematopoiesis Blood cell production, which occurs in the red bone marrow; also called Hemopoiesis.
Hemocytoblast A stem cell in bone marrow from which blood cells arise.
Hemoglobin The iron-containing protein in red blood cells that is responsible for the transport of oxygen.
Hemostasis The control or stoppage of bleeding.
Immunoglobulins Substances produced by the body that inactivate or destroy other substances that are introduced into the body; antibodies
Leukocytes white blood cells.
Macrophages Large phagocytic connective tissue cell that functions in immune responses; name given to a monocyte after it leaves the blood and enters the tissues
Megakaryocytes A large cell that contributes to the formation of platelets.
Myocardium Middle layer of heart wall; composed of cardiac muscle tissue.
Nonspecific Defense Mechanisms Body’s ability to counter act all types of harmful agents.
Pericardial Cavity Small space around the heart, between the parietal pericardium and visceral pericardium, that contains a small amount of serous fluid for lubrication.
Pericardium Membrane that surrounds the heart; usually refers to the pericardial sac
Pulmonary Circulation The pathway that takes blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs and then returns it to the left side of the heart.
Renal Erythropoietic Factor A substance produced by the kidneys that activates erythropoietin to stimulate the production of red blood cells.
Resistance Body's ability to counteract the effects of pathogens and other harmful agents.
Right Lymphatic Duct The collecting duct of the lymphatic system that collects lymph from the upper right quadrant of the body
Semilunar Valves Valves between the ventricles of the heart and the vessels that carry blood away from the ventricles; also pertains to the valves in the veins.
Specific Defense Mechanisms Activities of the body that counteract only certain types of harmful agents.
Susceptibility Lack of resistance to disease.
Systemic Circulation Pathways that transport blood from the left side of the heart to all parts of the body and return the blood to the right atrium; excludes pulmonary circulation.
Systole Contraction phase of the cardiac cycle; opposite of diastole
Thoracic Duct The primary collecting duct of the lymphatic system that collects lymph from all regions of the body except from the upper right quadrant.
Thrombocytes A class of formed elements of the blood; function in blood clotting; also called platelets.
Ventricles Pumping chambers of the heart.
Created by: SalBuddoo
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