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CNA Terminology List
Question | Answer |
Sudden, short term | Acute |
Dementia due to changes in the brain | Alzheimers Disease |
Able to walk | Ambulatory |
Inability to express oneself properly through speech and/or loss of verbal comprehension | Aphasia |
Large blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart to the tissues | Artery |
Inflammation of the joints and tissues | Arthritis |
An abnormal deep stupor - sleeplike - cannot be awakened | Coma |
Used to describe the condition of a patient in a coma. Sometimes the word unconscious is used. | Comatose |
The ability th think, reason, make and remember decisions | Cognition |
Infrequent and difficult bowel evacuation | Constipation |
Infrequent, stong, involuntary muscular contractions | Convulsion |
Cerebral Vascular Accident | CVA/Stroke |
Slightly bluish, grayish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen | Cyanosis |
Ulcerated, worn away area on the skin due to lack of oxygen | Decubitus Ulcer |
Bowel Movement | Defecate |
distortion/disfiguration in a certain area | Deformity |
Deterioration, breakdown | Degeneration |
False fixed belief (fear of being poisoned or others hurting them) | Delusion |
Progressive deterioration of mental function | Dementia |
Condition in which the body is unable to utilize the glucose taken in by a normal diet. There is an inbalance between insulin produced by the body and sugar taken in. | Diabetes |
Frequent, watery bowel evacuation | Diarrhea |
Difficulty swallowing | Dysphagia |
Condition in which the body tissues contain an excess amount of fluid. | Edema |
Standards of behavior : right or wrong | Ethics |
Special customs, language, national orgin and/or heritage | Ethnicity |
Illegal use of vulnerable adult's property, or personal items. | Exploitation |
Arms and/or legs | Extremities |
Study of the elderly/aging | Geriatrics |
Paralysis of one side of the body | Hemiplegia |
Adnormal loss or discharge of blood | Hemorrhage |
High Blood Pressure | Hypertension |
Low blood pressure | Hypotension |
Hard stool in bowel, unable to pass | Impaction |
Not able to control | Involuntary |
Inability to control urine or stool | Incontinence |
The federal health insurance program for the aged and disabled, specified under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. Federally funded. | Medicare |
Known in MN as "MA". The program is intended for furnace necessary medical care for low-income persons. The MA program is funded by federal and state dollars, and is administered by state and counties. | Medicaid |
Relates to the mind | Mental |
Heart Attack | Myocardial Infarction |
Failure to provide goods and services necessary to avoid physical harm | Neglect |
Paralysis of the lower half of the body - waist down | Paraplegia |
Disease causing microorganism : germ | Pathogen |
Relates to the body | Physical |
Artifical or man-made part or organ (dentures, false eyes) | Prosthesis |
Ulcerated or worn away area on the shin. Also known as Decubitis Ulcer | Pressure Sore |
Rhythmical throbbing of artery showing how fast the heart is beating | Pulse |
Assisting residents to be aware of time, place and person. | Reality Orientation |
Go back, as to child-like behavior | Regress |
The act of breathing. One inspiration and one expiration = one respiration | Respiration |
Calmed by the effects of a drug | Sedated |
Force of skin over a bone when the bone moves but the skin stays at the point of contact. (as by pulling out from under the skin) | Shearing |
Depression of body functions, principally the circulatory and respiratory systems | Shock |
Evidence of something abnormal in the body, which is observed by the nursing team through seeing, listening, touching, or smelling. | Sign |
Practices that reduce the risk of disease transmission like wearing gloves, or washing hands. | Standard Precautions |
Measurement of degree of heat. | Temperature |
Area from neck to legs | Trunk |
Small blood vessel carrying blood to the heart to be re-oxygenated | Vein |
Urination | Void |
Controllable | Voluntary |