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DNH 115

25, 33, 28, 29

What are salivary glands composed of epithelium and connective tissue
What is the importance of epithelial cells in salivary glands line the ducts and produce the saliva
What is the importance of the connective tissue surrounds the epithelial cells
what is the outer part that surrounds the epithial cells called a capsule
What does the connective tissue divide the gland into lobes
The connective tissue that divides is called septa or septum
What tissue contains nerves and blood supply that supports each gland connective tissue
What is the acini secretory cells that are found in grape like clusters
what type of cells are the acini made up of a single layer of cuboidal epithelial cells
how does acini secrete merocrine process
where do the base of the secretory cells rest basement membrane
what lays on top of the lumen where the saliva travels out of the ducts lumen
what is a lumen a hole or passageway
What is another word for myoepithelial cells basket cells
what partially surrounds the acini/ducts and contracts to move saliva in the lumen out into the ducts? myopeithelial cells
What is the basic function of mucus coats surfaces barrier lubracant
Serous acini watery amylase narrow lumen cells are pyramidal round nucleus close to base
mucous acini pyramidal flat nucleus cloudy cytoplams wider lumen carboyhydrate rich
seromucous mixed product half moon clusters (serous demilune) secrete product between cell walls of the mucous cells they surround
Intercalated ducts are lined with single layer cuboidal epithelial
striated ducts are lined with single layer of columnar epitheial
excretory ducts are lined with lined with pseudostratified squamous epithelium
What is the purpose of intercalated ducts directly drain the acini carry secretions unchanged add lysozyme and lactoferrin
what is the purpose of straited ducts modify secretions by absorbtion atp water pump and ions aldostrerone sodium leaves potassium comes chlorine leaves with soidum bicarbnate comes in with potassium
Where are intralobular ducts found within in lobes intercalated and striated
where are interlobular ducts between the lubules most non striated large
saliva formation 1. formed in the er and packaged by golgi app- goes to cytoplasm and accumlates at the apical end of cell 2. parasympatheic NS stimulated, granules fuse to membrane, relase into lume 3. intercalted-straited intra- striated inter- excratory ducts
example of exocrine gland ducts, salivary
endocrine blood stream, pituatary thyroid
Salivary (merocrine) operate exocrine, no cytoplams is lost
holocrine secrete into cytoplasm, release when cell explodes
apocirne pinch off their apical cell and lose cytoplasm, secrete membrane bound vsicle into lumen- found in armpits
simple tubular gland straight tube
compound tubularalveolar numerous levels of branching (salivary)
Saliva contains immunoglobulins, minerals, electroyltes, buffers, ezyme and metabolic waste
mucous acini contains sublingual, water, inorganic mix of sodiu.m, potassium, and chloride
CNS brain and spinal cord
PNS ANS sensory and somatic
What does ANS control body functions with out conscious control
Two parts of ANS parasympathetic and sympathetic
Example of parasympathetic rest and digest; stimulates salivation in major and minor glands
Example of sympthetic fight or flight- decreases blood flow, decreases saliva productions
factors that decrease saliva rate sypathetic nervous system, medications, disease, age
function of ph in saliva ph buffer, restance to decay, mouth is slightly acidic
What is the precentage of saliva production from the three major glands? 90
what is the percentage from the minor glands 10
parotid serous largest 2 lobes (superficial/deep) on surface of massater muscle behind ramus 25% C7 cn 9, cn5 enters through stensons
submandibular serous and mucus (mostly seruous) below and toward post. mand ontop of mylohyoid shaped like U wartons duct second largest 60-65 % chroda tympani CN7 facial
sublingual mostly mucus
condition that affects parotid mumps
glands at base of of circumvalle papilla von ebner
what affects submanidbular gland salivary stone
Four paired muscles of mastication masseter, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid, temporal
neumonic for muscles of mastication Mom Let Me Talk
suprahyoid mucles Mylohyoid geniohyoid stylohyoid digrastric
neumonic for suprahyoid my gravy spoon darling`
infrahyoid omohyoid, sterno hyoid, sternotheyroid, thyrohyoid
neumonc for infrahyoid TOSS
Cranial nerve for muscles of mastecation CN5, 3rd branch
blood supply for mucles of mastecation external carotid artery
Orgin and insertion for masseter zygomatic arch (superficial), insertion- andgle of mandible lateral side
Origin and insertion for temporal/temporalis temporal fossa/coronoid process
Orgin and insertion for medial pterygoid medial side of lateral pterygoid plate and the fossa as well as the paltine bone, angle of mandible on medial side
what does the masseter muscle do contraction, elevates manidble
what does temporal muscle do elevates, pulls backwards, retrudes manible
what does medial pterygoid o elevations of mandible
lateral pterygoid
the geniohyoid muscle is superior to mylohyoid muscle
the stylohyoid has what muscle passing through it digastic
the omohyoid tendon lies to deep to sterocleidomastoid
the sternohyoid muscle lies superficial to sternothyroid muscle
TMJ anatomy condyle foss synovial joint articulator disc capsul
ligaments of TMJ lateral (outside) stylomandibular (inside medial) sphenomandibular (inside medial)
thre parts of articular disc posterior band intermediate zone anterior band
where is the retrodical pad posterioer to the joint
superior lamina elastic fibers
inferior lamina collagenous non elastic fibers
TMJ cranial nerve CN5- 3rd branch
structure of mandibular condyle hammerhead lateral pole medial pole
how the fibers of superior head of lateral pterygod muscle inserts into the articular disc on the anterior surface of the articular disc/ fibers of the superior head of latereral penetrate though the capsul to insert into the articular disc
rotational movment takes place in which cavity lower synovial
gliding or translation begins when the disc moves along the posterior slope of the articular eminance /tuberosity of the temporal bone
Created by: kbowman12
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