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Chapter 18 Potter
Spiritual Health
Question | Answer |
An awareness of one's inner self and a sense of connection to a higher being, nature, or to some purpose greater than oneself. | spirituality |
An important factor that helps to achieve the balance needed to maintain health and well-being and to cope with illness. | spirituality |
Nursing care involves helping patients to use their ________________ as they identify and explore what is meaningful in their lives and to find ways to cope with illness and life's stressors. | spiritual resources |
The ________________ shows that healing soften takes place b/c of believing. | placebo phenomenon |
________________ improve individuals' immune function and perceptions of pain and anxiety. | relaxation exercises & guided imagery |
________________ raises pain thresholds, boosts antibodies, reduces stress hormones, relieves tension, and elevates mood. | laughter |
Researchers found that attending ________________ was associated with decreasing the risk of heart diesease in patients with diabetes. | religious services |
A person's inner beliefs and convictions are powerful resources for ________________. | healing |
Our ________________ enables us to love, to have faith and hope, to seek meaning in life, and to nurture relationships with others. | spirituality |
________________ offers a sense of connectedness intrapersonally (connected with oneself), interpersonally (connected with others and the environment), transpersonally, (connected with God, the unseen, or a higher power). | spirituality |
Through ________________, patients are able to move beyond the stressors of everyday life and find comfort, faith, hope, peace, and empowerment. | connectedness |
Someone who does not believe in the existence of God | atheist |
Someone who does believes that any ultimate reality is unknown or unknowable. | agnostic |
________________ search for meaning in life through their work and relationships with others. | atheists |
B/c ________________ feel they are alone, they sense a strong responsibility for themselves. | atheists |
Defined as a cultural or institutional religion, such as Buddhism, Christianity, or Islam. | faith |
A relationship with a divinity, higher power, authority, or spirit that incorporates a reasoning belief and a trusting action. | faith |
The manner in which a person chooses to life life, which enables action. | faith |
When providing ________________ to patients, you need to know the differences between religion and spirituality. | spiritual care |
________________ care helps patients maintain their faithfulness to their belief systems and worship practices. | religious |
________________ care helps people maintain personal relationships and a relationship to a higher being or life force, in order to identify meaning and purpose in life. | spiritual |
A multidimensional concept that gives comfort while a person endures hardship and personal challenges. | hope |
________________ is energizing, giving individuals a motivation to achieve and the resources to use toward that achievement. | hope |
________________ begins as children learn about themselves and their relationships with others. | spirituality |
An ability to care meaningfully for others and self is evidence of a ________________. | healthy spirituality |
________________ also occurs when there is conflict between a person's beliefs and prescribed health treatment plan or the inability to practice usual rituals. | spiritual distress |
During acute illness, ________________ is common, and patients sometimes express it against God, their families, themselves, and their nurses or other health care providers. | anger |
Patients who have a sense of ________________ have a much better chance to reestablish a self-identity and live to their potential. | spiritual well-being |
________________ commonly causes fear of physical pain, isolation, the unknown, and dying. | terminal illness |
________________ work with an interdisciplinary health care team to assist patients and their families with having a peaceful death. | hospice nurses |
________________ is a holistic event that encompasses the patient's physical, social, psychological, and spiritual health. | dying |
A ________________ is a psychological phenomenon of people who have either been close to clinical death or have recovered after being declared dead. | near-death experience |
Realized the importance of refraining from expressing your ________________ about religion or spirituality when they conflict with that of the patient. | opinions |
________________ are standards of critical thinking that ensure you explore the issues that are most meaningful to patients and most likely to affect their spiritual well-being. | significance and relevance |
The ________________ state that you need to assess the patient's denomination, beliefs, and spiritual practices. | JCAHO requirements |
As a nurse you promote ________________ that respects your patients' values, customs, and spiritual beliefs. | an environment |
To be ________________ is to "enter into places of pain, to share in brokenness with other human beings." | compassionate |
Nurse researchers developed the ________________ to provide nurses and other health care professionals with a simple tool for assessing a patient's spiritual well-being. | JAREL spiritual well-being scale |
The ________________ helps a nurse explore any perceptions or concerns a patient has. | JAREL tool |
The role of a nurse is not to solve the ________________ of patients but to provide an environment where the patients can express spirituality. | spiritual problems |
________________ motivates people to face challenges in life. | hope |
Be ________________ of icons, medals, prayer rugs, or crosses that patients bring to a health care setting, and make sure they are not accidentally lost or misplaced. | respectful |
Being ________________ does not eliminate spirituality as an important resource for a patient. | an atheist or agnostic |