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Vital Signs

Terms to know for Fundamentals and Vital Signs

Afebrile absence of fever.
Afterload force against which the heart pumps when ejecting blood.
Antipyretics drugs that reduce fever.
Apical-radial rate number of sounds heard at the apex of the heart and the rate of the radial pulse during the same period
Apical heart rate number of ventricular contractions per minute.
Apnea absence of breathing.
Arrhythmia irregular pattern of heartbeats.
Auscultatory gap period during which sound disappears and then reappears when taking a blood pressure measurement.
Automated monitoring devices equipment that allows the simultaneous collection of multiple vital sign data.
Baroreceptors sensory nerves in the walls of large arteries whose function is to maintain arterial pressure.
Blood pressure force exerted by blood in the arteries.
Bradycardia a pulse rate of less than 60 beats per minute (bpm) in a adult.
Bradypnea slower than normal respiratory rate at rest.
Brown adipose tissue fat cells filled with mitochondria that raise body temp by increasing metabolism.
Cardiac output volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle per minute.
Centigrade scale scale that uses 0 degrees C as the temp at which water freezes and 100 degrees C as the point at which it boils.
Cerumen ear wax.
Clinical thermometers instruments used to measure body temp.
Core temperature warmth at the center of the body.
Diastolic pressure pressure in the arterial system when the heart relaxes and fills with blood.
Doppler stethoscope device that helps detect sounds created by the velocity of blood moving through a blood vessel.
Drawdown effect cooling of the ear when it comes in contact with a thermometer probe.
Dyspnea difficult or labored breathing.
Dysrhythmia irregular pattern of heartbeats.
Fahrenheit scale scale that uses 32 degrees Fahrenheit as the temp at which water freezes and 212 degrees Fahrenheit as the point @ which it boils.
Febrile elevated body temp.
Fever body temp that exceeds 99.3 F (37.4 C)
Frenulum structure that attaches the undersurface of the tongue to the fleshly portion of the mouth.
Hyertension high blood pressure.
Hyperthermia excessively high core temp.
Hyperventilation rapid or deep breathing, or both.
Hypotension low blood pressure.
Hypothalamus temperature regulating structure in the brain.
Hypothermia core body temp less than 95 degrees F (35C)
Hypoventilation diminished breathing.
Korotkoff sounds sounds that result from the vibrations of blood in the arterial wall or changes in blood flow.
Metabolic rate use of calories for sustaining body functions.
Offsets predictive mathematical conversions.
Orthopnea breathing that is facilitated by sitting up or standing.
Orthostatic hypotension sudden but temporary drop in blood pressure when rising from a reclining or seated position.
Palpitation awareness of one's own heart contraction without having to feel the pulse.
Piloerection contraction of arrector pili muscles in skin follicles.
Postural hypotension sudden but temporary drop in blood pressure when rising from a reclining or seated position.
Preload volume of blood that fills the heart and stretches the heart muscle fibers during its resting phase.
Pulse wave like sensation that can be palpated in a peripheral artery.
Pulse deficit difference between the apical and radial pulse rates.
Pulse pressure difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements.
Pulse rate number of peripheral arterial pulsations palpated in a minute.
Pulse rhythm pattern of the pulsations and pauses between them
Pulse volume quality of the pulsations that are felt.
Pyrexia fever
Respiration exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Respiratory rate number of ventilations per minute.
Set point optimal body temp.
Shell temperature warmth at the skin surface.
Speculum metal or plastic instrument for widening the vagina or other body cavity.
Sphygmomanometer device for measuring blood pressure.
Stertorous breathing noisy ventilation
Stethoscope instrument that carries sound to the ears.
Stridor harsh, high-pitched sound heard on inspiration when there is laryngeal obstruction.
Systolic pressure pressure in the arterial system when the heart contracts.
Tachycardia heart rate between 100 and 150 beats per minute (bpm) at rest.
Tachypnea rapid respiratory rate.
Temperature translation conversion of tympanic temp into an oral, rectal, or core temp.
Temporal artery thermometer noninvasive device that scans body temp in the temporal artery at the skin surface.
Thermistor catheter heat sensing device at the tip of an internally placed tube.
Thermogenesis heat production
Training effect heart rate and consequently pulse rate become consistently lower than average with regular exercise.
Ventilation movement of air in and out of lungs; movement of air in the environment.
Vital signs body temp, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure.
White adipose tissue fat cells that provide heat insulation and cushioning of internal structures.
White-coat hypertension condition in which the blood pressure is elevated when taken by a health care worker but is normal at other times.
Created by: Jessica Venyke
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