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MedTemCp13 Combing Forms,Suffixes,and Words
CFSW | Meaning |
Bas/o | base |
Base | Alkaline. |
Alkaline | The opposite of acid. |
-phil | Attraction to |
Chrom/o | color |
Coagul/o | clotting |
Eosin/o | red, dawn, rosy |
Granul/o | Granules |
Hemoglobin/o | hemoglobin |
Is/o, is/o | Same, equal |
Mon/o | one, sigle |
Myel/o | bone marrow |
Neutr/o | neutral |
Neutral | Neigther base nor acid. |
-crit | to separate |
-cytosis | increase in the number of cells |
-genous | pretaining to or produced in |
Poikil/o | varied, irregular |
Sider/o | iron |
Spher/o | globe, round |
Thomb/o | clot |
Anis/o | Unequal |
-apheresis | removal, a carrying away |
-blast | immature cell, embryonic |
-cytosis | Abnomoral condition of cells or increase in cells |
-globulin | protein |
-lytic | pretaining to destruction |
-oid | derived form |
-0sis | abnormal conditon |
-penia | deficiency |
-phage | eat, swallow |
-philla | attraction for or increase in cell numbers |
-phoresis | carrying, transmisson |
-poiesis | formation |
Albumin | Protein in blood. |
Anisocytosis | Cells are unequal in size. |
Anibody | Protien produce by leukocytes in reaponse to bacteria, virus, and other alligens. |
Anticoagulant | Against clotting. |
Antigen | Substance that simulates that production of a antibody. |
Basophil | Granulocystoc white blood cell with granules that stain blue when exposed to a basic dye. |
Billrubon | Orange-yellow pigment in bile formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin when red cells die. |
Coagulation | Blood clotting. |
Coagulopathy | Clotting disease condition. |
Colony-stimulating factor | Protein that simulates the growth and proliferation of white blood cells. |
Cytology | Study of Cells. |
Differenttion | Change in stucture and function of a cell as it matures. |
Electrophoreis | Methond of separating serum proteins by electrical charge. |
Eosinophil | Granulocystic white blood cell with granules that stain red with the acidic gye eosin. |
Eosinophilla | Atrraction of red blood cells. |
Erythroblast | Immmature red blood cell. |
Erythrocytopenia | Red blood celll deficiency. |
Erythropoiesis | Red blood cell formation. |
Erythropoietin | Hormone secreted from kidney that sitmulates formation of red blood cells. |
Fibrin | Protien threads that form the basis of a blood clot. |
Fibrinogen | Plama protein that is converted to fibrin in the clotting process, |
Globulins | Part of blood containg diffrent plasma protein |
Granulocyte | White blood cell with numerous dark-staining granules. |
Granulocytopenia | Granules cell deficiency. |
Hematopoiesis | Blood formation. |
Hemoglobin | Blood protein containing iron, carries oxygen in red blood cells. |
Hemoglobinpathy | Blood protien disease contion. |
Hemolysis | Destruction or breakdown of blood. |
Hemostasis | Blood control or stoping |
Heparin | Anit coagulant foun in blood and tissue cells. |
Hypochprmic | Defeninecy of color. |
Immune reaction | Reasponse of the immune system to foreign invasion |
Immunoglobulin | Protein with antibody activity. |
Luekapheresis | White cell removal. |
Leukocytopenia | White cell deficiency. |
Lympocyte | Mononuclear lekocyte that produces antibodies. |
Macrocytosis | Large abnormal conditon of cells. |
Macrophage | Monocyte that migrates from the blood to tissue spaces |
Megakaryocte | Large platelet percurosor cell found in the bone marrow. |
Microcytosis | Small cell abnormal condition of cells. |
Monoblast | One immmature cell. |
Monocyte | Large mononuclear phagovytic leukocytes formed in bone marrow. |
Mononuclear | Pretaining to a cell with a single round nucleus. |
Morphology | Study of shape or form. |
Myeloblast | Bone marrow imatture cell. |
Myeliod | Dervied from muscle. |
Myelogenous | Pretaining to or produced in bone marrow. |
Myelopoies | Bone marrow formation. |
Neutophil | Granulocytic leukocyte formation bone marrow with neutral-staining granules. |
Neurophilla | Attraction for neutral. |
Pancytopenia | All cell deficiency. |
Phagocyte | Eat or swallow cell. |
Plasma | Liquid protion of blood |
Plasmapheresis | Removal of plasma form withdrawn blood by centirfuge. |
Platelet | Smallest blood cell, they clump at sites of injury to prevent bleeding and facilitate clotting. |
Plateltpheresis | Surgical repair removal. |
Poikilocystosis | Irregalr condition of cells. |
Polymorphonuclear | Many shape nucleus. |
Prothrombin | Plasma protein converted too thrombin in the clotting process. |
Reticulovyte | Immature eryhtocyte with a network of strands that are seen sfter staining the cell with special dyes. |
Rh factor | Antigen on red cells of Rh+ individulas. |
Serum | Plama minus clotting protiens and cells. |
Sideropenia | Iron deficiency. |
Spherpcytpsos | Round cell. |
Stem cell | Unspecialized cell that gives rise to mature, specialized forms. |
Thombin | Enzyme that converts fibrinogen to fibrin during coagulation. |
Thombocyte | Platelet. |
Thombocyopenia | Clot cell deficiency |
Thrombolytic therapy | Pretaining to destruction of clot treatment. |
Thrombosis | Clot abnormal condition. |
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia | Immature lymphocytes predominate. |
Acute myelogenous leukemia | Immature ganulocytes predominate. |
Antiglobin test | Test for the presence of antibodies that coat and damage erytocytes. |
Apheresis | Separation of the blood into component parts and removal of a select part from the blood. |
Aplastic Anemia | Failure of blood cell production due to aplasia of bone marrow cells. |
Aplasia | Absence of development or formation. |
Autologus transfusion | The collection and later reinfusion of patient's own blood or blood components. |
Bleeding time | Time required for blood to stop flowing from a tiny puncture wound. |
Blood transfusion | Whole blood or cells are taken from a donor and infused into a patent. |
Bone marrow biopst | Micoscopic examination of a core of bone marrow removed with a needle. |
Cronic lympocytic leukemia | Abnormal numbersof relatively mature lynphocytes predominate in the marrow, lymp nodes, and spleen. |
Chronic myelogenous leukmia | Both mature and immature granulocytes are present in the marrow and bloodstream. |
Coagulation time | Time required for venous blood to clot in a test tube. |
Complete blood count | Determination of the number of red and white cells and platelets, hemoglobin level and hematocrit, and red cell indices-MCH,MCV,MCHC. |
Dyscrasia | Disease. |
Ecchymoses | Larger blue or purplish patches on the skin also called brusises. |
Erythocyte sedimentation rate | Speed at which erythocytes settlr out the plasma. |
Granulocytosis | Abnormal increase in granulocyes in the blood. |
Hematocrit | Percemtage of erythocytes in the blood. |
Hematopoietic stem cell transplant | Peripheral stem cells from a compatible donor are adiministered into a recipient's vein. |
Hemochromatosis | Excess iron deposits thoughout the body. |
Hemoglobin test | Total amout of hemoglobin in a sample of peripheral blood. |
Hemolytic anemia | Reduction in red cells due tp excessive destruction. |
Hemophilla | Excessive bleeding by hereditary lack of one of the protein substances necessary for blood clotting. |
Instrinsic factor | Aid of food that cannot be absrob in the bloodstream. |
Mononucleosis | An infectious disease marked by increased numbers of leukocytes and enlarged cervical lymph nodes. |
Multiple myeloma | Malignant neoplasm of bone marrow. |
Palliative | Relieving but not curing. |
Partial thromboplastin time | Measures the presence of plasma factors that act in a portion of coagulation pathway. |
Pernicious anemia | Lacl of mature eryhtocytes caused by inabillity to absorb vitamin B12 into the body. |
Petechiae | Tiny purple or red flat spots appearing on the skin as result of hemorrhages. |
Platet count | Number of erythocytes per cubic millimeter or microliter of blood. |
Polycytemia vera | General increase in red blood cells. |
Prothrombin time | Test of the ablity of blood cells to clot. |
Purpura | Multple pinpoint hemorrhages and accumulation of blood under the skin. |
Red blood cell count | Number of eryhrocytes per cubic mikkneter or micoliter of blood. |
Red blood cell morphology | Microscopic examination of a stained blood smear to determine the shape of individual red cells. |
Relapse | Leukemia cells reappear in the vlood and bone marrow. |
Remission | Diappearance of signs of disease, |
Sickle cell anemia | A hereditary conditon characterized by abnormal sickle shape of erythocytes and by hemolyis. |
Thalassemia | An inherited defect in the ability to produce hemoglobin, usally seen in persons of Mediterranean background, |
White blood cell count | Number of leukeocytes per cubic milmeter or micoliter of blood. |
White blood cell differential | Percentage of the total White Blood Cell makde up by different type of leukeocytes. |