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accipio, is, ere, cepi, ceptum
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ago, is, ere, egi, actum
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Verbes indispensables

accipio, is, ere, cepi, ceptum recevoir
ago, is, ere, egi, actum faire
amo, as, are, avi, atum aimer
audio, is, ire, ivi, itum entendre
capio, is, ere, cepi, captum prendre
cogito, as, are, avi, atum penser
credo, is, ere, credidi, creditum croire
cupio, is, ere, cupi(v)i, itum désirer
debeo, es, ere, debui, debitum devoir
do, das, dare, dedi, datum donner
duco, is, ere, duxi, ductum conduire
facio, is, ere, feci, factum faire
fero, fers, ferre, tuli, latum porter
frango, is, ere, fregi, fractum briser
habeo, es, ere, habui, habitum avoir
impero, as, are, avi, atum ordonner
intellego, is, ere, intellexi, intellectum comprendre
interrogo, as, are, avi, atum interroger
invenio, is, ire, veni, ventum trouver, découvrir
jubeo, es, ere, jussi, jussum ordonner
laudo, as, are, avi, atum louer, faire l'éloge de
lego, is, ere, legi, lectum lire, élire, cueillir, choisir
mitto, is, ere, misi, missum envoyer
moneo, es, ere, monui, monitum avertir
moveo, es, ere, movi, motum bouger, remuer
narro, as, are, avi, atum raconter
occido, is, ere, occidi, occisum tuer
opto, as, are, avi, atum choisir, opter
oro, as, are, avi, atum prier, supplier
ostendo, is, ere, ostendi, ostentum/ostensum montrer
peto, is, ere, peti(v)i, petitum chercher à obtenir, demander
pono, is, ere, posui, positum poser, placer, mettre
prohibeo, es, ere, prohibui, prohibitum interdire
pugno, as, are, avi, atum combattre
rapio, is, ere, rapui, raptum enlever
relinquo, is, ere, reliqui, relictum laisser, abandonner
rogo, as, are, avi, atum demander
scribo, is, ere, scripsi, scriptum écrire
specto, as, are, avi, atum regarder
spero, as, are, avi, atum espérer, attendre
taceo, es, ere, tacui, tacitum se taire
tango, is, ere, tetigi, tactum toucher
venio, is, ire, veni, ventum venir
verto, is, ere, verti, versum tourner, faire tourner
video, es, ere, vidi, visum voir
vinco, is, ere, vici, victum vaincre
voco, as, are, avi, atum appeler
Created by: Polyxenia
Popular Latin sets




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