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immuno 10

exam 10

immunosuppressives drugs that work by downregulating immune system activity
promoters of tolerance treatments that teach the body not to reject something
immunostimulants drugs that upregulate immune system activity
immunizations drugs that work either actively or passively to infections or neoplasia
when are immunosuppressives used when the immune system is over active or to prevent transplant rejection
most common immunosuppressive drug glucocorticoids.
how do glucocorticoids work modifying gene expression and inducing appoptosis. down reg proinflam cytokines
effect of glucocorticoids at high doses non- genomic effects b/c receptor saturation. enzyme inhibition, membrane changes, calcium changes. detrimental
how does calcineurin work activates T cells by dephos TF (NFAT). increased cyto Ca. changes in gene expression. Increase in IL-2. Block T cell prolif.
how does mTOR work blocks T cell prolif by inhibiting expression of pro-inflamm cyto and blocking action. anti cancer effects
how does mycophenolate work inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase found in lymphocytes. prevents guanosine prod. Blocks B and T cell activation. promotes apop.
anti-metabolites drugs that mimic normal cellular metabolites.
how do anti-metabolites work incorporated into DNA/RNA. lead to polymerase inhibition, DNA/RNA strand breaks/
how does Azathioprine work mimics guanine and inhibits purine syn. incorporated into DNA.
how does methotrexate work inhibits dihydrofolate reductase. blocks folate production. results in inhibition of T cell activation, down reg B cells, lymphocyte pro-death signals
how does cyclophosphamide work by forming covalent bonds with cellular structures. interferes w/ DNA/RNA rep. results in apop.
only monoclonal AB for vet use ANTI-CD-52
ANTI-CD-52 function found on all mature lymphocytes. binding induces apop, ADCC, phagocytosis, complement mediated cytosis
ex of active immune stimulant IL-2
ex of passive immune stimulant IgG infusion in foal w/ FPT
ex of specific immune stimulant antigen sp. vaccines
ex of non specific immune stimulant mitogens (bacterial DNA). Acemannan
in flow cytometry cells are initially ID according to what size (forward scatter) and granularity (side scatter)
CD21 and CD79 are found on what cell type B cells
CD3 is found on what cell type All T cells
CD4 is found on what cell type Helper T cells
CD8 is found on what cell type cytotoxic T cells
CD34 is found on what cell type bone marrow derived cells
Created by: ejohnson17
Popular Veterinary sets




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