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Pediatric Immune and Infectious Disorders

Which of the following communicable diseases can lead to pneumonia? SATA A. Rubella B. Rubeola C. Pertussis D. Varicella E. Mumps 2 3 4
pt teaching for pt who has Mono. has a fever, swollen lympth nodes, sore throat, and sore upper abd.? SATA 1. take complete abt 2. increase fluids 3. avoid inc. activity 4. allow for rest 5. take asa prn 6. gargle saltwater q 2-3 hr 1 2 3 4 6
Which finding should the nurse expect in a pt with Pertussis? SATA 1. runny nose 2. mild fever 3. cough with whooping sound 4. swollen salivary glands 5. red rash 1, 2, 3
Which is the best way to prevent a communicable disease? 1. hand washing 2. avoiding persons with active disease 3. cover your cough 4. obtaining immunizations 4
When caring for a toddle with otitis media which is the priority action? 1. provide emotional support to family 2. educate family on care of the child 3. prevent clinical complications 4. administer analgesics 4
what places an infant at risk for otitis media (AOM)? SATA 1. breastfeeding without formula supplementation 2. attends day care 4 days per week 3. immunizations are up to date 4. hx of cleft palate repair 5. parent smoke cigarettes outside 2 4 5
pt has rhinitis, cough, and diarrhea for 2 days. s tympanic mem. is orange dec mov. what should nurse say? 1. your child has ear inf that requires abt 2. could experience hearing loss 3. need to be on a decongestant 4. needs to have a myringotomy 2
pt has had 3 ear inf over past 5 months. What are they at risk for? 1. balance diff. 2. prolonged hearing loss 3. speech delays 4. mastoidtis 3
what are clinical manif. of AOM? SATA 1. dec pain in supine position 2. rolling head side to side 3. loss of appetite 4. increases sensitivity to sounds 5.crying 2 3 5
Teaching for parent of HIV positive child? SATA 1. get yearly flu vacc. 2. monitor a fever for 24 hrs before call pcp 3. avoid ind. who have a cold 4. provide nutritional supp. 5. administer asa for pain 1 3 4
What are isolation precautions for AIDS? 1. contact 2. airborne 3. droplet 4. standard 4
clinical manifes. of severly symptomatic HIV? SATA 1. kaposis sarcoma 2. hepatitis 3. wasting synd. 4. pulm. candidiasis 5. cardiomyopathy 1 3 4
Nurse Vince sustained a dirty needle stick injury. Which diagnostic test would be ordered on a client? A. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) B. SUDS screening test C. Antibody titers D. Skin biopsy for Kaposi’s sarcoma B
first injection of an immunotherapy, with a large, red wheal client’s arm, coughing, wheez. Which inter. should the nurse do first? A Notifying health care provider imm B. Admin I.M. epinephrine C. apply 02 nasal cannula D. Starting an I.V. line B
pt systemic lupus erythematosus. Which teaching for the client? A“Wear large-brimmed hats when exposed to the sun.” B“Use tanning beds.” C“Remove all rugs dust-collecting items in home.” D“Carry injectable epinephrine at all times .” A
Which condition would Nurse Jade suspect when a client complains of a runny nose, itching and burning eyes, and sneezing since visiting a friend who had a cat in the home? A Anaphylaxis B Bronchitis C Allergic rhinitis D Asthma c
For pt w aids: chronic diarrhea, anorexia, hx of oral candidiasis, and wt loss, which dietary teaching? A“ low-protein, high-carb diet.” B“Eat three large meals per day.” C“Include unpast. dairy.” D“ high-protein, high-calorie diet.” d
The nurse understands that an immunization will provide: A Protection from all disease B Innate immunity from disease C Natural immunity from disease D Acquired immunity from disease d
Nurse Ruffa is providing dietary instructions to the client with systemic lupus erythematosus. Which of the following dietary items would the nurse instruct the client to avoid? A Cantaloupe B Turkey C Broccoli D Steak d
HPV in AIDS patients is manifested as: A Cough, evening fever, night sweat, wt loss,anemia BPersistent fever, tachypnoea, hypoxia, cyanosis, tachycard. C Genital warts, flat warts, skin warts, neoplasm of cervix D diarrhea, abd pain,n/v c
A client is diagnosed with oral candidiasis. Nurse Tina knows that this condition in AIDS is treated with: A Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole B Fluconazole C Acyclovir D Zidovudine b
Which is the most common HIV-related neurological complication? A Tuberculosis B Kaposi’s sarcoma C Toxoplasmosis D Lymphoma c
Created by: Tmiskimins
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