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Terminology Final

Cardiomyopathy progressive disorder of the ventricles of the heart
Prostatectomy removal of the prostate gland
polyhydramnios condition of excessive amniotic fluid
pyromania uncontrollable impulse to set fires
anorchism condition of being born without one testitcle
hemostasis control of blood flow, stopping the bleeding
hysterosalpingography x ray procedure in which contrast medium is used to image the uterus and fallopian tubes
thrombophlebitis inflammation of deep veins or superficial veins with the formation of one or more blood clots
nephroma tumor of the kidney cortex
dysrhythmia abnormal variation from the normal heartbeat rhythm
cholecystectomy surgical removal of the GB
Gastroesophageal pertaining to the stomach and esophagus
pericarditis inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart
hypogastric inferior to the umbilical region
leiomyoma benign tumor of smooth muscle
hematuria blood in the urine
cryptorchidism condition in which the testicles fail to descend into the scotum before birth
hematosalpinx condition of blood in a fallopian tube; usually caused by a tubal pregnancy
spermatogenesis the formation of sperm
transmyocardial pertaining to through the myocardium
postpartum after delivery
tachycardia rapid heart beat, more than 100 bpm
psychosis disassociation with or impaired perception of reality
pyelonephritis infection of the renal pelvis and parenchyma of the kidney, usually the result of lower UTI
valvuloplasty repair of a stenosed heart valve with the use of a balloon tipped catheter
epididymitis inflammation of the tube at the back of the testicle that stores and carries sperm
subcutaneous pertaining to under, below the skin
cholecystitis GB inflammation
bradycardia slow heart condition
neuralgia nerve pain
polymenorrhea abnormally frequent menstrual flow
choledocholithiasis stones in the common bile duct
quadripelgia paralysis of arms, legs and tunk
pericardiocentesis aspiration of fluid from the pericardium to treat cardiac tamponade
meningioma tumor/mass of the meninges
lymphedema lymph swelling
perivesical near or surrounding the urinary bladder
hemiparesis muscular weakness or slight paralysis on the left or right side of the body
amenorrhea lack of menstrual flow
pyosalpinx condition of pus in a fallopian tube
splenectomy removal of the spleen
thrombocytopenia deficiency of platelets that causes an inability of the blood to clot
hemangioma noncancerous tumor of the blood vessels
angioplasty surgical repair of the blood vessels
paresthesia feeling of pricking, burning or numbness
neuroma benign tumor of the nerves
glomerulonephritis glomerulus inflammation of the kidney
mutation process of change
anorexia without appetite
lithotripsy process of crushing a stone
polydactyly condition of five or more finger/toes on each hand or foot
hysterectomy uterus removal
thoracic pertaining to the chest
arteriosclerosis condition of abnormal hardening of the artey
syndactyly condition of joined together fingers/toes
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
hypovolemia deficient volume of circulating blood
polyneuritis inflammation of several peripheral nerves
nephrolithiasis stones in the kidney
dysmenorrhea painful menstrual flow, cramps
ipsilateral pertaining to the same side
dysphagia difficulty swallowing that may be due to an obstruction
colostomy new opening of the colon in the abdominal wall
atresia absence or abnormal narrowing of an opening or passage in the body
polyuria excessive urination
oligohydramnios condition of low or missing amniotic fluid
cardiopulmonary pertaining to the heart and lungs
dysuria painful urination
parasinal pertaining to outisde of the sinus
phlebotomy vein incision
lymphatic relating to lymph or its secretion
somnambulism sleep walking
gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach and small intestines
cholelithiasis stones in the GB
atrophy process without development, paper thing skin
Created by: Sierd98765
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