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Vascular sonography

Carotid Part 3- Indication, Pathology, and Interpretation

Indications for Extracranial Duplex exam? Asymptomatic neck bruit, HX (DM, HTN, smoking & hyperlipidemia), Hx stroke, TIA, Screening prior ro syrgery, & Follow up after carotid endarterectomy or stenting
What are some Cerebrovascular Symptoms? Reduction of flow due to high-grade stenosis (Arteries can become thick, not elastic), Emboli from atherosclerotic plaques (Ulcerated plaque increases risk, Can cause thromboembolic event), Arterial thrombosis (blood clot adhering to plaque)
What is a TIA? Transcient ischemic attack- Neurologic deficits which occur intermittently, lasting from several minutes to a few hours, Symptoms resolve within 24 hours
What is RIND? Reversible ischemic neurologic deficit- Neurologic deficits that last between 24 & 72 hours
What is CVA or completed stroke? Cerebrovascular accident- Fixed or permanent neurologic deficits
What is paresthesia? Focal weakness (paralysis) or numbness/tinging- Involving combination of face, arm, and leg on one side, Opposite to the affected cerebral hemisphere
What is dysphasia, or aphasia? Difficulty speaking, Dysphasia(impaired), Aphasis (absent)
What is Amaurosis Fugax? Shade drawn over eye- Partial blindness, Same side as responsible carotid lesion (ipsilateral)
What are the symptoms of Vertebrovacular insufficiency? Less specific than carotid circulation symptoms, Dizziness/Vertigo (difficulty maintaining equilibrium), Diplopia (double vision), Ataxia (Muscular incoordination)
Where does plaque most commonly occur? At the CCA bifurcation
What are the early stages of Plaque? Plaque appears as thickened area of the intimal-medial layers, "Fatty Streak"-thin layer of lipid material, Fibrous cap may form between plaque and lumen
How can plaque be classified? Smooth or irregular, and Homogenous or heterogenous
What will the waveform distal to stenosis look like? Dampened, decreased flow velocity, and Delayed acceleration, rounded peak, "Tardus Parvus"
Waveform Proximal to Stenosis? With V significant stenosis, proximal waveform will display a more high resistance pattern, Deccreased or absent diastolic flow, "Resistive Spectra"
What is the string sign? Blunted, somewhat resistive waveforms that precede complete occlusion, Most commonly found in ICA
Distal ICA stenosis or occlusion Associated with the following findings in ICA? Decreased diastolic flow or resistive component, Overall "blunted" appearing waveform -Important to compare bilaterally ICA end diastolic velocities
ECA stenosis? Lesions tend to involve origin and proximal segments, Associated with: Focal veocity increase, Post-stenotic turbulence, and Dampened distal waveform
CCA Stenosis? Can occur Prox, Mid, or Distal, Significant stenosis associated with: Focal Vel increases, Poststenotic turbulence, Dampened distal waveforms in both ICA and ECA, "Choke lesion" may result in retrograde ECA to supply ICA
Resistive or blunted waveforms indicate what? Distal stenosis or occlusion
What is a Steal? Steal is a situation where one vascular bed draws blood away or steals from another
What does the degree of steal depend on? Severity of stenosis, Resistance offered by the various downstream vascular beds
What is a subclavian steal? Hemodynamically significant sten in proxs ubclavian art causing changes to vertebral art flow- results in brachial blood pressure ↓ on affected side(more than 15 to 20 mmHg lower than contralateral arm)
What does a subclavian steal cause? Causes ↓ pressure at the origin of ipsilateral vertebral artery that can lead to reversed flow
How does Vertebral artery flow change as obstruction progresses? Normal Antegrade flow, Antegrade flow with deep notch mid-cardiac cycle, Alternating or bidirectinal (to-and-fro) flow, Complete reversal (fully retrograde) flow
What is a Latent Steal? Flow that is beginning to show signs of reversal but not completely retrograde, WF characteristics can be: hesitant(deep flow reversal notch), Alternating or bidirectional
What is a Complete Steal? Complete retrograde flow of vessel involved, W/ Severe subclavian art stenosis, the vertebral artery will reverse in order to provide blood flow to the arm
Is surgical intervention typically done with a complete occlusion of one side in the carotid system? No because not an embolic risk anymore is complete occlusion
What does NASCET stand for? North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial
What is the criteria for NASCET? >70% stenosis defined as (ultrasound), PSV >230 cm/s, ICA/CCA ratio >4.0, Highest PSV from stenotic ICA, CCA PSV from normal mid-to-distal segment
Created by: EmilyGriffin
Popular Sonography sets




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