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Hardwicksvhs-Chapter 4 War for Independence

Nine colonies will send delegates to New York Stamp Act Congress
What type of tax was the Stamp Act? Direct
Most effective form of colonial protest? Boycott
Organized the Sons of Liberty Samuel Adams
Participated in the Nonimportation Agreements Merchants
"Patriot Father, Loyalist Son" Ben Franklin & William Franklin
"Shot heard round the world" Lexington & Concord
British General Gage hears rumors? Colonist are stockpiling weapons
Because of colonial boycotts Parliament will repeal the ... Stamp Act
Colonist refer to the Coercive Acts as being Intolerable!
Replaced George Grenville as British Minister of Finance? Charles Townshend
What type of taxes are the Townshend Acts? Indirect
Colonial reaction to Parliaments attempt to help the British East India Company? Boston Tea Party
Colonist established Committees of Correspondence following the ... Boston Massacre
Two colonies that were leaders in distributing news? Massachusetts & Virginia
Challenged John Adams at the Second Continental Congress? John Dickinson
British Grand Plan involved taking control of ... New York
Who will the British blame for the failure of their Grand Plan? General Howe
After the battle at Breed's Hill/Bunker Hill most colonist are loyal to ... King George
American capital during the Revolutionary War? Philadelphia
Last attempt to normalize relations with the British? Olive Branch Petition
"These colonies have the right to be and ought to be free and independent states." Richard Henry Lee
Low point for the Continental Army? Valley Forge
Morale boosters in New Jersey for the Continental Army? Trenton & Princeton
Who wrote Common Sense? Thomas Paine
British Grand Plan, control New York and isolate... New England
"We must all indeed hang together or most assuredly we shall hang separately." Ben Franklin
Who did John Adams convince to write the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
This American victory will be considered the turning point of the war? Saratoga
How long will George Washington have to keep troops after the last battle? Two years!
Too much money in print, value decreases, and prices increase. Inflation
Lafayette's plan will work! Yorktown, Virginia
Tribute on the back of the dollar bill. Jewish people
British General Cornwallis's 'fateful mistake'? Retreating to Virginia
Last victory for the British? Guilford Courthouse, N.C.
'Plan B' for the British was to shift the war to the ... South
The University of South Carolina ... Gamecocks
Created by: Hardwicksvhs
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