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Adv. Vas. Son.

Test 1 venous imaging and insufficiency

What are the symptoms of venous insufficiency? Recurrent calf/ankle/foot swelling, Varicosities
What are some varicosities? Varicose veins-palpable, distended veins of >4mm in dia. Spider veins, Reticular veins, Venous claudication, Stasis dermatitis, Ulceration, Chronic limb swelling(edema)
What are spider veins also known as? Telangiectasias
What are reticular veins? Subdural veins 1-4mm
Where is the Small Saph vein? Posterior aspect of the calf, Typical confluence is at the Pop vein
In 20-30% of the population SSV will enter above the popliteal vein, what is this known as? Vein of giacomini
Does the SSV have an adjacent artery? Nope
What are perforator veins? Go from superfical to deep, they have valves that prevent the blood from deep to superficial
How many venous valves do the IVC, EIV, and CIV have? 0 ZERO
How many venous valves does the CFV have? 1 ONE
How many venous valves does the FV have? 4 FOUR
How many venous valves does the POP have? 2 TWO
How many venous valves do the PTV, PER, and ATV have? 10 TEN EACH
How many venous valves do the Perforators have? 1 ONE
How many venous valves does the GSV have? 12 TWELVE
What are the 4 different venous protocols? Acute DVT protocol. Venous Insufficiency protocol. Pre-ablation protocol. Vein mapping for arterial bypass protocol
What are the steps for Protocol #2 Venous insufficiency? R/O chronic DVT. Reflux test of deep veins. Identify reflux in GSV and SSV. Identify incompetent perforators
What can cause venous insufficiency? Chronic outflow obstruction
There is no chronic outflow obstruction if: CFV and Pop Vs are compressible, and If respiratory phasic flow is present @ Pop V
How do you evaluate vein competency? Spectral doppler (quantitative), Color (qualitative), Valsalva(or prox limb compression), Following distal limb compression
Reflux is abnormal _____ seconds for deep veins? ≥1.0 seconds
What is the abnormal reflux time with a standing PT for the Deep veins? ≥ 1.0 seconds
What is the abnormal reflux time with a standing PT for the GSV & SSV? ≥ 0.5 seconds
What is the abnormal reflux time with a standing PT for the Perforators? ≥ 0.35 seconds
What is the distribution of valvular incompetence in venous stasis ulcers? D=deep, S=superficial, &P=perforators D only=2.1%, P only=8.4%, S only= 16.8%, S&D=11.6%, P&D=4.2%, S&P=19.0%, and S&P&D=316%
Most patients with serve symptoms of insufficiency (ulcers) have what incompetence? Multiple system incompetence
How do you determine if the superficial system is incompetent? Eval entire GSV for reflux. Eval SSV only if it's large & dilated. Eval perforating veins (if distended)
What are the GSV diameters consistent with reflux? Where? SFJ >9.0mm, Mig thigh> 7.0mm, Mid calf> 5.0mm
Theoretically what is the best reflux test position for the PT? Standing
When should you assess the Small Saph Vein? If it's large, If there are associated varicosities, Look for reflux following calf augment
What % of incometent Perforator veins are ≥35mm? 90%
What are the vein abalation (closure) procedures? Laser (EVLT). Radiofrequency (NVUS). Sclerosing foam injection
Describe the radiofrequency method: Catheter inserted in refluxing vein. Catheter positioned, elctrodes displayed. RF energy heats & contracts vein wall. Catheter slowly withdrawn, closing vein. Denuded vein is physically narrowed
What is SSV Tumescence? Creates a "heat sink" around the vein to dissipate heat, orevents skin burn, numbs the region, & compresses the vein around the catheter(lidocaine/saline fluid around the catheter in compressed vein)
For SSV tumescence where do you measure the GSV? GSV @ origin, Mid lower, and thigh
Radiofrequency venous closure is limited to veins _______ in diameter: 2-14 mm
Review: What is protocol #1 for? Acute DVT
Review: What is protocol #2 for? Venous Insufficiency
Review: what are the steps for Protocol #2? Step 1= Chronic outflow obstruction? Step 2= Incompetent deep veins? Step 3= Incompetent superficial veins? Step 4= Incompetent perforators?
Review: What is Protocol #3? Pre-op evaluation for vein ablation (may include vein mapping)
What is the Internation Standard for clinical manifestations for CV disease? C=Clinical, E=Etiology, A= Anatomic, P= Pathophysiologic
C0 stands for? No venous insufficiency signs or symptoms
C1 stands for? Telangiectasias &/or reticular veins (<3mm)
C2 stands for? Varicose veins (≥3mm)
C3 stands for? Edema
C4 stands for? Skin changes and that's divided into C4a & C4b
C4a stands for? Minor skin changes
C4b stands for? Major skin changes, such as lipodermatosclerosis
C5 stands for? Healed skin ulcers
C6 stands for? Open skin ulcers
What is used as a screening procedure for detection of reflux, but it can't determine the source? Venous Photoplethysmography
What does PPG emit? Infrared light and detects signal reflected back from cutaneous vessels
Diagnosis criteria: Venous recovery time or refilling time (VRT) is usually measured. NORMAL >20 seconds. Reflux is suspected with refill times <20 seconds. SEVERE reflux time is <10 seconds
VRT <20 secs without and >20 seconds with tourniquet suggests what? Superficial Disease
VRT <20 seconds with and without tourniquet suggests what? Deep Disease
Created by: EmilyGriffin
Popular Sonography sets




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