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C12 MedSurge


Acute Pain Short term, intense s/s, productive, easily identified source, comes on fast, often caused by tissue damage
Chronic Pain Long term, less intense s/s, nonproductive, harder to dx, doesn't serve a purpose
Neuropathic pain Damage or dysfunction of the PNS or CNS
Breakthrough Pain Chronic pain with acute exacerbations
Nociceptive Pain physiologic pain (tissue injury)
Neuropathic pain pathophysiologic pain (damage to CNS or PNS)
Mixed Pain Components of neuropathic pain and nociceptive pain
Who is the best source for pain? The Pt
Components of Pain Assessment Self-report, location, intensity, quality, onset and duration, aggravating and relieving factors, effects on function and quality of life, comfort-function goal
POSS (Pasero Opioid-Induced Sedation Scale) unintentional sedation, safety scale
Numeric Scale Pain 0-10, works for only alert and oriented pts
Faces Scale Works best for peds
Use ___ pain scale ONE
FLACC Scale for babies, Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability
PAINAD Pain assessment for adult dementia
CPOT ICU pts that are intubated
RASS (Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale) Intentional Sedation --> anesthesia, nurses can't fill out RASS
Pain Assessment Focused Respiratory assessment before giving pain meds (how fast and deep)
How do opioids affect breathing Slow down breathing and affect the depth
Multimodal Use more than one class of drug when possible
IV drugs take effect the fastest but can be damaging
Oral Drugs Preferred, but take longer to take effect
Basal Rate in PCA Pump small continuous amount set by dr in PCA
Bolus Rate in PCA Pump Controlled by the pt, but set by the dr, set with an amount and a rate
NSAIDs work in what phase? Transduction
Opioids work in what phase? Transmission
Adjuvants work in what phase? Perception
Overuse of Acetaminophen causes...? Liver failure
2 Categories of Nonopioids? Acetaminophen and NSAIDs
Opioids do not have..? ceiling effect
Physical Dependence Body becomes dependent on drug and removal of the drug will cause withdrawal symptoms, a normal response (for 2 weeks or more)
Tolerance Body needs more of drug to feel the effects (normal response with regular use)
Addiction compulsive use and craving for the drug to use other than pain relief
Reduce stimuli for pts on? Ketamine
Created by: aleahgoodson
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