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Self Concept-Nursing
Question | Answer |
Identity | involves the internal sense of individuality, wholeness and the consistency of a person over time and in different situations. Distinct and separate from others. |
Body image | involves attitudes related to the body, including physical appearance, structure or function. |
Self concept | is an individuals concept of himself or herself It is a subjective sense of self and a complex mixture of conscious and unconscious thoughts. |
Role performance | is the way in which individuals perceive their ability to carry out roles. |
Reinforcement-extinction | Certain behaviors become common or are avoided depending on whether they are approved and reinforced or discouraged and punished. |
Inhibiting | An individual learns to refrain from behaviors, even when attempted to engage in them. |
Substitution | an individual replace one behavior with another, which provides the same personal gratification. |
Imitation | An individual acquires knowlege, skills, or behaviors from members of the social group or cultural group. |
Identification | An individual internalizes the beliefs, behavior, and values of the role models into a personal, unique expression of self. |
Self-esteem | an individuals overall feeling of self worth or the emtoional appraisal of self-concept. It is the most funda mental evaluation of because it represents the overall judgement of personal worth value. |
Identity confusion | results when people do not maintain a clear, consistant, and continous consciousness of personal identity. |
Role conflict | results when a person has to simultaneously assume two or more roles that are inconsistant, contradictory or mutually exclusive. |
Sick role | involves the expectations of others and society regarding how an individual behaves when sick. |
Role ambiguity | involves unclear role expectations, which makes people unsure about what to do or how to do it, creating stress and confusion. |
Role overload | involves having more roles or responsibilities within a role than are manageable. |
Role strain | combines role conflict and role ambiguity. Person feels inadequate or unsuitable. |