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Adv. Vas. Son.

Test 3 Abdominal Doppler IVC

Where does the IVC begin? Begins at the level of the 5th lumbar vertebra
Where is the IVC? Retroperitoneal and lies to the right of the abdominal aorta
Where does the IVC course? Courses posterior to the liver
What does the IVC terminate into? The RA
Where does the IVC receive blood? Receives blood from organs and tissues below the diaphragm
What does the IVC do? Returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart
What is the IVC diameter in a well hydrated PT? ~17-20 mm
When would Megacava occur? In CHF PTs
Small diameter IVC can occur in who? Dehydrated PTs
Major tributaries of the IVC: Renal Vs (R&L), Hepatic Vs (R,M,&L), Lumbar Vs, Ovarian/Testicular Vs
Where does the left ovarian or testicular vein typically drains into? Left renal vein
What are the left Ovarian/Testicular is also known as what? Gonadal/Gonal
What TD to use? Low freq 2-5 MHz TD
If you press too hard what will happen? You'll compress the IVC
NORMAL IVC and iliac veins have what? Echogenic, muscular walls, Lumen should be anechoic, and Diameter may change with respiration
What should Gray scale images be evaluated for? Thrombosis, Intraluminal tumors, Extrinsic compression
Thrombosis may result from? Propagation of lower extremity thrombosis
Thrombosis findings may include: Distended vein with echogenic material in lumen (echogenicity of thrombus increases as it ages), Free-floating material w/in vessel
Neoplastic Obstruction means what? A tumor has grown into the IVC
Intraluminal tumor: Usually arise from hepatic or renal veins, Moderatley echogenoic mass, vascularity is usually demonstrated
Extrinsic Mass: May completely or partially obstruct IVC or iliac veins, Dilated collateral veins may be present, Distention of IVC and iliac veins
IVC diameter varies with: Respiration and the cardiac cycle- Ranges form 15-25 mm, Dependent on PT size, Right atrial pressure and fluid overload or heart failure
What does the Valsalva Maneuver do? Blocks venous return and flow is temporarily reversed in IVC, Also caused dilation of IVC
What happens to the IVC with obstruction? IVC dilates below level of obstruction, Respiratory changes are decreased or absent
Abnormal findings with the IVC include: Visible tissue bruit (may be associated w/ fistula), Pulsatile flow, Direct connection between IVC and other vessels (difficult to visualize), & Lack of color filling
What is Power Doppler useful for? Detecting slow flow states that are common in the venous system
NORMAL flow in the IVC should be what? Respiratory phasic and may show slight pulsatility from the cardiac cycle. ↑ed pulsatility closer to the heart, Flow pattern becomes more respiratory phasic in the lower abdomen, severe fluid overload may cause ↑ in cardiac pulsatility
Lack of respiratory phasicity &/or cardiac pulsatility is an indication of? IVC &/or iliac obstruction
What is the Peak velocity range? 44-118 cm/s
What is iliac vein compression syndrome? Occurs when left common iliac vein is compressed by right common iliac artery
What is iliac vein compression syndrome also known as? May-thurner syndrome
What does iliac vein compression syndrome present itself as? Left iliofemoral DVT, May also cause chronic left lower extremity pain and edema
Iliac vein compression can be seen on grey scale and with color and spectral doppler, how? Lack of respiratory phasicity distal to compression and ↑ed flow velocity at point of compression
What is an IVC interruption device? A device used to protect PTs from pulmonary emboli (Trap thromboemboli from lower extremity DVT)
Where is an IVC interruption device typically placed? Distal to the renal veins
What does an IVC interruption device consist of? Thin metal struts joined at one end (cone-shaped)
If a strut perforates the IVC wall what may it cause? May cause hematoma, The hematoma may be seen but not the penetrating strut
In TRV how does the device appear? As central echogenic dot in IVC lumen
In SAG how does the device appear? Linear, echogenic structures are seen in the IVC lumen
IVC filer placement is traditionally performed under what? Contrast venography guidance, must be done in an Operating Room or interventional radiology suit
The use of duplex ultrasound can do what? Move the procedure bedside, does not require exposure to radiation or intravenous contrast
Where should filters be placed? Distal to renal veins, Can use right renal artery as landmark when veins can't be visualized
Where is the right renal artery? Identified posterior to the IVC in a sagittal plane
Created by: EmilyGriffin
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