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Culture and Food
Term | Definition |
Culture | encompasses the total way of life of a particular population or community at a given time. |
Foodway | an all encompassing term that refers to all aspects of food including what is edible, the role of certain foods in the diet, how food is prepared, the use of foods, the number and timing of daily meals, how food is eaten, and health beliefs related/food. |
Convenience Food | broadly defined as any product that saves time in food preparation, ranging from bagged fresh salad mixes to frozen packaged complete meals. |
Subgroups | unique cultural groups that exists within a dominant culture. |
Edible | foods that are a part of an individual's diet. |
Inedible | foods that are usually poisonous or taboo. |
Core Foods | the important and consistently eaten foods that form the foundation of the diet; they are the dietary staples. |
Secondary Foods | foods that are widespread in the diet but not eaten consistently. |
Peripheral, or Occasional Foods | foods that are infrequently consumed. |
Dietary Acculturation | the process that occurs as members of a minority group adopt the eating patterns and food choices of the host country. |
Acculturation | the process that occurs as people who move to a different cultural area adopt the beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors of the dominant culture. |
Kosher | a word commonly used to identify Jewish dietary laws that define "clean" foods, unclean foods, how food animals must be slaughtered, prepared, and when food must be consumed. |
Pareve | dairy-free |
Halal | Islamic dietary laws. |
Haram | foods that are prohibited. |
Ahimsa | nonviolence as applicable to foods. |