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Oral Medications
Term | Definition |
Automated Medication Dispensing System | on unit device used to store and release frequently used medications, controlled and emergency drugs. |
Barcode Medication Administration System | point of care software that verifies that the name of the medication, administration time, dosage, drug form, and client for whom the drug is prescribed are accurate by scanning a barcode on the drug and id band on the client. |
Computerized Provider Order System | method in which physicians can provide medical orders using a computer when unable to provide them verbally. |
Continuous Release | form of drug designed to dissolve slowly and released over time; also called extended release. |
Controlled Substances | drugs whose prescription and dispensing are regulated by federal law because they have the potential for abuse. |
Dose | amount of drug. |
Drug Diversion | obtaining a drug through illicit methods such as theft from a person for whom the drug has been prescribed, "doctor shopping" purchase from illegal internet pharmacies, etc. |
Enteric-Coated Tablets | tablet covered with a substance that does not dissolve until it is past the stomach. |
Extended Release | form of drug designed to dissolve slowly and be released over time; also called continuous release. |
Generic Name | chemical drug name that is not protected by a manufacturer's trademark. |
Individual Supply | single container of drugs with several days worth of doses. |
Medication Administration Record | agency form used to document drug administration. |
Medication Order | directions for administering a drug. |
Medications | chemicals substances that change body function. |
Opioids | narcotic drugs; synthetic narcotics. |
Oral Route | drug administration by swallowing or instillation through an enteral tube. |