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Catholic Social Doctrine Summaries

Rerum Novarum (The Condition of Labor), Pope Leo XIII, 1891 Criticizes extremes of capitalism w/few wealthy & majority working slave-like conditions; criticizes socialism for depriving people right to private property & for abolishing individual freedom by making govt.
Quadragesimo Anno (Reconstruction of the Social Order), Pope Pius XI, 1931 Outlines positive impact of Rerum Novarum on social order; highlights problems of capitalism & communism; introduces principle of subsidiarity.
Mater et Magistra (Christianity and Social Progress), Pope John XXIII, 1961 Outlines changes since Rerum Novarum & Quadragesimo; re-emphasizes rights of workers & rights of all to private property; shows ways in which arms race contributing to poverty;stresses wealthy industrialized nations to help poor, less industrialized.
Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth), Pope John XXIII, 1963 Common good only maintained when personal rights & duties maintained; human dignity of all people must be respected regardless abilities. Society to serve individuals not vice versa.
Guadium et Spes (The Church in the Modern World), Second Vatican Council, 1965 Church not bound to any political party/ social system but to influence society & politics in order to improve world; states have right to self-defense & to oblige citizens participate in defense or service of nation, but not indiscriminately destroy.
Populorum Progressio (The Development of Peoples), Pope Paul VI, 1967 Reaffirms right of all to goods of earth, even when right requires stricter control over trade & ownership; poverty is root of conflicts, ministry to the poor is means to peace.
Octogesima Adveniens (A Call to Action), Pope Paul VI, 1971 Addresses problems of urbanization esp. new grps of poor & marginalized (elderly, handicapped & those displaced by urbanization); condemns discrimination; calls individuals to stand up for justice
Justice in the World, Synod of Bishops, 1971 Justice essential element of Gospel & Church’s mission; individuals & communities to speak out on behalf those who suffer from injustice esp. poor & powerless; Church witness for justice thru education, international relations & treatment of people.
Laborem Exercens (On Human Work), Pope John Paul II, 1981 Work important, tangible expression of human dignity & key to making life more humane; employers should provide benefits; part of right to work stems from right to exercise free will.
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (On Social Concern), Pope John Paul II, 1987 Addresses continuing problem of global inequality & large economic gap btwn N & S Hemispheres; “preferential option for the poor” ie. special form of primacy in the exercising of Christian charity.
Centesimus Annus (On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum), Pope John Paul II, 1991 Summarizes 100 yrs of Catholic soc teaching; calls attention to new form of ownership: possession of know-how, technology & skill; needy must be able to acquire not only goods, but also knowledge & experience.
Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions, United States Catholic Bishops, 1998 Stresses importance of bringing together the gifts of Catholic Educ./ Catechesis and Catholic soc teaching in effort to make more Catholics aware of great body of Catholic soc teaching.
Created by: Iguanamom
Popular Religion sets




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