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HST316B Unit 5

21st Century

dot-com boom the rapid economic growth in the latter half of the 1990s spurred by the spread of personal computers and the Internet
ethnic cleansing the systematic expulsion or killing of a minority ethnic group within a country
genocide the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, religious, or cultural group
globalization trend toward increased integration and interconnectedness among nations, especially in business
New Democrats members of the Democratic Party who moved toward more moderate policies, such as smaller government and progrowth economic policies, during the 1990s
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 1993 treaty that created a free-trade zone among the United States, Mexico, and Canada
offshoring the transfer of jobs to overseas facilities to take advantage of lower wages or taxes, or less regulation
Operation Enduring Freedom the military campaign in Afghanistan to capture Osama bin Laden and other al-Qaeda leaders and remove the Taliban regime
Operation Iraqi Freedom the military campaign to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and discover and destroy suspected weapons of mass destruction
Oslo Accords a set of agreements, signed in Oslo, Norway, in 1993, between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization to set up a framework for further negotiations
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) organization established by Arab leaders in 1964 to represent Palestinians and help them regain lands they lost in 1948 with the creation of Israel; has often conducted guerrilla attacks against Israel
Patriot Act legislation passed in response to the September 11, 2001, attacks and giving federal agencies increased powers to monitor e-mail and phones, search homes and cars, and detain non-citizens
preemptive war a war in which a nation strikes first to overcome a perceived threat before the threat grows worse
Al Qaeda Islamist terrorist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s
Shi’ites members of the smaller of the two branches of Islam, Muslims who believe that the successor of Muhammad should always be a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad’s family
Silicon Valley near San Francisco, California, known for its silicon chip manufacturers, high-tech startup companies, and engineers
Sunnis members of the far larger of the two branches of Islam, Muslims who believe the caliph should be the most capable Muslim and not necessarily a descendant of Muhammad’s family
Taliban extremist Islamist regime that came to power in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s, after the Soviet withdrawal, and demanded strict adherence to Islamic law, banned many so-called Western behaviors, and brutally suppressed women’s rights
tariff a tax on imports
terrorism the planned use of violence to strike fear into people or governments to obtain political goals
weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)weapons that have the potential to kill large numbers of people, such as nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons
Created by: mandy.safriet
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