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mid term cna mg

abdomin/o abdomen
aden/o gland
albin/o white
an/o anus
angi/o blood vessel
anter/o front
arthr/o joint
arteri/o artery
ather/o fatty substance
atri/o atrium
audi/o hearing
aur/o ear
brachi/o arm
bronchi/o bronchiole
carcin/o cancer
cardi/o heart
cerebr/o brain
cervic/o neck, cervix
chole/o bile, gall
cholecyst/o gallbladder
chrondr/o cartilage
cleid/o clavicle
col/o colon
cost/o rib
crani/o head, skull
cry/o cold
cutane/o skin
cran/o blue
cyst/o bladder
cyt/o cell
dent/o tooth
derm/o skin
dermat/o skin
embol/o embolus
encephal/o brain
enter/o small intestines
epiglott/o epiglottis
erythr/o red
gastr/o stomach
gingiv/o gums
gloss/o tongue
gluc/o sugar
gynec/o female
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
hepat/o liver
hist/o tissue
hyster/o uterus
lact/o milk
laryng/o larynx
leuk/o white
lith/o stone
lob/o lobe
lymph/o lymph
mast/o breast
maxill/o upper jaw
melan/o black
my/o muscle
myle/o bone marrow
nas/o nose
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerve
odont/o tooth
onc/o tumur
oophor/o ovary
or/o mouth
oste/o bone
ot/o ear
pector/o chest
pelv/o pelvis
pharyng/o pharynx
pleur/o rib/side
pneum/o lung
psych/o mind
pulmon/o lung
py/o pus
rect/o rectum
ren/o kidney
rhin/o nose
sphygm/o pulse
splen/o spleen
stern/o sternum
tend/o tendon
therm/o heat
thromb/o clot
trache/o neck
ungu/o nail
ur/o urine
vagin/o vagina
valv/o valve
vas/o vessel
ven/o vein
a away from
ab away from. absent
an without
ante before, in front of
anti against
auto self
bi two
brady slow
chlor/o green
circum around
cirrh/o yellow
contra against
di two
dia through, across
diplo double
dors/o back
dys painful, difficult
endo within
epi upon
ex out from
hemi half
heter/o different
homo same
hydro water
hyper above
hypo below
in not, into
infra under
inter among
intra within
macro large
mal bad, ill
micro small
mid middle
multi many
peri around
poly many, much
post after
pre before
quad four
semi partial
sub below
super above
supra above
syn together
tachy rapid, fast
trans through, across
ac pertaining to
al pertaining to
algia pain
cele swelling, hernia
centesis surgical removal of fluid
cide kill
cise cut
cle small
cyte cell
dyne pain
ectasis dialation
ectomy removal ofremoval of
ectopy displacement
emia condition of the blood
gram record or picture
ia pertaining to
iasis presence of
id condition of
itis inflammation
ize remove
lith stone
malacia abnormal softening
megaly large
pathy disease
penia few
ptosis drooping
phasia speech
phobia fear
plasty surgical repair
pnea breathing
rrhage abnormal flow
rrhea excessive flow
rrhexis rupture
scopy to visualize
sis state of
trophy nourishment
uria pertaining to the urine
anti against
auto self
bi two
brady slow
chlor/o green
circum around
cirrh/o yellow
contra against
di two
dia through, across
diplo double
dors/o back
dys painful, difficult
endo within
epi upon
ex out from
hemi half
heter/o different
homo same
hydro water
hyper above
hypo below
in not, into
infra under
inter among
intra within
macro large
mal bad, ill
micro small
mid middle
multi many
peri around
poly many, much
post after
pre before
quad four
semi partial
sub below
super above
supra above
syn together
tachy rapid, fast
trans through, across
ac pertaining to
al pertaining to
algia pain
cele swelling, hernia
centesis surgical removal of fluid
cide kill
cise cut
cle small
cyte cell
dyne pain
ectasis dialation
ectomy removal ofremoval of
ectopy displacement
emia condition of the blood
gram record or picture
ia pertaining to
iasis presence of
id condition of
itis inflammation
ize remove
lith stone
malacia abnormal softening
megaly large
pathy disease
penia few
ptosis drooping
phasia speech
phobia fear
plasty surgical repair
pnea breathing
rrhage abnormal flow
rrhea excessive flow
rrhexis rupture
scopy to visualize
sis state of
trophy nourishment
uria pertaining to the urine
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