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cardiac drugs


heart failure c.m cough, SOB, increased BP/HR, edema
thrombocytopenia c.m calf pain/tenderness, swelling
hypocalcemia c.m--excitement muscle spams, tingling in fingers and toes
hypercalcemia c.m--depressed confusion, weakness, Irreg. pulse
myopathy c.m muscle pain/ weakness
hyperkalemia c.m constipation, N/V, increased urine, depression
hypokalemia c.m palpitations, muscle twitching, weakness, Paresthesias
ototoxicity c.m hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo
angioedema c.m swelling of mouth/throat
CNS effects c.m drowsy/dizzy
allergic reaction c.m rash/itching
anaphylaxis c.m difficulty breathing, swelling of airway
hemorrhage c.m decreased BP, Increased pulse, tachy
furosemide and digoxin interaction digoxin toxicity
digoxin pharmacological actions exerts + inotropic actions that decrease sympathetic tone and increase myocardial contractility
lidocaine A.E Paresthesias
captopril dont take NSAIDs
quinidine gluconate dont take with digoxin
bumetanide and spironolactone interaction reduces R.F hypokalemia
hydrochlorothiazide A.E hyponatremia, hypokalemia, dehydration, hyperuricemia
captopril A.E prevention dont use salt substitute they are high in potassium, hyperkalemia is an A.E
aliskiren avoid fatty foods
isosorbide avoid alcohol
propranolol beta blocker that treats A and V tachys
quinidine sodium channel blocker treats SupV and V dysrhythmias
amiodarone potassium channel blocker treats V fib and V tachy
verapamil calcium channel blocker treats SupV tachy and A fib
amiodarone A.E blurred vision, cough, dizzy, fever
pt dont respond to antidysrhythmic drug administer flecainide
verapamil and amiodarone avoid grapefruit
food that increases K+ raisins
nitroglycerin headache
dobutamine interactions MAIOs, general anesthetic, tricyclic antidepressant, beta blocker
propranolol avoid OTC drugs-- NSAIDS
loop diuretics' pt with thready pulse, ortho hypotension, confusion hypokalemia
milrinone contraindication acute MI
gemfibrozil instructions report fried food intolerance and muscle tenderness, periodic liver function testing
hydrochlorothiazide doesn't promote diuresis in renal insufficient pts
atorvastatin and gemfibrozil interaction myoppathy
simvastatin treats hypercholesterolemia
captopril A.E rash, swelling on tongue, dry cough, distorted taste
spironolactone electrolyte imbalance hyperkalemia
Aliskiren A.E hyperkalemia, throat swelling, cough
carvedilol and antidiabetic drug interaction hypoglycemia
verapamil precautions history of Second degree AV block
procainamide short term cardiac dysrhythmia treatment
severe digoxin toxicity administer antigen-binding fragments--digoxin immune Fab
simvastatin A.E muscle pain
reserpine contraindication severe depression
captopril action/A.E/instructions stops angiotensin 2 production, increases BP. stores Na+ and H20, excretes K+, dry cough, hypotension, angioedema, hyperkalemia, neutropenia, monitor K+ levels, ,BP, and WBC
doxazosin admin/A.E/instructions give at bedtime(Docks you out), ortho hypotension, reflex tachy, monitor BP, rise slowly, avoid driving
nifedipine action/A.E/instructions "Pine" treats HTN & angina, hypotension, brady, P. edema, dizzy/ lightheaded, constipation, hold drug is BP <90, monitor A.E,NO GRAPEFRUIT
atenolol and metoprolol/ action/A.E/instructions "Olol" treats HTN, angina, decreases BP and HR, brady, HF, rebound excitation ,monitor HR, DON'T take if pt has COPD/Asthma
reserpine contraindications/A.E/instructions severe depression, can cause depression and R.F suicide, monitor pt
carvedilol admin/ A.E/ interactions take pulse before giving drug, hypotension, dizzy, brady, DON'T give to pts with Asthma, No MAIOs
hydralazine action/A.E/instructions vasodilator, treats Hypotension (IV form treats hypertensive crisis) , headache, palpitations, tachy-can add beta blocker, taper slowly
hydrochlorothiazide admin/instructions/interactions give last dose by 3pm, weigh self daily at the same time, monitor for electrolyte imbalances(hypos), hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, monitor Mg+ levels, eat K+ rich foods, NSAIDs reduce effects, No if pt has allergy to Sulfonamides
furosemide action/A.E/instructions most powerful, treats Pul. edema, HTN, hyperkalemia, electrolyte imbalances, hypotension, ototoxicity, hyperglycemia, monitor for digoxin toxicity, NSAIDs decrease effect
gemfibrozil action/admin/A.E/interactions reduces LDL, give 30 min before meals, liver toxicity-monitor levels, warfarin increases R.F bleeding
nitroglycerin action/admin/A.E/instructions treat/prevent angina(causes severe headache), take off at night(patch) sublingual (up to 3,5 min apart, store in dark container up to 24 months, causes ortho hypotension, tachy, wear gloves, monitor BP and HR. DON'T take with slidenafil(ED med)
digoxin action/A.E/precautions helps heart pump more effectively, treats HF, check pulse before giving, toxicity, headache, visual disturbances (therapeutic level: 0.5-2) hypokalemia, imp kidney function, monitor for toxicity
atorvastatin action/A.E/admin reduces LDL, liver toxicity-monitor levels, take at bedtime, NO GRAPEFRUIT JUICE
Created by: scoobydooamo2011
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