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Skull, Sinus, Facial

For the PA projection of the skull, what is the CR angulation? 0 degrees
For the PA projection of the skull, where is the exit point? The glabella
What is the CR angulation for the Townes projection? 30 degrees cuadad
Where is the centering for the AP Townes projection? 2 1/2 inches above the glabella; near or on the hairline of the pt.
Where is the petrous ridges located in a PA projection of the skull? In the orbits
What other projection will demonstrate the same as the Townes projection? Hass
What is the CR angulation for the PA Caldwell projection? 15 degrees cuadad
What is the exit point for the PA Caldwell projection? The nasion
Where is the petrous ridges located in the PA Caldwell projection? In the lower 1/3 of the orbits
What is perpendiular to the IR for the Waters view? The MML (Mentala Meatal Line) (Chin)
Which view best demonstrates the nasal septum? The Waters view
Where is the petrous ridges located for the Waters view? Below the maxillary sinuses
What is perpendicular to the IR for the Modeified Waters view? The LML (Lip Meatal Line)
Where is the petrous ridges located in the Modified Waters view? In the lower 1/3 of the maxillary sinuses
Which bone has the ethmoid notch? The Frontal Bone
What is the mipoint betwen the eyebrows? The glabella
What are the names of the articulations in the skull? Suture
What suture seperates the frontal bone and the parietal bones? The coronal suture
What suture seperates the two parietal bones? The sagital suture
What suture seperates the temporal and parietal bones? The squamosal suture
What suture seperates the pariteal and occipital bones? The lambdoidal sututre
What is the CR angulation for Caldwell projection for a sinus exam? No CR angulations; use a 15 degree sponge instead
What projection best shows all sinuses? Lateral
Where do you center for a laterl facial bone/sinus? The zygoma, midway between the outer canthus and the EAM
If a patient is unable to stand erect for a sinus xray, what would be an alternative? A horizontl beam
What must touch the IR for a Rheese projection of the orbits? Chin, cheeck, nose
What anatomy is shown in the AP Townes projection? Occipital Bone Petrous Pyramid Dorsum Sellae Posterior Clenoids Foramen Magnum
What anatomy is shown in the Caldwell projection? Greater Wings Lesser Wings Superior Orbital Fissure Anterior Ethmoid Sinuses Frontal Bone
What anatomy is shown in the SMV projection? Mandible Posterior Ethmoid Sinus Occipital bone Sphenoid Sinus Foramen Magnum
What are the two round portions of the occipital bone on each side of the foramen magnum that articultes with C1? The occipital condyles
Which cranial bone houses the organs of hearing and equilibrium? Temporal
What two bones in the skull creates the zygomatic arch? Temporal and Zygomatic bone
Which cranial bone anchors the wall for all of the cranial bones? Sphenod bone
Which part of the spenoid bones is used tosupport the pons? The clivus
Where are the sinuses located in the ethmoid bone? The lateral masses
Which part of the ethmoid bone forms the nasal septum? The perpendicular plate
Fluid in the sphenoid sinus indicates what? Basal Skull Fx
A Caldwell projection was performed and the petrous ridges are filled in the orbits. What adjustemnts should be made? Angle the CR 15 degrees caudad so that the petrous ridges can be in the lower 1/3 of the orbits
What struture should be projected within the shadow of the foreamen magnum on a well positined AP axial (Townes) projection of the skull? The dorsum sellar
On an AP axial projection of the skull, the dorsum sellae is shown below the foramen magnum and the posterior arch of C1 is visible in the foramen magnum. What is the positioning error? Excessive CR angulation
Created by: avedrine9
Popular Radiology sets




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