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NUR101 Mod 1/B

Assessment collection and interpretation of data relevant to the health status of a client
Planning identification of nursing interventions and goals for review by the registered nurse.
Implementation delivering nursing care according to an established health care plan and as assigned by the registered nurse
Evaluation participation in determining the extent to which desired outcomes of nursing care are met and in planning for subsequent care
Reporting communication of information to other persons responsible for or involved in the care of the client
Recording documentation of information on the appropriate client record, nursing care plan or other documents.
Collaborating communicating and working cooperatively in implementing the health care plan with individuals whose services may have a direct or indirect effect upon the client's health care
Standards of Care purpose is to protect the patient
Criminal Law offensive to society in general, detrimental to society as a whole, Involves public offenses
Civil Law violates a person’s rights, detrimental to that individual, offense that is against an individual
Liability legal responsibility
Informed Consent Full disclosure of the facts the patient needs to know to make an intelligent decision before any invasive treatment or procedure. Nurse is the witness
Abandonment of care Wrongful termination of providing patient care
Assault An intentional threat to cause bodily harm to another; does not have to include actual bodily contact
Battery Unlawful touching of another person without informed consent
Defamation Spoken or written statements made maliciously and intentionally that may injure the subject's reputation
Slander Malicious or untrue spoken words about another person that are brought to the attention of others
Libel A malicious or untrue writing about another person that is brought to the attention of others
Competency legal presumption that a person of legal age can make a decision for his or herself unless proven otherwise
Tort type of civil law that involves wrongs against a person or property, torts include negligence, assault, battery, defamation, fraud, false imprisonment, and invasion of privacy
Negligence failure to act as a reasonably prudent person would act in similar circumstances, with similar education, or would not act in similar circumstances
Reasonably Prudent Man Theory A standard that requires an individual to perform a task as any “reasonably prudent man of ordinary prudence, with comparable education, skill, and training under similar circumstances” would perform that same function.  
Malpractice specific type of negligence, Inadequate/inappropriate practice, Has to be related to a profession
Assigning Care Transfer or both responsibility and accountability of an activity from one individual to another
Delegating Care Delegating-Transfer of responsibility for the performance of an activity from one person to another while retaining accountability for the outcome  
Five Rights of Delegation Right person, Right task, Right circumstance, Right directions/communication, Right supervision
Ethics refers to values that influence a person’s behavior and the individual’s feelings and beliefs about what is right or wrong
Ethical dilemmas Situations that do not have a clear right or wrong answer
Respect for persons Each patient has the same worth as another and is always entitled to respect,
Autonomy Personal freedom of choice
Beneficence Nurse must promote the well-being of all patients
Nonmaleficence To do no harm Nurse has a ethical and legal duty to prevent harm to a patient
Justice The concept of what is fair All patients have the same right to nursing care
Refusal to Treat The nurse cannot refuse to care for a patient because she disagrees with the decisions the patient makes
Dignity Allowing and honoring the patient’s possession of self-respect
Golden Rule Treat every patient as you would want to be treated yourself or as you would want the most important person in your life to be treated
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act The main purpose is to protect the patient health care information
Protected Health Information any health information that can be used to identify a patient and their past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of the patient, healthcare services provided to the patient, or the payment for these services
Advanced Directives provides specific instructions for healthcare workers in the event the patient is unable to make the decisions at the time
Incident Reports Used to document any event not consistent with the routine operation of a healthcare unit or the routine care of a patient
Exception to a Patient’s Right to Privacy Suspected abuse , communicable diseases, gunshot wound
Created by: Ms. A LPNI
Popular Nursing sets




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