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Unexposed Film Appearance clear film w/a blush tinge
Film Exposed to White Light Appearance film appears black
Over Exposed Film Appearance film appears dark
Under Exposed Film film appears light
Premolar Bite-Wing must include Distal 1/2 canine, all premolars present &1st molars of the MX & MD teeth, & crestal bone
Incorrect Horizontal Angulation Appearance overlapped contact areas appear on the film
Cone-cut Appearance a clear, unexposed area on the film
Film Bending Appearance film appears stretched & distorted (all or portion of the film)
Film Creasing Appearance a thin radiolucent (dark) line appears on the film (usually straight)
Phalangioma Appearance patients finger appears on the film image
Double Exposure Appearance two (double) images are superimpose on top of each other
Patient movement Appearance film image is distorted or blurred
Incorrect Vertical Angulation Appearance short teeth w/blunted roots appear on the film (foreshortened)
Dropped Film Corner Appearance the occlusal plain appears tipped or tilted
Incorrect Film Placement Appearance no apices on the film
Molar Bite-Wing must include Distal 1/2 of second premolar, all molars present, & both MX & MD molars, & crestal bone
Reversed Film Appearance light images w/a herringbone pattern appear on film
X-ray Machine purpose:2(1) 1- produce quality radiographs 2-detection of disease & lesions for diagnostic purposes
Federal Regulations-1968 Radiation Control for Health & Safety Act: Standardize performance of X-ray equipment
Federal Regulations-1974 US FDA standardized all manufacturing of radiographic dental equipment (all machines must meet this)
State Gov't Regulations determine when & how dental x-ray equipment is monitored MN-mandatory every 2 years
Tube head or Tube housing used to produce x-rays
Extension arm used to suspend tubhead, house electrical wires, & allow movement in all directions & positioning of the x-ray tubhead
Created by: MRamos21
Popular Dentistry sets




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