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Continental shelf gently sloping, submerged surface from the shoreline toward the deep ocean basin.
Deep ocean trench long, relatively narrow troughs that are the deepest parts of the ocean. Located along the Pacific Ocean.
Ocean Salinity total amount of solid material dissolved in water.Many are expressed as a percent.
Tornadoes are most often generated along the cold front of a mid-latitude cyclone False
Sea water is ? sodium chloride
Ocean temperatures at different lattitudes Near the surface; the water warms sharply at a depth called thermocline. The depth of the thermocline decreases until it does not exist near the north or south poles.
Geological features and biological communities found along mid ocean ridges Basaltic rock layers,buoyantly uplifted,rift valleys,faulted tilted blocks of crust, volcanic cones, ecosystem based on bacteria not sunlight.
Motion of water movement in deep water waves ocean waves are waves of oscillation, at a right angle to the direction of movement.
Long shore currents easily move the fine suspended sand and roll larger sand and gravel along the bottom. These occur along the oblique angle of the shoreline.
Tidal currents also called flood currents that advance into the coastal zone as the tide rises. tidal deltas are created by tidal currents.
Ebb currents as the tide falls, seaward moving water generates these currents. Slack water separate flood and ebb currents.
Spring tides occur when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned. The gravity causes HIGHER High and Lower low tides Twice a month.
Neap tides occur when the moon's gravity is at a right angle. HIGH TIDEs The daily tidal range also occurs during neap tides.
Submergent Coasts drowned river mouths, estuaries, Chesapeak Bay
Emergent Coasts rising land causing wave cut cliffs, wave cutt platforms.
Terrigenous weathered from continental rocks
Biogenous Sediment consists of shells and skeletons of marine animals and algae.
Hydrogenous Sediment MAGNESE MODULES
Isobars are these are lines that connect places of equal air pressure.
closely spaced isobars indicate a steep pressure gradient and high winds.
Widely spaced isobars indicate a weak pressure gradient and light winds.
Isobars are located? stratosphere
Dust and other aerosols in the atmosphere have what effect on the atmosphere? they shade the earth and cause cooling of the Earth.
Ozone component of the atmosphere, three oxygen atoms into each molecule. (03). Located in the stratosphere.
The ozone absorbs what? Ultraviolet Radiation
Green house effect? storage of heat located in the lower layer of the atmosphere produced by certain heat absorbing gases.
The summer solstice at noon on June 21st or 22nd, 23 1/2 degrees north of the equator. Tropic of Cancer
The winter solstice at noon on Dec 21st and 22nd, Suns vertical rays striking 23 1/2 degrees south latitude. Tropic of Capricorn.
Autumnal Equinox At noon on September 22 and 23
Spring Equinox At noon on March 21st and 22nd, suns rays are striking the equator.
What two days is the length, number of hours, approximately equal at all latitudes? September 22-23, March 21st and 22nd
When is the day longest in the northern Hemisphere June 21st
When is the day shortest? December 21st and 22nd
Conduction transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity.
Radiation the heat transfer mechanism by which solar energy reaches our planet.
Convection transfer of heat by mass movement or circulation within a substance.
Daily Mean Temperature By adding the maximum and minimum temperatures and then dividing by two.
annual range of temperature by finding the difference between the highest and lowest monthly means.
Cumulus Clouds flat base and appearance of rising domes or towers. Described as CAULIFLOWER STRUCTURE.
Cumulonimbus- towering cloud, produces rainshowers or thunderstorm.
Stratus sheets or layers that cover much of the sky.
Cirrus high,white,thin, Delicate veil-like sheets or extended wispy fibers. Feathery appearance. hooked filaments called mare tails.
ALTOCUMULUS THey are larger and denser. Known as MIDDLE CLOUDS, APPEAR IN THE 2000-6000 meters.
AltoStratus grayish sheet covering the sky with the Sun or MOON visible as a BRIGHT spot. Infrequent light snow or drizzle may be with these clouds.
Nimbostratus "Rainy CLoud" "TO COVER WITH LAYER" chief precipitation producers.form in association with stable conditions.
What is happening beneath a NIMBOSTRATUS? Air is forced to rise, occurs along mountain range, a front, or near the center of a cyclone where converging winds cause air to ascend.Leads to formation of stratisfied cloud layer thats large horizontally compared to its depth
As air is lifted it cools? When air expands, it cools, when it is compressed it warms.
What is needed for condensation to take place? The atmosphere must be fully saturated. The maximum vapor pressure must have been reached. It can only take place if an object is cooled below the ambient air's dew point.
What are the two most abundant gases in the atmosphere? Nitrogen and Oxygen.
What is the range in water vapors percent in the atmosphere? 1-4%
Evaporation Heat is absorbed by the process of converting liquid to a gas.
CONDENSATION occurs when water vapor changes to the liquid state.
SuBlimatION the conversion of a solid directly to a gas without passing through the liquid state.
Deposition the conversion of vapor directly to a solid. this is the reverse process of Sublimation.
OrOgrapHic lifting occurs when elevated terrains such as mountains act as barriers to the flow of air. As air ascends a mountain slope, adiabatic cooling often generates clouds and copious precipitation. It also occurs when air is forced over a topographic barrier.
RAINSHADOW DESERTS OROGRAPHIC LIFTING- by the time the air reaches the leeward side of a mountain, much of its moisture has been lost. If the air descends, it warms adiabatically, making condensation and precipitation even less likely. Rainshadow-OROGRAPHIC LIFTING
NORTHERN HEMISPHERE MOvement lower pressure- are deflected to the right or left of Earth's rotation. Inward and counterclockwise
NORTHERN HEMISPHERE Movement Higher pressure center/anticyclone they blow outward and clockwise
Southern Hemisphere Low pressure center left and clockwise
Southern Hemisphere high pressure center counterclockwise.
Trade winds are located ? on the surface
Westerlies are located ? at midlatitudes
Westerlies are also found in which Country? The United States.
Hurricanes and pop up thunderstorms are which type of air mass? MT
Which air masses dominates our Midwestern/Central US WEATHER? CT, MP, MT
The heights of clouds ahead of a warm front using their slope of 1/200 km For every 200 kilometers in front of the warm front the cloud heights is 1 kilometer. 1 is 200 kilometers, 2 is 400 kilometers, etc.
What is the changes in air temperature, wind direction, and humidity as a cold front passes one location? cold fronts are about twice as steep as warm fronts. A marked temperature drop and a wind shift from the south to west or northwest accompany the passage of the front.
What is the general trend of air pressure as a storm approaches compared to as the weather improves after it passes your location? the pressure falls rapidly, only to rise once the storm has passed.
What type of storms are associated with a warm front? light to moderate precipitation, rain or snow, less violent.
what type of storm is associated with a cold front? GREAT PRECIPITATION and HEAVY DOWNPOURS and VIGOROUS WIND GUSTS
Pressure gradient and isobar spacing are directly proportional to wind speed, rank in order the pressure gradient and wind speed of low pressure/cyclones,hurricanes,and tornadoes. The isobars of a hurricane are close but not even close to those found in a tornado. Tornadoes have the closest isobars so close they would look like a thick black line. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and cyclones.
HURRICANES and how they compare in size and rainfall to low pressure/cyclonic storms, tornadoes, and thunderstorms. Hurricanes are large but often smaller in area than our low pressure/cyclone storms in our region.
THE MAJOR PARTS OF A COMET? the coma, the tail, and the NUCLEUS
What well accepted hypothesis explains how solar systems such as ours formed? THE BIG BANG
VOLCANOES CRATERS and IMPACT CRATERS share some common traits , what are they? Landslides and other mass wasting movements along the walls of depression.
How do the terrestrial planets differ from the Jovian planets? The jovian planets-no solid ground-compressed gases-terrestrial planets-solid ground.Jovian planets are gas giants and farther from the sun -terrestrial planets are closer to the sun-don't have much gas.
Description of LUNAR highlands? Very old in age, made of plutonic rocks and contain more than 90 percent plagioclase and feldspar and rose like scum from magma. Elevated several kilometers above maria.
Description of Maria. Composed of volcanic rocks with a mafic composition and similiar to flood basalts on Earth. The flat plains that resulted from immense outpourings of fluid basaltic lava.
Description of Craters. can be very large. They can be very young or very old.
Lunar Regolith is the soil like layer composed of igneous rocks about a few billion years old. The igneous rocks that are in this soil is breccia,glass beads,and fin lunar dust. It is about 3 meters thick. The soil is the youngest.
Similarities between the surface of MERCURY, MARS, and our MOON. THEY ALL HAVE CRATERS.
MERCURY AND THE MOON share what common features? MERCURY AND THE MOON do not have atmospheres, but MARS has a thin atmosphere.
Magnitude of a star is? The measure of a star's brightness.
the absolute magnitude of a star is ? its true brightness.
Apparant Magnitude the description of how a star APPEARS.
Massive blue stars radiate energy at such an enormous rate that they substantially deplete their hydrogen fuel in only a few million years.
THE SUN a main sequence star remains a main sequence star for about 10 billion years.
The best clue to the temperature of a star and where it is in its life cycle is its? COLOR!
The phase of a star that it spends most of its life is called its? Main sequence
As an average star uses up its fusionable fuels it expands and cools forming a? RED GIANT PHASE
DEATH comes to very massive stars resulting in supernovas and commonly a dense? NEUTRON STAR OR BLACK HOLE
The universe is expanding and galaxies are retreating from us at greater velocities. HUBBLE's LAW
What two methods are used to determine the distance from our solar system for near by stars and those that are very far away? STELLAR PARALLAX IS USED FOR STARS THAT ARE NEAR US and DOPPLER EFFECT IS USED FOR STARS THAT ARE .... far away.
Thunderstorms come from the cold front of a midlatitude cyclone true
Because of the Coriolis effect, surface ocean currents are deflected to the ________ of Right
Longshore sand transport and longshore currents depend on waves impinging parallel to a shoreline. True
Waves in the open ocean are called waves of oscillation. TRUE
The gently sloping submerged surface extending from the shoreline toward the deep ocean is termed the ________. Continental shelf
A poleward-moving ocean current is considered a warm current. true
Turbidites and siliceous oozes are both biogenous sediments. FALSE
The zigzag movement of sand grains along a beach is ________. both caused by obliquing breaking waves and called beach drift
The movement of sand parallel to the shore ________. all of these
Manganese nodules do not accumulate below 4500 meters depth because the manganese minerals are highly soluble in seawater below that depth. FALSE
The ________ marks the transition between the warm surface layer and the deep zone of cold water in the oceans. thermocline
The crests of mid-oceanic ridges ________. contain active rift zones
Manganese nodules are an example of ________. hydrogenous sediment
Which of the following is NOT true of deep ocean trenches they are geologically very stable.
Sediments derived primarily from the products of weathering on the continents are called ________. terrigenous sediment
The thermocline exists near the equator but not at the poles true
Cheseapeake Bay and Deleware Bay are examples of ? large estuaries
The movement of water within the surf zone that parallels the shore is termed ________. long shore current
Sand, silt, and clays deposited on the ocean floor are described as terrigenous sediments. True
Erosional retreat of a ________ leads to enlargement and extension of a wave-cut platform in the inland direction. wave-cutt cliff
Tidal flats are submerged during ebb tide. FALSE
The largest daily tidal range occurs in association with spring tides. TRUE
The annual range of temperature may be described as the difference between ________. difference between the highest and lowest monthly means.
The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is nitrogen. TRUE
The lowest layer of the atmosphere is ? the troposphere
The storage of heat in the lower layer of the atmosphere produced by certain heat absorbing gases is called the ________. greenhouse effect
By adding the daily maximum and minimum temperatures and then dividing by two, the daily range is calculated. true
On this date the length of daylight gets progressively longer going south from the equator. Dec 21st
The Northern Hemispher has its greatest length of daylight on ________. june 21st
The triatomic form of oxygen (O3) is known as ________. ozone
A very important control of the DAILY range of temperature is ________. the amount of water vapor in the air
Ozone is concentrated in the ________. stratosphere
What two days is the length, number of hours, approximately equal at all latitudes? June 21st and March 21st or 22nd
This process involves the movement of a mass or substance. convection
A molecule of ozone contains two atoms of oxygen and one atom of nitrogen. False
The spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere occurs on ________. March 21st
This term is used to describe clouds that produce precipitation. nimbo
The cloud form that is best described as sheets or layers that cover much or all of the sky is termed ________. stratus
This cloud type is confined to the middle height range altostratus
This cloud sometimes produces "mare's tails." cirrus
Deserts on the lee/downwind sides of mountains such as the Great Basin, Gobi, and Takla Makan are examples of ________. rainshadow deserts
These clouds are often called "fair weather" clouds. cumulus
The change of state from a gas to a liquid is called ________. condensation
High clouds that form delicate veil-like patches or extended wispy fibers are termed ________. cirrus
A dark gray cloud that blankets the sky and often generates precipitation is called ________. nimbostratus
Clouds form because rising air cools as it comes in contact with colder air aloft. false, this is because when air expands it cools
Hail is most commonly associated with ________. cumulonimbus
The cloud form that consists of globular cloud masses that take on a billowy or "cauliflower-like" structure is called ________. cumulus
Tornadoes can be associated with this cloud type. cumulonimbus
If "fair" weather is approaching, the pressure tendency would probably be ________. rising
Cyclones are usually associated with stormy weather. true
the highest wind speeds are found in tornadoes and they are also the smallest in size true
hurricanes have higher wind speeds than most low pressure mid-level cyclones true
tornadoes have the steepest gradients, followed by hurricanes, and then your run of the mill low pressure systems cyclone, true
Created by: dreamwalker
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