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Ch 22-27
Maternity and Pediatric
Question | Answer |
anticipatory guidance | preparatory education that helps caregivers mourn the loss of their child when death actually comes |
archetypes | predetermined patterns of human development, which according to Carl Jung, replace instinctive behavior of other animals (prototype) |
cephalocaudal | the pattern of growth of the child that follows an orderly pattern, starting with the head and moving downward |
cognitive development | progressive change in the intellectual process, including perception, memory, and judgement |
development | progressive change in the child's maturation |
developmental tasks | basic achievements associated with each stage of development that must be mastered before moving to the next developmental stage. To achieve maturity, a person must successfully complete developmental tasks at each stage |
ego | in psychoanalytic theory, the conscious self that controls the pleasure principle of the id by delaying the instincts until an appropriate time |
egocentric | concerned only with one's own activities or needs -unable to put oneself in another's place or to see another's point of view |
growth | result of cell division and marked by an increase in size and weight -physical increase in body size and appearance caused by increasing numbers of new cells |
id | in psychoanalytic theory, part of the personality that control physical needs and instincts of the body -dominated by pleasure principle |
latchkey child | child who comes home to an empty house after school each day because family caregivers are at work |
libido | sexual drive |
maturation | completed growth and development |
proximodistal | pattern of growth in which growth starts in the center and progresses toward the periphery or outside |
sublimation | process of directing a desire or impulse into more acceptable behaviors |
superego | in psychoanalytic theory, the conscience or parental value system -acts primarily as monitor over the ego |
temperament | the combination of all of an individuals' characteristics, the way the person thinks, behaves, and reacts |
deciduous teeth | primary teeth that usually erupt between 6 and 8 months of age |
early childhood caries | condition caused by erosion of enamel on the infant's deciduous teeth from sugar in formula or juice that coats teeth for long periods. Can also occur in infants who sleep with mothers and nurse intermittently throughout the night |
extrusion reflex | infant's way of taking food by thrusting the tongue forward as if to suck -has the effect of pushing solid food out of the mouth |
pedodontists | dentist who specializes in the care and treatment of children's teeth |
pincer grasp | using the thumb and index finger to pick up food or small object |
primary circular reactions | a stage of development named by Piaget in which infants explore objects by touching or putting them in their mouths -infant unaware of actions he/she can cause |
seborrhea | a scalp condition characterized by yellow, crusty patches -cradle cap |
secondary circular reactions | a stage of development named by Piaget in which the infant realizes that his or her actions cause pleasurable sensations |
autonomy | ability to function in an independent manner |
dawdling | wasting time, whiling away time, being idle |
discipline | to train or instruct to produce self-control and a particular behavior pattern, especially moral or mental improvement |
negativism | opposition to suggestion or advice -associated with the toddler age group because the toddler, in search of autonomy, frequently responds "no" to almost everything |
parallel play | one child plays alongside another child or children involved in the same type of activity, but the children do not interact with each other |
punishment | penalty given for wrongdoing |
ritualism | practice employed by the young child to help develop security -consists of following a certain routine, makes rituals of simple tasks |
temper tantrums | behaviors in children that spring from frustrations cause by urge for independence -violent display of temper. Child reacts with enthusiastic rebellion against the wishes of the caregiver |
associative play | being engaged in a common activity without any sense of belonging or fixed rules |
cooperative play | children play with each other, as in team sports |
dramatic play | a type of play that allows a child to act out troubling situations and to control the solution to the problem |
magical thinking | child's belief that thoughts are powerful and can cause something to happen (ex. illness/death of loved one occurs because child wished it in moment of anger) |
non communicative language | egocentric speech exhibited by children who talk to themselves, toys, or pets without any purpose other than the pleasure of using words |
onlooker play | interest in the observation of an activity without participation |
solitary independent play | playing apart from others without making an effort to be part of the group or group activity |
unoccupied behavior | daydreaming fingering clothing or a toy without any apparent purpose |
classification | ability to group objects by rank, grade, or class |
conservation | ability to recognize that change in shape does not necessarily mean change in amount or mass |
decentration | ability to see several aspects of a problem at the same time and understand the relationships of various parts to the whole situation |
deliriants | inhalants that contain chemicals whose fumes can produce confusion, disorientation, excitement, and hallucinations |
epiphyses | growth centers at the ends of long bones and at the wrists |
hierarchical arrangement | grouping by some common system such as rank, grades, or class |
inhalants | substance that may be taken into the body through inhaling -substance whose volatile vapors can be abused |
reversibility | ability to think in either direction |
scoliosis | lateral curvature of the spine |
early adolescence | begins at about age 10 in girls and about age 12 in boys with a dramatic growth spurt that signals the advent of puberty |
heterosexual | intimate relationship between two people of the opposite sex |
homosexual | intimate relationship between two people of the same sex |
malocclusion | the improper alignment of the teeth |
menarche | beginning of menstruation |
nocturnal emissions | involuntary discharge of semen during sleep -wet dreams |
orthodontia | a type of dentistry dealing with prevention and correction of incorrectly positioned or aligned teeth |
puberty | period during which secondary sex characteristics begin to develop and reproductive maturity is attained |
transgender | person born with male or female anatomy but their internal sense is that they are in the "wrong body" and they identify themselves as a person of the opposite sex |