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So...what's an infinitive??
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How do you use infinitives in a sentence?
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What's an infinitive??

So...what's an infinitive?? An "infinitive" is a verb ending in -ar, -er, OR -ir meaning "TO ______"
How do you use infinitives in a sentence? Infinitives mean "to _____" so they have to be used in a phrase (ex.- "I likeTO SWIM" = "Me gusta NADAR", or "I prefer TO EAT chicken tacos" = "Yo prefiero COMER los tacos de pollo"
What can you do with infinitives if you change the ending? So much!!! If you take off the -ar/-er/-ir, you can add an ending to the STEM that's left and make it express an infinite number of ideas!
trabajar - infinitive to work
trabajador(a) - stem TRABAJ +suffix ending hard-working, literally "worker"
hablar - infinitive to speak or talk
hablador(a) - stem HABL +suffix ending talkative, literally "talker"
jugar - infinitive to play games or sports
el/la jugador(a) - stem JUG +suffix ending the player of a game or sport
nadar - infinitive to swim
el/la nadador(a) - stem NAD +suffix ending the swimmer
luchar - infinitive to wrestle
el/la luchador(a) - stem LUCH +suffix ending the wrestler
bailar - infinitive to dance
el/la bailador(a), el/la bailarín - stem BAIL +suffix ending the dancer
animar - infinitive to cheer or animate the crowd
el/la animador, el/la porrista - stem ANIM +suffix ending the cheerleader
entrenar - infinitive to coach or train
el/la entrenador(a) - stem ENTREN +suffix ending the coach
conducir - infinitive to drive
el/la conductor(a) - stem CONDUC +suffix ending the driver
mirar - infinitive to look at or watch
el mirador - stem MIR +suffix ending the watch tower (of a castle/fortress/church) or place where you can see a panoramic view
conquistar - infinitive to conquer
el conquistador - stem CONQUIS +suffix ending literally "the conqueror," specifically one of the leaders of the Spanish conquest of present-day Latin America
torear - infinitive to bullfight (the "toro" is the bull)
el/la toreador(a) - stem TORE +suffix ending the bullfighter
vender - infinitive to sell
el/la vendedor(a) - stem VEND +suffix ending the vendor, commonly a street vendor or vendor at a kiosk or market
cazar - infinitive to hunt
el/la cazador(a) - stemCAZ +suffix ending the hunter
mostrar - infinitive to show
el mostrador - stem MOSTR +suffix ending the showcase or counter of a store
el/la maestra - stem MOSTR +suffix ending (has a little variation) the teacher, literally "shows" you how to do something; also the "master" of a subject
cocinar - infinitive to cook
el/la cocinero(a) - stem COCIN +suffix ending the chef
la cocina - stem COCIN +suffix ending the kitchen
comer - infinitive to eat
el comedor - stem COM +suffix ending the dining room (where you "comer")
la comida - stem COM +suffix ending the food (what you "comer")
los comestibles - stem COM +suffix ending the groceries
beber - infinitive to drink
la bebida - stem BEB +suffix ending the drink (what you "beber")
dormir - infinitive to sleep
el dormitorio - stem DORM +suffix ending the bedroom
parar - infinitive to stop
la parada - stem PAR +suffix ending the stop for transportation (bus stop, train stop, etc)
el parador - stem PAR +suffix ending the hotel, literally "the stopover," usually of historical significance
cantar - infinitive to sing
el/la cantante - stem CANT +suffix ending the singer
la canción - stem CANT +suffix ending (some variation) the song
estudiar - infinitive to study
el/la estudiante - stem ESTUDI +suffix ending the student
estudioso(a) - stem ESTUDI +suffix ending studious (studies regularly)
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