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Category: Question

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nadar - infinitiveAnswer: to swim10false
the wrestlerQuestion: el/la luchador(a) - stem LUCH +suffix ending31false
to conquerQuestion: conquistar - infinitive41false
the studentQuestion: el/la estudiante - stem ESTUDI +suffix ending51false
to cookQuestion: cocinar - infinitive61false
the hunterQuestion: el/la cazador(a) - stemCAZ +suffix ending71false
to showQuestion: mostrar - infinitive91false
to danceQuestion: bailar - infinitive101false
to studyQuestion: estudiar - infinitive131false
the chefQuestion: el/la cocinero(a) - stem COCIN +suffix ending141false
the kitchenQuestion: la cocina - stem COCIN +suffix ending151false
to driveQuestion: conducir - infinitive171false
the driverQuestion: el/la conductor(a) - stem CONDUC +suffix ending181false
to speak or talkQuestion: hablar - infinitive191false
to look at or watchQuestion: mirar - infinitive201false
to sellQuestion: vender - infinitive211false
to wrestleQuestion: luchar - infinitive221false
beber - infinitiveAnswer: to drink240false
the dancerQuestion: el/la bailador(a), el/la bailarín - stem BAIL +suffix ending271false
to singQuestion: cantar - infinitive281false