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2 cyclic phases of pulmonary ventilation Inspiration and Expiration; process of breathing
3 ways that CO2 transports in blood 7% dissolves in plasma ; 23% binds to hemoglobin as HbCO2 carbaminohemoglobin; 70% as HCO3-
2 conditions that Hypoventilation causes Hypoxia and Hypercapnia
The openings between the Alveoli are called that connect them together Alveoli Pores
On the right lung the Horizontal Fissure separates what 2 lobes Superior and Middle
The Oblique Fissure separates what 2 lobes on the right lung Middle and Inferior
Oblique Fissure separates what 2 lobes on the Left lung The only 2 ; Superior and Inferior
Term for the breathing rate that exceeds the bodies demand for Oxygen Hyperventilation
The Dorsal Respiration Group (DRG) activates during which ventilation process Forced Inhalation and Normal Inhalation
Hypoxia Oxygen levels decrease due to hypoventilation or Emphasema
Hypercapnia CO2 rises to high from Hypoventilation
What anatomic structures does the Autonomic NS control in the respiratory system Trachea, Lungs, Bronchial tree, and Larynx
Oxygenated blood leaves the lungs in what Pulmonary Vein
Oxygenated blood leaving the lungs in the Pulmonary Veins travels to what part of the Heart Left Atrium
Hypoventilation Not enough oxygen getting to the lungs
Hypopnea Breathing too Shallow; a form of hypoventilation
Bradypnea Breathing Rate lower than normal; a form of hypoventilation
Tachypnea Breathing Rate Higher than normal; a form of hyperventilation
Hyperpnea Breathing deeper than normal ; usually due to exercise ; a form of hyperventilation
Partial Pressures of Systemic Cells at rest are Po2 = 40 mmHg and Pco2 = 45 mmHg
4 substances found in the Mucus of the respiratory tract Defensins, Mucin, Lysozyme, and Immunoglobulins
Term for a puncture to the Pleural space that allows air into the pleural cavity Pneumothorax
Term for the greatest amount of air going in and out of the lungs in 1 minute Maximum Voluntary Ventilation
Tonsils of the Oropharynx Palatine , Lingual , Oropharynx tonsils
4 layers of the Trachea from the Lumen out Mucosa, Submucosa, Tracheal Cartilages, Adventitia
Conductive Zone Nose to the Terminal Bronchiole; Air Transport
Respiratory Zone Respiratory Bronchiole to the Alveoli ; Gas Exchange
Runny Nose is Rhinorrhea
3 regions of the Pharynx Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, Laryngopharynx
Tonsils of the Nasopharynx are Tubal, Pharyngeal tonsils
Epiglottis is made of what Elastic cartilage, all other larynx cartilage is Hyaline
What connects the Tracheal Cartilages together Anular Ligaments
From the Trachea list the regions of the Bronchial Tree Main Bronchi, Lobar Bronchi, Segmental Bronchi, Terminal Bronchiole, Respiratory Bronchiole, Alveolar Duct, Alveolar Sac, and the Alveoli
Pulmonary Veins carry what where Carry Oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
Pulmonary Arteries carry what where Carry DeOxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
Pulmonary Veins go to what part of the heart Left Atrium
Pleurisy Pleural Membrane Inflamation
Pleural Effusion Excess fluid in the Pleural Cavity
Atelectasis Collapsed Lung from air in the Interpleural cavity
The 4 processes of gas exchange Pulmonary ventilation, Alveolar gas exchange, Gas transport, Systemic gas exchange
Eupnea Quiet Breathing
Down the pressure gradient means Air flows from High Pressure to Low Pressure
Chemoreceptors monitor what substances Hydrogen, Pco2, Po2
Central Chemoreceptors in the Medulla monitor what PH in the CSF cause by changes in Pco2
Peripheral Chemoreceptors in Aortic and Carotid Arteries are stimulated by what Hydrogen and Respiratory Gases in the Blood
Ventral Respiratory Group (VRG) in quiet breathing VRG sends signals for Inspiration and Inhibits Expiration
Pontine Respiratory Centers are responsible for what Smooth and controlled breathing
Apnea Absence of breathing
CSF and proteins CSF does not have any proteins to buffer for PH changes ; CSF is continuously being changed by Lymph
The most important partial pressure in breathing rate Pco2
2 Factors that regulate airflow Pressure gradient and Restrictions or Obstructions
Calculation of Alveolar Ventilation TV minus Anatomic Dead Space multiplied by respiratory rate
Physiological Dead Space is Anatomical dead space added to the loss of any Alveoli
Anatomical Dead Space is Air that is not used as Respiratory gas exchange
HHb is what Deoxyhemoglobin
HbO2 Oxyhemoglobin
3 substances that are transported by Hemoglobin Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen
Hypoxemia Blood oxygen too low
Hypoxia Low oxygen levels in tissues
Location of the Choana Pharynx; is the opening to the pharynx from the nasal cavity.
Created by: scones and joe
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