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**Ballet Terms - 1**
Ballet 1 Vocabulary
Question | Answer |
Adage | slow, sustained movement |
À la quatrième derrière | to the 4th back |
À la quatrième devant | to the 4th front |
À la seconde | to the 2nd |
Allegro | brisk, lively movement |
Assemblé | to assemble |
Au Milieu | center practice |
Barre | side practice |
Battement Dégagé | to disengage |
Battement frappé | to strike |
Battement Tendu | to stretch |
Bras bas | low arms |
Chassé | to chase |
Cou de pied | neck of the foot |
Coupé | to cut |
Demi-plié | half bend |
Demi-seconde | half 2nd |
Échappé | to escape |
Elevé | to elevate |
En Diagonale | traveling from corner to corner in a diagonal line |
Étendre | to stretch |
Fondu | to melt |
Glissade | to glide |
Grand Allegro | big and lively |
Pas de Chat | step of the cat |
Petit Allegro | quick, lively combinations of jumps to develop speed |
Petit Battements | small beats |
Plier | to bend |
Port de Bras | carriage of the arms |
Relever | to rise |
Ronde de Jambe à Terre | round of the leg on the ground |
Sauté | to jump from two feet |
Soutenu | sustained |
Un | One |
Deux | Two |
Trois | Three |
Quatre | Four |
Cinq | Five |
Six | Six |
Sept | Seven |
Huit | Eight |
Neuf | Nine |
Dix | Ten |